Category Archives: COVID-19

UPDATED (10/11/021): Follow-Up: The ‘Democrats Ate Their Homework’ Argument

Argument, COVID-19, Crime, Democrats, Race, Racism, Republicans, South-Africa

The discussion continued, between David Vance and myself on video, about the denial-based  argument certain conservative keep making as to the root causes of black crime. And the vociferous, ditto-head reader response to my rebuttal of a logically flawed argument advanced by Candace Ownes that can be summed up as, “The Democrats Ate Their Homework.”

I wrote a column, 2 weeks back, harvested from Into the cannibal’s Pot,  my 2011 book, driving home the axiomatic truth about aggregate group differences in the propensity for violence. For example, East Asians such as the Chinese, Japanese and Taiwanese form relatively low-crime groups.

I wrote an entire book about this vexing issue of gratuitous violence in South Africa–unidirectional violence, mostly; ritualistic violence, violence for the sake of it and for the fun of it. Funny thing, the Democrats never came up in the causal analysis in South Africa.

The blame game Candice Owens effects, stateside, is “in essence—and without fail—that the Democrats made African-Americans do the crime. The Democrats are the provenance of all the ills of society.

More cynically, Owens’ argument can be summed up as, “Elect Republicans Again, And Your Woes Will Be A Thing Of The Past.” (How has that worked out for you, so far? Be honest. The duopoly is evil.)

All poppycock, obviously. Or, as a reader put it: “Candy and Captain Kirk are the ‘Controlled Opposition.’ The dumbed down opposition.”

Interestingly, the excuse-making industry in South Africa does a similar dance to Candace’s.

For the kinds of crimes that would make Shaka Zulu proud, excuse-makers in South Africa blamed the party of apartheid and apartheid.  (Or, as the Republicans always intone, “The Democrats are the real racists.”)

The trouble with South Africa’s excuse-makers is that the extent of such violence is way worse under democracy than it was under apartheid; crime is far worse under the ANC than the old National Party, which was blamed by the excuse-making industry for black violence.

The “Controlled Opposition,” in our case Candace Owens, openly advertises her bailiwick or shtick as turning blacks into Republicans. That is party-centric, simplistic thinking, the kind this writer has always eschewed in favor of principles, seeking the immutable truth.

Keeping the debate at the party-level—the GOP vs. the Dems—is unprincipled, tit-for-tat argument. It’s exactly what the Celebrity Media, left and right, want: Keep the people fixated not on their interests as individuals in thriving communities—on the  immutable truths necessary to achieve such interests—but on electing feckless, self-aggrandizing leaders who work for their own political aggrandizement.

No doubt, Democrats are dogs, but that dog didn’t eat the black community’s homework. And that dog of an idea won’t hunt.

*Image and caption courtesy The Penn Political Review

UPDATED (10/11/021): The structure of this typically Republican, Candice Owens-type “argument” is nailed by Richard Hanania. Accordingly blacks are justified in their skepticism of the Covid vaccine. The argument made by this Republican mouth cuts whites out completely; leaving them in the dark.

Peter McCullough On The Greatest Failure In American Medicine: COVID-19

COVID-19, Healthcare, Individualism Vs. Collectivism, Intelligence, Science, THE ELITES, The Establishment

Peter McCullough: The most brilliant, independent thinker on Covid19, speaks with the fluidity of a savant on the greatest failure in American medicine.

Group think gripping Americans, in general, institutionalized, intellectual atrophy and ineptness stopped doctors from doing what medicine had always done: come up with a combination of drugs to treat outpatients, and treat them early, so as to reduce hospitalizations and mortality.

Other than a few thinkers like this man and our friends at the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, Jane Orient’s org., and America’s Frontline Doctors, nobody could muster an original idea of how to put drugs together to treat the illness early. Not a single innovator, independent doctor, academic medical center; not the venerable NIH or CDC helped a single outpatient. Covid was so obviously treatable within the outpatient paradigm.

Nobody in the medical community (overrun by obedient authoritarian women worriers, not warriors) said, “Do the best you can for your patients with what you have.” If anything, early treatment was suppressed—globally—even criminalized, despite the immutable medical fact that just about every single disease does better when treated. “Wait until you can’t breathe, then go to the ER,” patients were instructed.

Medical maleficence!

Dr. McCullough has published over 40 peer-review papers on COVID alone.

Long version:

Abbreviated presentation:

MORE: “Pathophysiologic Rationale for Early Ambulatory Treatment for #COVID19 as an Emergency Response to the Pandemic.”

By The Numbers: The Biggest Losers From Covid-19

COVID-19, Economy, Healthcare, Labor, Populism

The Economist on “The biggest losers from covid-19,” by the numbers:

… death rate from covid-19 in the neighbourhood with the most essential workers was more than twice as high as in the one with the fewest. A study in California found that people of working age saw a 22% increase in mortality from March to October 2020. But bakers saw mortality rise by 50%, and line cooks by 60%. One class of people stayed home in their pyjamas; others went into workplaces that probably killed them.

“DURING THE pandemic one part of the workforce did not get to wear pyjamas during the day or join in marathon sessions of ‘Tiger King’. The people known as ‘key’, ‘frontline’ or ‘essential’ workers had to be in public spaces and often in close proximity with their colleagues. Many died. …”

“…Describing a worker as ‘key’ is an arbitrary exercise (the label covers most journalists, for example). It usually includes occupations necessary to meet everyone’s basic needs—food, heating and transport, not to mention health care. Most such jobs cannot be done from home….”

“…The pandemic has reminded key workers that without them society would grind to a halt. …”

“…A study in Toronto found that the death rate from covid-19 in the neighbourhood with the most essential workers was more than twice as high as in the one with the fewest. A study in California found that people of working age saw a 22% increase in mortality from March to October 2020. But bakers saw mortality rise by 50%, and line cooks by 60%. One class of people stayed home in their pyjamas; others went into workplaces that probably killed them.”


*Image courtesy The Economist

UPDATE III (5/7/021): NEW COLUMN: Killing Liberty: Could Vaccine Resisters Be WACO’d?

Constitution, COVID-19, Ethics, Individual Rights, Science

NEW COLUMN is “Killing Liberty: Could Vaccine Resisters Be WACO’d?” It is currently on WND.COM, The Unz Review, (slightly abridged) on,, and American Greatness.


Because of the natural mutation the clever little RNA strand undergoes—it is clear to anyone with a critical mind that the Covid vaccines will go the way of the flu vaccines: An annual affair if one chooses to make it so.

Choice, alas, is quickly becoming a quaint concept in Covid-compliant America.

Vaccine Passports

The possibility of a vaccine passport, a “certification of vaccination that reduces public-health restrictions for their carriers,” has been floated. Unfinessed, it amounts to, “Your Papers, bitte!”

While Fox’s Tucker Carlson did term the idea an Orwellian one—it took civil libertarian Glenn Greenwald, the odd-man-out among the authoritarian Left, to place the concept of a vaccine passport in proper perspective.

The popular TV host (and perhaps the only good thing on Fox News) had asked Greenwald if he felt a vaccine passport “would work to convince more Americans to get vaccinated.”

Judging a policy by its positive outcomes for the collective, rather than by whether it violates individual rights is utilitarianism. It is the rule among politicians and pundits.

“It doesn’t work”: How often have you heard those words used to describe grave rights violations? As if using coercion to decrease “vaccine hesitancy”—is ever a good reason for coercing vaccination! As if employing coercion to decrease “vaccine hesitancy” is ever an appropriate use of State or corporate power!

The Benthamite utilitarian calculus is thus rightly associated with a collectivist, central-planner’s impetus.

The Founding Fathers, conversely, held a Blackstonian view of the law as a bulwark against government abuses. Their take has since been supplanted by the notion of the law as an implement of government, to be utilized by all-knowing rulers for the “greater good.”
To his great credit, Sean Hannity did advance a rights-based argument against the vaccine-passport outrage: the individual right to privacy.

It fell, however, to Mr. Greenwald to take note of the three different ways in which the passports constitute a draconian invasion:

…Number one, coercing citizens to put a substance into their body that they don’t want in their body, a pretty grave invasion of bodily autonomy, one of the most fundamental rights we have. Secondly, gathering a new database that can track people in terms of their health, that can easily be expanded as government programs often do into a whole variety of other uses, and then thirdly, … restricting people’s movement. Freedom of movement is one of the most fundamental rights we have. It’s actually guaranteed in the Constitution.  …

Herd immunity will be arrived at eventually, stressed Greenwald. So, “why is it necessary to stigmatize [those choosing not to vaccinate] and create a caste system?”

Enter U.S. Sen. John Kennedy, a Republican with a highly-contrived Southern act and overwrought cracks.

The visibly disappointed Mr. Hannity was expecting an erudite, rights-based objection from the senator representing Louisiana. On the matter of vaccine compliance through coercion, Kennedy only dimmed the debate. To the question about vaccine passports, Kennedy answered with a non sequitur:

A vaccine passport would be “terribly unethical,” Kennedy croaked, and not because it would threaten an individual’s dominion over his body, but because, “Everybody does not yet have access to the vaccine.” …

… READ ON. NEW COLUMN is “Killing Liberty: Could Vaccine Resisters Be WACO’d?” It is currently on WND.COM, The Unz Review, (slightly abridged) on, and American Greatness.

UPDATED I (4/9):

Related, via David Vance: The Media (British and American) has become a “real and present menace” for refusing to critically and honestly report on Covid vaccines.


22-year-old Israeli girl dies after 2nd shot of vaccine.”

UPDATE II (4/12):

Jake • 2 days ago:

“It’s all about the money. Huge profits for the vaccine companies and with no liability of those companies. What a business model! Meanwhile no one tells people what they can do either to prevent Covid-19 or to treat it effectively if you do get it. Why the secrecy?

This is what works:… along with vitamin D and zinc; and if you are not obese, are fit and have no heart or lung issues, you will be fine.

The hysteria by the media and medical bureaucrats is criminal.

I’m actually a real doctor, graduated in 1973. You obviously are ignorant about virology and transmissibility. I practice overseas, not in America. The American system is so wedded to these unproven, experimental injections. You have no idea about enhanced autoimmune response or anaphylaxis that is occurring at the moment.”

UPDATE III (5/7/021): Masks outdoors?