Category Archives: Elections 2008

Update 3: Will The Real Slim Shady Please Stand Up?

Africa, Barack Obama, Elections 2008, Human Accomplishment, Multiculturalism, Race, The West

“The Obama organization now claims that [Pastor Wright’s] latest attacks on Obama prove that ‘he and Mr. Obama are not that close, otherwise why would Mr. Wright do this now? Au contraire. Hell hath no fury like a radical pastor scorned. Sen. Obama and Rev. Wright had been as tight as thieves for over two decades. When Obama got religion on the presidency, he began gradually turning his back on his spiritual counselor. Being an unconventional Christian animated by anger, Wright has refused to turn the other cheek.”

“For the duration of their 23-year relationship, Obama considered Wright a mentor and a mensch. No color should be given to the claim that Obama didn’t know and love the real Wright.”

“To paraphrase the rapper Eminem’s hit song: So will the real Slim Shady and his sassy lady please stand up?”

That and more in my new column, “Will The Real Slim Shady Please Stand Up?

Update: CNN’s Roland S. Martin, whom I mentioned in “Will The Real Slim Shady Please Stand Up?”, has responded to the column. I am not convinced the “be blessed” sign-off is all that sincere. My reply follows. Here’s Mr. Martin’s letter:

How culturally ignorant are you?

I read your column and talk about silly.

First, I was wearing an African formal outfit, which is the same one I have on the cover of my new book. I prefer to wear those rather than tuxedos to such events. If you choose to characterize it, do it correctly. Second, it was never intended for me to go on television. I was at the event because I had hosted their town hall meeting the previous day. But I’m not at all ashamed to wear my African outfit, and plan to do so again.

Second, you owe Soledad an apology. She was wearing a white blouse and a black skirt. If you want to show your cultural ignorance by criticizing me, go right ahead. But at least have the common sense to look at a woman on television and get her clothes right. Or maybe get yourself a new TV.

Be blessed,

Roland S. Martin
Author, “Listening to the Spirit Within: 50 Perspectives on Faith”
Syndicated columnist, Creators Syndicate
TV One Commentator
Host, “The Roland S. Martin Show”
WVON-AM/1690, Chicago
Weekdays, 6am to 9 am CST
CNN Contributor

ILANA replies:

Dear Roland,

I appreciate the response to my WorldNetDaily column, “Will The Real Slim Shady Please Stand Up?” And I do have an old TV.

Still, you have to admit that my sartorial misreading (compounded by my old TV set) does not quite explain your lack of critical analysis of the Reverend’s performance. (The comment by Reverend Ray on my blog fills in more gaps.)

Blessings to you too,

Ilana Mercer
Author, Broad Sides: One Woman’s Clash with a Corrupt Culture
Director of Development, The Jerusalem Institute for Market Studies,

Update 2: The private conversations with Mr. Martin turned productive and even pleasant (I’m pleased to say that most of my exchanges with reasonable people end this way).

Note that I’ve never attacked Wright on the political issues he raises. I agree with very many of the things the Reverend protests against, not least the war in Iraq and our atom-bomb war crimes (which have been debated on this blog, here).

But I reject Wright’s premise: He curses and blames white people, white government, and endemic racism for all ills. His animus toward Western culture, whose avid defender I am, is what makes him so odious.

Where does Wright think the distinctly Western ideas of human rights— the dignity of the individual and the respect for diversity—come from? Africa? They are all outgrowths of the Enlightenment, uniquely western. Not African; western. As you see, my revulsion at Wright and his ilk goes much deeper than the beefs conservatives have with him—that he dared damn the US government in its thuggish ways.

What repulses me about people like Wright is the manner in which they slam the West while using its tradition. The ideas of individual rights and the dignity of mankind are the product of the fertile minds of the pale, patriarchal, penis people: white men!

Another thought occurred to me: Wright’s style is more in the tradition of the Hebrew prophets than the Christian preacher. But even that kind comparison does violence to the magnificent prophets of the Hebrew Testament. They railed against The People—the stiff-necked Hebrews. They beat on their own people mercilessly for their sins. Wright doesn’t rouse his people; he sics them on others—teaches them to hate whites and blame them for black inadequacies.

Perhaps Jews became so self-propelled because, if a Jewish boy didn’t have a Jewish mother after him nagging him to become the best peddler or Talmudist in the village, he had a fire-breathing prophet huffing down his neck, shaming him into uprightness.

Update 3 (May 4): With reference to David Szasz’ interesting (and long) post hereunder, as I pointed out earlier this year, there’s another member of the unholy trinity who even better epitomizes the Manchurian Candidate. Think a former POW who was brainwashed by communists to betray–even kill–his own? Hmmm…

Updated: Elections Fatigue (& A Shout-Out To An Anti-Politician)

America, Education, Elections 2008, Individualism Vs. Collectivism, Media, Taxation

What’s there to say about the interminable electioneering we’re being subjected to? I have less and less to say by the day.

For one, the candidates do not represent me or uphold my rights. If anything; they promise to violate them. The Hillary-Hussein-McCain unholy trinity caters in one way or another to the burgeoning American welfariate.

I’m also repulsed by the unchecked chauvinism of the elections coverage. Not a word about world events have I heard in weeks, perhaps months. America’s pathological, election-time self-absorption makes a mockery of the idea that the US is suited to lead the world. Shouldn’t a world leader take an interest in the world?

I believe the last debate between Hillary and Barack was actually worth watching if only for the performance of a journalist whom I’ve praised in the past: Charles Gibson. Gibson actually flouted the common consensus about his job description and asked the messiah some tough questions. He has a pattern of such subversion.

Alas, by that time, I was so thoroughly fatigued, I failed to watch.

Let me take the time, however, to give a shout-out to an anti-politician: Actor Wesley Snipes, who “was sentenced to three years in prison for a “history of contempt over a period of time” for U.S. tax laws.” Snipes got bad legal advice, but he’s a hero for acting on his contempt for legalized theft.

Update (April 26): MSM, which is seldom to be trusted, keeps reporting that the American people cannot tolerate the scrappy competition between Hillary and Barack. We are led to believe that, as I put it, Americans are so delicate they cannot stomach “a vigorous race for the highest office in the land because it is, well, vigorous.”

Presuming this is true and Americans are as soft as MSM portrays them—at least the ones that aren’t brewing with bitterness and bigotry and doodling with guns—why do you think this is so?

Could it be that the emphasis in schools on cooperative as opposed competitive endeavors—on the girlie over the boyish mindset—has something to do with it? The fact that everyone gets a prize at school for something, rather than for winning or being the best—could this be a factor in crippling the competitive spirit?

If the media is to be believed, Americans will soon be assuming the fetal position and whimpering in the corner if Hill and B. Hussein don’t stop exchanging barbs.


Updated: Elections Fatigue (& A Shout-Out To An Anti-Politician)

America, Education, Elections 2008, Individualism Vs. Collectivism, Media, Taxation

What’s there to say about the interminable electioneering we’re being subjected to? I have less and less to say by the day.

For one, the candidates do not represent me or uphold my rights. If anything; they promise to violate them. The Hillary-Hussein-McCain unholy trinity caters in one way or another to the burgeoning American welfariate.

I’m also repulsed by the unchecked chauvinism of the elections coverage. Not a word about world events have I heard in weeks, perhaps months. America’s pathological, election-time self-absorption makes a mockery of the idea that the US is suited to lead the world. Shouldn’t a world leader take an interest in the world?

I believe the last debate between Hillary and Barack was actually worth watching if only for the performance of a journalist whom I’ve praised in the past: Charles Gibson. Gibson actually flouted the common consensus about his job description and asked the messiah some tough questions. He has a pattern of such subversion.

Alas, by that time, I was so thoroughly fatigued, I failed to watch.

Let me take the time, however, to give a shout-out to an anti-politician: Actor Wesley Snipes, who “was sentenced to three years in prison for a “history of contempt over a period of time” for U.S. tax laws.” Snipes got bad legal advice, but he’s a hero for acting on his contempt for legalized theft.

Update (April 26): MSM, which is seldom to be trusted, keeps reporting that the American people cannot tolerate the scrappy competition between Hillary and Barack. We are led to believe that, as I put it, Americans are so delicate they cannot stomach “a vigorous race for the highest office in the land because it is, well, vigorous.”

Presuming this is true and Americans are as soft as MSM portrays them—at least the ones that aren’t brewing with bitterness and bigotry and doodling with guns—why do you think this is so?

Could it be that the emphasis in schools on cooperative as opposed competitive endeavors—on the girlie over the boyish mindset—has something to do with it? The fact that everyone gets a prize at school for something, rather than for winning or being the best—could this be a factor in crippling the competitive spirit?

If the media is to be believed, Americans will soon be assuming the fetal position and whimpering in the corner if Hill and B. Hussein don’t stop exchanging barbs.


Updated: Obama Slimes Small Town America

America, Barack Obama, Elections 2008, Individual Rights, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim

As Huffington Post reporter Mayhill Fowler tells it, at first, she didn’t want to report what she’d heard from the mouth of the messiah.

“I was not initially going to write about Senator Obama’s remarks about Pennsylvanians. Because, frankly, I didn’t want to bring down the campaign,” Fowler told CNN’s Kitty Pilgrim (one of the few sane women on that channel).

Then she thought better of it: “I gave it more thought and I decided that the remarks bothered me enough that I wanted to write them up.”

Fowler follows Obama around in her capacity as a roving reporter. Here’s what she overheard and recorded, as Obama attempted to “explain” rural Pennsylvania to “a group of his wealthier Golden State backers at a San Francisco fund-raiser last Sunday”:

“You go into some of these small towns in Pennsylvania, and like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing’s replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton Administration, and the Bush Administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

Against the clucking and cooing of the Obama groupies at CNN (also known as “the best political team”), William Schneider, CNN Senior Political Analyst, and a rarity on that channel for rendering an objective, unbiased, close analysis, said this:

“Well, it’s certainly true that a lot of voters are angry and bitter over the war, over trade, over the economy. But he got into trouble for one precise reason, and that is because he said that people turn to religion and guns, by which I assume he means things like hunting, and that they criticize trade and illegal immigration because they are bitter and frustrated with their lives. Now that’s a causal assertion: religion, guns, and criticism of trade and illegal immigration because they are bitter and frustrated with their lives. (My emphasis)

Schneider continued:

“A lot of voters are going to find that statement untrue and insulting to their values and condescending. So I think to be fair we have to hear a fuller explanation from Senator Obama of what he meant. Maybe an explanation and maybe an apology would be in order. But we need to hear more about what was his intention in making that causal statement.”

In response, the Obama campaign spokesman, Tommy Vietor, changed the subject:

“Senator Obama has said many times in this campaign that Americans are understandably upset with their leaders in Washington for saying anything to win elections while failing to stand up for [sic] the special interests and fight for an economic agenda that will bring jobs and opportunity back to struggling communities. If John McCain wants a debate about who is out of touch with the American people, we can start by talking about the tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans that he once said offended his conscience but now he wants to make permanent.”

As Schneider then pointed out (in the face of the furrowed faces of his CNN female colleagues) that the Obama response fails to explain “the assertion that people’s bitterness and frustration are causing them to turn to religion and anti-trade sentiment and criticism of illegal immigrants… a lot of people are going to find that condescending and insulting.”

Let me depart from Schneider, who asked merely that Obama furnish “a fuller explanation.”

What you just heard was Obama unplugged. This is the real Obama. Why would anyone who cares about truth want an apology or a retraction? Obama finessing his visceral alienation from authentic America is Obama lying. Why would anyone wish to be lied to? Obama saying he’s sorry is Obama simply vowing to keep a lid on his disdain for traditional patriotic Americans, so that the high farce of electioneering can continue.

This value judgment, like the saga of Rev. Wright, is extremely significant for what it tells us about who Obama is and what he disdains: guns and God—not the God of Rev. Wright, but the God white, rural, gun-toting America carriers close to its heart.

Update (April 13): I notice a tone of contempt for rural, economically unsuccessful Americans has crept into a comment below. The pejorative “Archie Bunkers” for this segment of the population is of a piece with Obama’s slamming of the same people. There is no difference between such comments from my valued reader and the stance of contempt toward “Those People” taken by Obama—the observations are coming from the same “place,” except that our commentator is an economic conservative.

Here’s the issue that utterly evades most who’ve been making light of Obama’s bad-mouthing of God-fearing, white, rural, gun-toting America: These Reagan Democrats or protectionist Republicans are first and foremost wedded to God, guns, and small-town existence. Their lack of success and adaptation—looked down upon by my valued commentator—is secondary to who they are. Obama’s attack was leveled not at their failure to adapt economically—that’s government’s shortfall, in his worldview. Obama assailed these people for their “outrageous” fealty to a God that is not his (I remind you, I am irreligious, but sympathetic to faith), and affinity for their own (they dislike the invasion of their country).

Conservative or left-liberal, if you’re with Obama—justifying his viscerally hateful comments—you’ve been indoctrinated in a hatred of the people of this country (and I don’t mean the new-arrivals).