Category Archives: Foreign Policy

WATCH & SUBSCRIBE To HARD TRUTH: The Best Primer On Russia, Ukraine And NATO

America, Democracy, Europe, Foreign Policy, History, Republicans, Russia, THE ELITES, War

With central and eastern Europe being swallowed up progressively by the NATO alliance, Russia has legitimate security concerns. Abutting its border, Russia will soon have to endure all NATO members carrying out military maneuvers. And as we know so well, NATO and its paymaster, America, would never-ever dream of regime change. It’s not like the US (which controls NATO) has done regime change before, right? David and ilana take you back to the 1990s, when it all began, except, that back then, leadership such as that of Reagan and Gorbachev understood what was at stake, and worked against Cold War and toward détente.

The best primer to what’s unfolding today between Russia, Ukraine and NATO members:

SUBSCRIBE TO HARD TRUTH With David Vance & myself HERE:

For A Fleeting Moment, Warbots On All Networks Were All Turned On

America, Democracy, Democrats, Foreign Policy, Homeland Security, IMMIGRATION, Reason, Republicans, Terrorism

Warbots on all the cable networks were turned on, when America had bombed someone in Syria. From Fox News to CNN to MSNBC—it was all just dandy. As usual, no serious questions were asked.

According to a US official quoted by AFP and Axios, al-Qurayshi blew himself up with a suicide vest during the US raid. The blast killed him and members of his family, including women and children, the source said.

The US president’s announcement came a few hours after the Pentagon confirmed its midnight “counterterrorism operation,” which targeted a house in Atmeh. Local residents told AP that multiple helicopters were involved, and explosions and machine gun fire could be heard.

Syrian media has reported that 13 people, including six children, were killed, and that the number of victims is expected to increase since some people remain under the debris following the raid. However, there has been no word of any civilian casualties in either Biden’s or the US military’s statements.

Democrats are crashing like never before. Could they have wagged the dog? Never. It’s not like American governments have ever externalized their domestic problems, meddled in affairs not their own, murdered and waged wars for naught.

And, if and when they do, it’s always “for the children, the children; for our values, our values; for democracy, democracy.” The Sheeple stateside all know these mantras and echo them without thought.

After all, we’re the good guys. And if good guys kill and maim and wage wars — why then, those causes are just. WRONG. And by the way, reasoning backwards is an error (if B then A is wrong in logic). , we say Besides, killing is sexy. Must be awful to be an Arab or even a Russian living in Russia—knowing you could get wasted or invaded on an American whim. (Hence Putin’s resolve to not let that happen.)

According to a US official quoted by AFP and Axios, al-Qurayshi blew himself up with a suicide vest during the US raid. The blast killed him and members of his family, including women and children, the source said.

The US president’s announcement came a few hours after the Pentagon confirmed its midnight “counterterrorism operation,” which targeted a house in Atmeh. Local residents told AP that multiple helicopters were involved, and explosions and machine gun fire could be heard.

Syrian media has reported that 13 people, including six children, were killed, and that the number of victims is expected to increase since some people remain under the debris following the raid. However, there has been no word of any civilian casualties in either Biden’s or the US military’s statements.


Beware The Values Cudgel

What Ivanka Wants, Ivanka Gets

Truman Would Have Agreed With Trump On The CIA In Syria

Lies About Putin, Syria & The Alawite Alliance

Iraq Liars And Deniers: We Knew Then What We Know Now

TRUTH: Ukrainian Lobbying Is To Blame For Overheated Atmosphere; Not Biden

America, Argument, Conservatism, Democrats, Economy, Foreign Policy, Globalism, Military, Republicans, Russia

Breitbart: “After Destroying America’s Economy Biden Now Destroying Foreign Economies.

That bit of Breitbart reporting attests to the fact that conservatives would rather score political points against the opposition, Joe Biden, in the tit-for-tat manner that typifies our impoverished political discourse, than TELL THE TRUTH.

THE TRUTH: Ukrainians are tireless and wily lobbyists in Washington and way more cunning than their American counterparts. Like lobbyists for wars in the Middle East; they play Americans for the fools they are. Biden is not responsible for the overheated atmosphere in Ukraine, the one Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky now wishes he could dial back; Ukrainian activists and politicians have brought us this far. Ukrainians energetically lobby the EU, too.

ONE-SIDED NONSENSE via Breitbart: After Destroying America’s Economy Biden Now Destroying Foreign Economies.” This idiotic advocacy from Breitbart is as sub-intelligent as anything that CNN emits. Ukraine agitated for foreign intervention. It almost got it. Now the corrupt enterprise that is Ukraine is regretting the exercise. Biden has actually said, “There is not going to be any American forces moving into Ukraine.

MORE. AND HERE & “Ukraine’s Relentless Lobbyists Take to Congress: How a few Washington firms are seeking to put the U.S. on collision course with Russia.”

Except the Ukrainian lobbyists beat the Russian lobbyists, since America has settled into propagandized hatred of Russia.

NEW COLUMN: Neocons, Neolibs And NATO Inch Us Closer To Nuclear War With Russia

Barack Obama, Bush, Ethics, Foreign Policy, Military, Nationalism, Neoconservatism

NEW COLUMN is “Neocons, Neolibs And NATO Inch Us Closer To Nuclear War With Russia.” It is currently on WND.COM, The Unz Review, The New American, and

An excerpt:

… Although Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev, who understood and feared nuclear weapons, thought they had ended the frightful Cold War, by the early 1990s, Bill Clinton had ignited it. It all began … with President Clinton expanding NATO and bombing a Russian ally, Serbia. Although Bush Sr. had cast Russia as a defeated power beholden to America; Clinton amplified this characterization. Russia to these leaders had become a “vassal state.” Bush II, for his part, had flooded Russia with waves of “Democracy promoting” agitators. In a word, it is the US that has meddled in Russia in an attempt to make it over in its image.

So, why is the new cold war so much more dangerous? As Stephen Cohen had explained in his voluminous work on the topic, we have been raised without nuclear war awareness. In swallowing up countries and pitting them up against Russia, NATO, moreover, has been has moved the epicenter of any putative conflict to Russian borders. Whereas proxy wars used to take pace in Africa (Angola, for instance); now these are ongoing closer to Russia—in Syria, Georgia and Ukraine, increasing the likelihood of conflict.

After the Cuban missile crisis, cooperation ensued, as the crisis awoke both sides to the dangers of a war to end all wars. Since then, however, nearly all cooperation with Russia has stopped. Talks have stalled, treaties have not been revived as they ought to have—although President Joe Biden’s administration must be commended for renewing the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty between the US and Russia, lapsed under Trump. And both sides are developing “usable nuclear weapons,” which is Orwellian speak for working to make nuclear war more user-friendly, as though that were morally acceptable or practically possible.

Scurrilous catalysts of a Cold War redux are the CIA, the FBI, the Defense Department and the alphabet soup of intelligence agencies, all proven to be malign, politicized forces in recent conflicts and wars, engaged in expedient myth-making. They cooked up the Russiagate libel, and actively crafted the “myth propagated by elements of the US intelligence community that Putin is attempting to subvert American democracy.”  “The reverence with which some liberals greet pronouncements made by today’s intelligence chiefs is in sharp contrast to their past critiques of the malevolence and misinformation spread by” the intelligence community, notes Irish historian Geoffrey Roberts.

A read through the fevered briefs produced by America’s once-venerable intelligence agencies reveals that these are artsy concoctions scribbled by girls like Lisa Page and Peter Strzok, whose personal correspondence is a portmanteau of hysteria and hate: “F–k the cheating motherf—ing Russians. Bastards. I hate them.”

A not-so-silent Greek chorus are America’s media, ever tuned-out, turned-on and hot for war. Having shed all fidelity to fact and truth, media, the likes of the New York Times and the Washington Post, inch Russia and America ever closer to conflict by constantly lying about and libeling Russia. Rumors for which no evidence can possibly be adduced are regularly recounted as facts in newsrooms that now function as rumor mills. …

… READ THE REST. NEW COLUMN is “Neocons, Neolibs And NATO Inch Us Closer To Nuclear War With Russia.” It is currently on WND.COM, The Unz Review, The New American, and