Category Archives: Foreign Policy

HEADLINES To Heed In Aftermath Of Election 2020. And A Message From 2024 Trump-Tucker Ticket

Democracy, Democrats, Elections, Ethics, Foreign Policy, Liberty, Morality, Politics, Technology, War


REMEMBER GOP: “The Republican party did not carry 71,000,000+ votes … President Trump did…

Matt Gaetz speaks … “Biden may import domestic policy of The Squad and the foreign policy of Dick Cheney”

“Conservatives flock to Parler … #1 downloaded app…” [I’ll be signing up, soon. I’m on Gab.]

“Ken Starr: What Pennsylvania did a ‘lawless act’”

Third world stuff in Michigan…”

Fox News refuses to carry Trump press briefing…

A message to dissident America from Tucker Carlson (of the 2024 Trump-Tucker-ticket):

UPDATED (10/30): NEW COLUMN: We ‘Lizard Brains’ Love Our POTUS—Kvetching COVID Joe Must GO!

COVID-19, Democrats, Donald Trump, Elections, Foreign Policy, Israel, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Racism, War

NEW COLUMN is “We ‘Lizard Brains’ Love Our POTUS—Kvetching COVID Joe Must GO!” It is currently on WND.COM, the Unz ReviewNAEBC and

An excerpt:

In 2016, Hillary Clinton called Trump voters Deplorables.

The year 2020 finds Jon Meacham likening us to lizard brains. Meacham, one of the left’s favorite historians, mused that white America has retreated into unthinking limbic mode.

A patrician from Texas, an oil man, responded politely, on Martha MacCallum’s Fox News show: “If putting food on my family’s table and worrying about my employees makes me a lizard brain, then call me iguana.”

Iguanas-cum-deplorables are with Trump, and he with them. And he, President Donald J. Trump, is leaving everything he’s got on the battlefield.

Trump is not merely showing up, standing prone, looking out nervously upon a few oddly encircled, masked supporters, as his rival, Joe Biden, is doing.

Oh, no! Be it in Bullhead City or Goodyear, Arizona, or Circleville, Ohio, or Lansing, Michigan—Trump has been turning in the kind of performances that come from the heart, cocking a snook at the media establishment, while throwing himself into each and every rally with as much joy, exuberance and optimism as went into the rally before and the one to follow.

Here is a president who loves the thousands upon thousands of constituents who cling to him, to their guns and their God. He draws his strength from them, and engages in repartee with them.

America will … be the first … to land an astronaut on Mars … maybe we will make that a woman,” taunted POTUS, in Arizona.

“Make it Nancy Pelosi,” came a retort from the crowd. Trump thought this was peaches: “Who said that? That’s pretty good. Stand up, please. Look at this guy. That’s pretty good,” came the president’s happy-warrior reply.

Breaking protocol with the colluding quislings of cable news, Michael Smerconish, a CNN commentator, could not contain his admiration for the president’s energy and stamina, following the commander-in-chief’s bout with COVID, as he charged headlong into battleground states. The anchor gushed spontaneously about the four rallies a day POTUS has been putting on: Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin, Florida, on and on, while Biden tiptoed in and out of the basement.

While Trump riffs easily about football with His People; “Sleepy Joe” carries on about COVID, which is a bit of a downer, wouldn’t you say?

“We’re not living with it; we’re dying with it. We’re not profiting from it; we’re croaking from it,” he keeps yelling.

(Actually, the Bidens are profiting handsomely. “Sleepy Joe’s” experience as a “blue-collar” type was short-lived. Once he headed for the fleshpots of Washington, D.C., Biden, it would appear, morphed into an oligarch. By the looks of it, he parleyed his political influence into a wealth-making juggernaut.)

If Biden’s miserable message works, America is no longer America. …

… READ THE REST. NEW COLUMN is “We ‘Lizard Brains’ Love Our POTUS—Kvetching COVID Joe Must GO!” It is currently on WND.COM, the Unz Review, NAEBC, and 

UPDATE (10/30):

Another money moment from President Trump about the lockdown of the country: In Michigan, for example, only the husband of Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is allowed out of the house.

Russian Interference? How About American ‘Color Revolutions’ The World Over?

Argument, Conservatism, Democracy, Democrats, Foreign Policy, Globalism, Law, Neoconservatism, Race, Racism, Republicans

Regime change abroad is not the purview of the Deep State alone; it’s the practice of the American State, Republican and Democratic administrations:

… both the National Democratic Institute and the International Republican Institute “are chartered to promote democracy abroad with [ostensibly] nonpartisan training and election monitoring.” “Loosely affiliated with the Republican and Democratic Parties,” these institutes “were created by Congress and are financed through the National Endowment for Democracy, which was set up in 1983 to channel grants for promoting democracy in developing nations.”

As an example, take “The Adventures Of America’s Alinskyites in Egypt,” detailed in my 2012 column. Americans were outraged when Egypt expelled US nationals for fomenting regime change. Egypt was right:

The Egyptian Justice Ministry, under the authority of the military council, has detained and indicted 19 American democracy activists. To listen to the malfunctioning media stateside, however, the Egyptians are being petty, picking a fight with their American benefactors for “operating in Egypt without a license.” Or, if you want “expert” opinion, courtesy of, the Egyptian plan to prosecute these “Americans and two dozen others” “is more over the future of U.S. aid to Egypt and who controls it.”


Now, Darren J. Beattie, former Trump speech writer (who should have been kept on, if the Right had any moral courage), unsparingly reminds us of the American “Color Revolution” policy. His thinking is refreshingly original, the likes of which one doesn’t often see coming out of conservative quarters, where the same talking points are constantly recycled.

(To wit, on the same Tucker Carlson show, Candace Owens provided recycled boilerplate to the effect that the US is not in a race war, and that black violence is the doing of the Democrats. Untrue. There is most certainly a racial offensive against whites, to which conservatives can’t give expression. Irrespective of the Democrats’ undeniable agitation and incitement, this enthnocidal aggression against whites would persist.)

Essentially, Beattie empirically and analytically connected the US-launched “Color Revolutions” with the “lawfare” coups against Trump. I like the “lawfare” term Beattie has coinded. Nicely done.

Note: Beattie imputes “Color Revolutions” to the “US Government,” not merely to Democrat-run administrations. 


There is no purer embodiment of Revolver’s thesis that the very same regime change professionals who run Color Revolutions on behalf of the US Government in order to undermine or overthrow alleged “authoritarian” governments overseas, are running the very same playbook to overturn Trump’s 2016 victory and to pre-empt a repeat in 2020. To put it simply, what you see is not just the same Color Revolution playbook run against Trump, but the same people using it against Trump who have employed it in a professional capacity against targets overseas—same people same playbook.


1807 Insurrection Act Was Good Enough For T. Jefferson. So, Bring It.

Constitution, Crime, Federalism, Foreign Policy, Founding Fathers, Law, States' Rights

Face it. The US Constitution is a dead letter. The American Constitutional scheme—federalism—exists only in as much as to allow outlaws within and without government to hurt the law-abiding.

No other than Thomas Jefferson, an august constitutional authority if ever there was one, passed the 1807 Insurrection Act.

“Jefferson, to his credit, says I’m not going to act unless the Constitution says I can act,” says Fea. “The Federalists take a much broader view of the Constitution. If the Constitution doesn’t outright condemn it, then it’s OK.”

Jefferson stuck to his principles and in December of 1806 asked Congress to pass a bill “authorising the emploiment of the land or Naval forces of the US. in cases of insurrection.” This legislation, known as the Insurrection Act, would take another three months to become law.

Do it, Mr. President. Better late than never. Quell these bloody riots. Some skulls need cracking.

It was early in June that POTUS promised to protect American life, liberty and property forsaken, by invoking the 1807 Insurrection Act. Oh yes, “There’s this long tradition of” deploying the military to protect only countries the US invades, so this would be a departure from the imperial tradition.

Now, amid the razzmatazz of the Republican National Conference (RNC), being floated again is the idea of invoking the Insurrection Act to perform the negative duties of saving American lives and livelihoods. “Idea”? It’s more like a constitutional obligation hitherto ignored.

The police, whose first duty is to uphold the negative rights of the citizens, appear to believe they serve not the citizens but local mob bosses like Seattle’s mayor, Jenny Durkan, and her crooked police chief, Carmen Best. The latter, who seems to worry more about the weave on her head and eyelashes than about the working people of the city, commanded her compliant and cowardly police officers to desert their posts and the people they swore to protect.

READ: “Bring In The Feds! Protection Of Natural Rights Trumps Federalism