Category Archives: Foreign Policy

The Old Left Loves Trump’s North-Korea Peace Initiative, Mocks Mad Max Boot & Jennifer Rubin

Conservatism, Donald Trump, Foreign Policy, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Neoconservatism, Old Right, War

Neoconservatives, on the one hand, and neoliberals, on the other, are both united in war. Each faction, respectively, is what passes for Right and Left, these days.

Like the authentic Old Right, the authentic, Old Left used to be enthusiastic about peace, and not war.

It is in this older tradition that Tim Shorrock of The Nation praises the “Historic Korean Summit” and condemns “US Pundits for Reacting With Horror.”

“They were spinning the meeting, and Kim Jong-un’s outreach in particular, as a dangerous event,” he mocks:

April 27, 2018, was a historic day for Korea, and for the millions of people on both sides of that tragically divided peninsula. In a meticulously planned event, Kim Jong-un, the 34-year-old hereditary dictator of North Korea, stepped carefully over the border running through the truce village of Panmunjom and clasped hands with Moon Jae-in, the democratically elected president of South Korea.

Kim’s action marked the start of a remarkable day in which the two nations “solemnly declared” an end to the Korean War, which ripped the country apart from 1950 to 1953. “When you crossed the military border for the first time, Panmunjom became a symbol of peace, not a symbol of division,” said Moon, the son of two North Korean refugees who fled south in 1950. A former student activist and human-rights lawyer who was chief of staff to former president Roh Moo-hyun, Moon ran for office in 2017 on a pledge to make that moment of reconciliation possible.

Over the next few hours, accompanied by top aides and diplomats, generals and intelligence chiefs, the Korean leaders discussed an agreement that would lead to what they both described as the “complete denuclearization” of the peninsula. The two also “affirmed the principle of determining the destiny of the Korean nation on their own accord,” a signal to both the United States and China that the days of great-power intervention in their divided country may be waning. …

… “Yada, yada, yada,” the perennial hawk Max Boot wrote disparagingly in The Washington Post about the “Korea summit hype,” adding that “there is very little of substance here.” Similar hot takes were offered by Nicholas Kristof and Nicholas Eberstadt in The New York Times, Jennifer Rubin in The Washington Post, Robin Wright in The New Yorker, and Michael O’Hanlon in The Hill. Their doubts were repeated and amplified as gospel by the usual critics on cable TV.

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Speaking About WMD In Iran: Did You Know About The WMD-Filled Swimming Pools Of Brazil? It’s True.

Foreign Policy, Iran, Military, War, WMD

BY Myron Pauli

Iran is a very weak nation and there are far less Shiites than Sunnis yet America’s warmongers act as if there are five million Iranians poised to blitzkrieg into Columbus, OH, and Denver CO on a moment’s notice.

If there is a “worldwide aggressor” – I will give you a few hints:

[1] I wonder which  COUNTRY spends as much on its military as the rest of the world combined.

[2] I wonder which  COUNTRY stations forces in every continent, in over 140 countries.

[3] I wonder which  COUNTRY is the only nation to have ever dropped atomic weapons on civilians. (A subtle hint is in “White Light, Black Rain: The Destruction Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki.”)

[4] I wonder which  COUNTRY is currently fighting wars in N countries, many of which are clandestine wars.

[5] I wonder which  COUNTRY was called “the greatest purveyor of violence in the world” by the revered Martin Luther King Jr.

But this paranoia is nothing new:

We have seen Mexican land invasions, galleons of Spain off the Atlantic coast, numerous aggressive attacks by the Austro-Hungarian Empire on American civilians, destroyers attacked by North Vietnamese radar blips, civilian airliners attacking Vincennes “supersonically,” “nuclear tipped cruise missiles from Iran,” Yugoslavian genocide, Qaddafi “genocide,” 18 consecutive years of Taliban attacks on America ….

Hell – let’s start MORE WARS. And while we are at it, did you know that there are swimming Pools in Sao Paulo, Brazil – which means they have chlorine which was the first chemical weapon and, given that WMDs are WMDs – it is time we got ahead of this and dropped some nukes on Brazil before it is too late (Munich! Munich! Munich!).

Here’s an idea: Why don’t these damn warmongers put their tushes where their mouth is, and go over to Iran by themselves and start a guerrilla movement?

Pictorial proof (aerial) that Spanish galleon are speeding toward—could it be?—the USA.


Myron Pauli grew up in Sunnyside Queens, went off to college in Cleveland and then spent time in a mental institution in Cambridge MA (MIT) with Benjamin Netanyahu (did not know him), and others until he was released with the “hostages” and Jimmy Carter on January 20, 1981, having defended his dissertation in nuclear physics. Most of the time since, he has worked on infrared sensors, mainly at Naval Research Laboratory in Washington DC. He was NOT named after Ron Paul but is distantly related to physicist Wolftgang Pauli; unfortunately, only the “good looks” were handed down and not the brains. He writes assorted song lyrics and essays reflecting his cynicism and classical liberalism. Click on the “BAB’s A List” category to access the Pauli archive.

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UPDATED (5/8): Did You Know That ‘We Have A President Who Is … Committed To Regime Change’ In Iran?

Donald Trump, Foreign Policy, Iran, Iraq, Neoconservatism

“We have a president who is as committed to regime change as we are. Confronting Iran is more important than an Israeli-Palestinian deal.”

Those were the verbatim words of Rudolph W. Giuliani, May 5, 2018.

What a gem old Rudy Giuliani is proving to be! Just as good, mind you, as all the president’s men and women are proving to be. (Not!)

I do like John Kelly, though. He seems a quality individual. Alas, he’s being threatened with termination by the Ivanka-run faction of the White House.

Giuliani said this stuff while pandering to a group of Iranian dissidents (whose aim is to Make Iran Great Again).

Iraqi dissidents—the same kind of people bending Rudy’s ear on Iran—pushed the Bush Administration to war on Iraq. Yet people kibitz only about the Israeli lobby. What about all the other lobbies?

Ultimately, remember that it’s the American government, stupid. Our representatives, over decades, are the ones who’ve capitulated to foreign interests, selling out Americans and their interests.

Where there is a forsaking of the duty to put America First—blame the US government; not the lobbyists who try and get a good deal for their people.

Failure to hold our government responsible for not putting our interests first is our fault.

UPDATE (5/8):

IAEA says Iran has no WMD. It was right about Iraq. We didn’t listen.

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Secular Syrian Patriot Tells The Anglo-American-Saudi-Qatari Axis Of Evil TO GET OUT OF HIS COUNTRY.

Britain, Donald Trump, Foreign Policy, Middle East, Neoconservatism, War, WMD

Thank heavens for some news channels who still cover hefty news, even if it’s news a la the imperialist, neoconservative, BBC News.

Instead of listening to dumb, young bimbos on CNN, Fox News and MSNBC, squeak their “geopolitics” nonsensical insights like chipmunks, one can hear the brilliant Fares Shehabi, representative for Aleppo, Syria. On BBC News.

Shehabi smacks BBC’s Hardtalk anchor—beats him in every argument possible. It transpired that the venerated BBC News, just like America’s sub-intelligent news organizations, still considers a famous fraud—one 7-year-old Syrian girl named Bana al-Abed, with a managed Twitter account—to be a serious news source. Via the New Yorker:

Bana’s English video statements often have a scripted quality, as if she is being coached by her mother to communicate her thoughts in a language that she is only beginning to learn. Once, Fatemah posted a video of Bana traipsing through rubble; her guileless face and long pigtails, cinched with pink bows, presented a shocking, cinematic, and seemingly deliberate contrast to the devastation around her. Such moments have invited skeptics to question how, for example, Fatemah charges her phone to post videos when electricity lines so rarely function in her part of Aleppo.  …

MP Shehabi tells the Anglo-American-Saudi-Qatari axis of pure evil, and their UN white hats and Jihadi recruits the world over—the men John McCain takes pics with and calls “moderates”—TO GET THE HELL OUT OF HIS COUNTRY, reminding them what they visited on Iraq and Libya, and suggesting that if Assad is to face an international tribunal for war crimes; so must Tony Blair, George Bush (for Iraq) and Obama for Libya.

I would add that their Saudi friends should be in the dock for Yemen and much more. (This tot is feeling the love. Yemeni ports have been barricaded by the Saudis, to whom we’ve sold the weapons. A good deal for the military-industrial-complex, for sure.)


AND Bravo.


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