Category Archives: Foreign Policy

Henry Kissinger Speaks: For Once, Media Didn’t Ask A Tele-Tart To Comment On North Korea

Celebrity, Feminism, Foreign Policy, Gender, Intelligence, Media

It’s hard to know whether the retarded reporters of the Daily Mail quoted Henry Kissinger inaccurately, or whether Kissinger was confused, in his comments about North Korea. The who “played a dominant role in U.S. foreign policy in the late 1960s and 1970s, [and] won the Nobel Peace Prize for his part in negotiating an end to American involvement in Vietnam,” is in his 90s.

I suspect the former. In any event, Kissinger mumbled a lot, but said eventually that “he was against forcing a military confrontation, but at the same time was in favor of putting pressure on Pyongyang.”

Fox News’ “experts” on foreign policy usually constitute a birgade of bimbos such as the barf-making Marie Harf, a hand-me-down from Obama, and a stupid, stupid girl called Jessica Tarlov. (The missing link: Meghan McCain, who’s been poached by television more liberal than Fox News.)

So it’s nice to hear, occasionally, from someone who knows a little something—even if we libertarians are not mad about Kissinger. A learned Methuselah who’s seen a thing or two is so much more enlightening than the tele-tarts.

‘Then we’re living in a new world, in which technically competent countries with adequate command structures are possessing nuclear weapons in an area where there are considerable national disagreements.
‘This … would drive a rethinking of the entire U.S. nuclear deterrent posture’ Kissinger said, as the current strategy assumes only one potential nuclear threat.


A Feature of Fox News’ Fathead Anchors:

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Yes, America Is Rome. And Yes, Americans Are Fiddling While Rome Burns

America, China, Foreign Policy, Iraq, Middle East, Military, War

The political establishment on both sides is preoccupied, with, as Buchanan puts it, “Fear that a four-page memo worked up in the House Judiciary Committee may discredit Robert Mueller’s investigation of Russia-gate.

All the while, the US, led by freewheeling Mad Generals—who else?—is wading deeper and deeper into conflict and war abroad.

Patrick J. Buchanan exposes a reality that has little to do with the mindless things that busy Big Media. Mindless because we are no longer a constitutional republic, which is by nature antithetical to empire. Pretending that we are comes at the cost of neglecting to prevent wars in which the US only loses.

If Turkey is not bluffing, U.S. troops in Manbij, Syria, could be under fire by week’s end, and NATO engulfed in the worst crisis in its history.

Turkish President Erdogan said Friday his troops will cleanse Manbij of Kurdish fighters, alongside whom U.S. troops are embedded.

Erdogan’s foreign minister demanded concrete steps by the U.S. to end its support of the Kurds, who control the Syrian border with Turkey east of the Euphrates, all the way to Iraq.

If the Turks attack Manbij, the U.S. will face a choice: Stand by our Kurdish allies and resist the Turks, or abandon the Kurds.

…. But to stand with the Kurds and oppose Erdogan’s forces could mean a crackup of NATO and loss of U.S. bases inside Turkey, including the air base at Incirlik.

Turkey also sits astride the Dardanelles entrance to the Black Sea….

Yet Syria is but one of many challenges to U.S. foreign policy.

The Winter Olympics in South Korea may have taken the threat of a North Korean ICBM that could hit the U.S. out of the news. But no one believes that threat is behind us.

Last week, China charged that the USS Hopper, a guided missile destroyer, sailed within 12 nautical miles of Scarborough Shoal, a reef in the South China Sea claimed by Beijing, though it is far closer to Luzon in the Philippines. … If we continue to contest China’s territorial claims with U.S. warships, a clash is inevitable.

In a similar incident Monday, a Russian military jet came within five feet of a U.S. Navy EP-3 Orion surveillance plane in international airspace over the Black Sea, forcing the Navy plane to end its mission.

U.S. relations with Cold War ally Pakistan are at rock bottom. In his first tweet of 2018, President Trump charged Pakistan with being a duplicitous and false friend.

“The United States has foolishly given Pakistan more than 33 billion dollars in aid over the last 15 years, and they have given us nothing but lies & deceit, thinking of our leaders as fools. They give safe haven to the terrorists we hunt in Afghanistan, with little help. No more!”

As for America’s longest war, in Afghanistan, now in its 17th year, the end is nowhere on the horizon.

A week ago, the International Hotel in Kabul was attacked and held for 13 hours by Taliban gunmen who killed 40. Midweek, a Save the Children facility in Jalalabad was attacked by ISIS, creating panic among aid workers across the country.

Saturday, an ambulance exploded in Kabul, killing 103 people and wounding 235. Monday, Islamic State militants attacked Afghan soldiers guarding a military academy in Kabul. With the fighting season two months off, U.S. troops will not soon be departing.

If Pakistan is indeed providing sanctuary for the terrorists of the Haqqani network, how does this war end successfully for the United States?

Last week, in a friendly fire incident, the U.S.-led coalition killed 10 Iraqi soldiers. The Iraq war began 15 years ago.

Yet another war, where the humanitarian crisis rivals Syria, continues on the Arabian Peninsula. There, a Saudi air, sea and land blockade that threatens the Yemeni people with starvation has failed to dislodge Houthi rebels who seized the capital Sanaa three years ago.

This weekend brought news that secessionist rebels, backed by the United Arab Emirates, have seized power in Yemen’s southern port of Aden, from the Saudi-backed Hadi regime fighting the Houthis.

These rebels seek to split the country, as it was before 1990.

Iran, Saudi Arabia and the UAE appear to be backing different horses in this tribal-civil-sectarian war into which America has been drawn.

There are other wars – Somalia, Libya, Ukraine – where the U.S. is taking sides, sending arms, training troops, flying missions.

Like the Romans, we have become an empire, committed to fight for scores of nations, with troops on every continent, and forces in combat operations of which the American people are only vaguely aware.

… As in all empires, power is passing to the generals.

And what causes the greatest angst today in the imperial city?

Fear that a four-page memo worked up in the House Judiciary Committee may discredit Robert Mueller’s investigation of Russia-gate.

MORE: “Too Many Wars. Too Many Enemies”

RELATED: “How President Trump Normalized Neoconservatism.

UPDATE III (1/18): In US Government, Error That Could’ve Triggered Attack On North Korea Goes Unpunished. Oh, Well.

Foreign Policy, Government, Homeland Security, Technology, The State, War

“Temporarily reassigned” to other duties. That’s the fate—the punishment—of a government employee who, by mistake, “activated a missile launch warning” that “stirred panic across Hawaii over the weekend.”

Preparedness never killed anyone, but what if the US had annihilated North Korea based on a false emergency alert of a ballistic missile headed for Hawaii?

Yet an error that could have triggered a deadly attack on North Korea goes unpunished. In the private sector; you’d be fired.

There is little accountability in government, because it is a body that writes the rules it applies to itself.

And so many Americans want more government control!

Name, shame and fire the responsible government employee at the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency.

… The error occurred when, in the midst of a drill during a shift change at the agency, an employee made the wrong selection from a “drop-down” computer menu, choosing to activate a missile launch warning instead of the option for generating an internal test alert … The employee, believing the correct selection had been made, then went ahead and clicked “yes” when the system’s computer prompt asked whether to proceed …


UPDATE I: In reply to Facebook thread: What would we do without the statist voice of reason?! It’s not like the US didn’t destroy Iraq after Colon (sic) Powell’s slide show at the UN. Then Libya. But it’s all “ridiculous story telling” to the statist incapable of learning to distrust the US State.

UPDATE II (1/15):  You know those countries on which America drops bombs—only ever for their own good? Ever thought of what their citizens experience just before such a “righteous” payload is dropped? In Hawaii, Americans got a taste of that. But maybe not, since no lessons or learning curve is ever cultivated.

UPDATE III (1/18): Readers thought the comment above was “the only decent take I’ve heard.” Agree, not because it’s me.

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Israel Maintains An Oil Pipeline With Iran, While Urging The US To Aggress Against The Islamic Republic

Foreign Policy, Iran, Israel, Neoconservatism, Trade

My-my. Israel maintains an oil pipeline with Iran. It is alleged that “Iranian oil no longer flows through the pipeline.” What’s not in dispute is that Israel urges the US to aggress against Iran, while it keeps its options open.

Trade is excellent always. It forestalls war (something that makes neocons like Mad Max Boot a very sad boy). Israel should trade with regional powers. It should just refrain from hypocrisy—getting the US to fight battles Israel itself is trying to admirably avert via trade.

There is great secrecy, not least a gag order, involved in the dealings of the Eilat-Ashkelon Pipeline Co (EAPC) a joint venture with Iran, set up in 1968.

Israel, worried about national security, maintains tight control over EAPC, to the extent that articles about its business dealings must pass through the military censor.

Instead of renewing EAPC’s concession, which came up this year, Israel formed a new company with the same initials, the Europe Asia Pipeline Co, owned by the government. It will take over the original EAPC’s responsibilities by September, with an option to extend the handover period an additional six months.

Parliament’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee said in a statement on Sunday that it had extended the gag order on EAPC for five more years and broadened it to include the new company, known as EAPC-B, as well.


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