Category Archives: Gender

WATCH: Bearded Men Breast Feeding In Public: Paternal Or Kinky?

Argument, Etiquette, Family, Gender, Homosexuality, Individual Rights, Kids, Pop-Culture, Sex, The Zeitgeist

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Bearded Men Breast Feeding In Public: Paternal Or Kinky?”

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UPDATED (9/29/022): Iranian Mad-Hatter Masih Alinejad: Please, Take Her

Feminism, Gender, Intelligence, Iran, Journalism, Neoconservatism, Propaganda


When Iranian dissidents approach me on LinkedIn, I confess to ignoring them. They are invariably interventionist agitators, and I’m an avid, longtime non-interventionist, as you know.

Loud, banal, with a mad-woman’s tumbleweed hair; mouthing the kind of cliched ideas of which we have an abundance and get a load of incessantly in America from the most tiresome, troublesome #MeToo women—Masih Alinejad, Iranian-American “journalist,” is alleged to have been the object of a kidnapping plot by the Iranian mullahs.

However, I don’t believe the Iranians want her back. (Would you? She’s hardly a keeper.)  I don’t buy the whole hype around the alleged kidnapping plot hatched by Iranians. The FBI says so. Yes: Where have we heard that before without a shred of evidence!? (We go to wars based on the intelligence community’s habitual lies.)


She said she had been working with the Federal Bureau of Investigation since the agency approached her eight months ago with photographs taken by the plotters.

What do you know? This has been going on for a while. Well, it takes time (and funds) for the FBI to lay a trap.

This sounds like vintage FBI entrapment. Some low IQ Abduls are enticed by out-of-control FBI agents into committing a crime they had no intention of committing until approached.

The woman, Alinejad, is irksome, but she’s irrelevant in the American and Iranian grander scheme.

Just like they need to pick-up the scent and chase after Cuba, the neoconservative press and political establishment likes to push the idea that America—near bankrupt, financially and morally—needs to bestow freedom on Iran. Ludicrous.

Lift embargoes on both Iran and Cuba. Both are impoverished. And with respect to Iran, let the International Atomic Energy Agency do its job. (The IAEA is pretty good, and was spot on about Iraq!) The Europeans don’t want a nuclear Iran in their neighborhood. That’s the best we can do without destroying another country with hubris.

*Image credit

UPDATED (7/3/021): NEW COLUMN: Mad, #MeToo Matriarchy Ensnared Bill Cosby

Criminal Injustice, Feminism, Gender, Justice, Law, Sex

NEW COLUMN is “Mad, #MeToo Matriarchy Ensnared Bill Cosby.” It is currently on WND.COM, The Unz Review, and American Greatness.


… The same myopic, malfunctioning media are currently choosing to focus on how the Cosby verdict has been overturned on a procedural or technical matter

…. don’t allow the due-process oversight, indubitably important, to distract you from the nub of the matter.

The Cosby prosecution, as I pointed out at the time, rested on he-said, she-said hearsay evidence, on facts that can’t possibly meet the rules of evidence (the ones the United States once abided), or be corroborated for the purposes of a just prosecution, in accordance with the legal standards of Western law (of blessed memory).

The tainted evidence was solicited decades too late, with utter disregard for the statute of limitations. It came from unverified “prior bad act” women (“witnesses”)–unhinged #MeToo hysterics loosed in a court of law–who acted and sounded as though they were demented. Why, even the date of “the crime” could not be established.

The Law must engage in a search for truth. Ultimately, however, courts of law do not deal with what happened. Their judgments must rely on what can be proven to have happened.

Prosecutorial power to bring charges against a person is an awesome power, stress Paul Craig Roberts and Lawrence M. Stratton in The Tyranny of Good Intentions. Backing him, the prosecutor has the might of the state, and, consequently, he must never “override the rights of the defendant in order to gain a conviction.”

Prosecutorial duties are dual. While acting as the plaintiff, the prosecutor must also take pains to protect the defendant’s rights.

This is why the #MeToo judicial “philosophy” undergirding the prosecution of Bill Cosby and many other men is so terrifying.

“Always Believe the Victim” is a ditzy, made-in-Hollywood dogma that goes against the stellar Anglo-American common law legal tradition.  …

…MORE. NEW COLUMN is “Mad, #MeToo Matriarchy Ensnared Bill Cosby.” It is currently on WND.COM, The Unz Review, and American Greatness.

* Image: Bill Cosby’s accuser, courtesy BBC News. Note that Mr. Cosby is legally blind NOW, but I don’t believe he was blind when he allegedly went for this apparition.

Stephen Sacks On Facebook:

Bill Cosby & Harvey Weinstein are almost in the top five sleaziest guys in Hollywood, but we don’t typically imprison boorish louts for immoral behavior.
Immoral is not necessarily illegal.
Just like one can’t yell fire in a crowded theater, a prostitute, err, I mean, sex worker, shouldn’t be allowed to yell rape in a crowded brothel.
Read the transcripts from both trials.In an alternate universe the ACLU would have filed Friend of the Court briefs in both cases to protect the integrity of our legal system.

UPDATED III (6/12): NEW COLUMN: N.Y, Shrink Aruna KhilaWhiteMan: A Made-In-America Monster

Affirmative Action, America, Argument, Education, Gender, Pseudo-intellectualism, Psychiatry, Race, Racism

NEW COLUMN, “N.Y, Shrink Aruna KhilaWhiteMan: A Made-In-America Monster,” appeared on WND.COM, The Unz Review, and

And excerpt:

There is this New York City psychiatrist. Her name is Aruna Khilanani.

For convenience, I will call her Aruna KhilaWhiteMan. It’s apropos—and “white privilege” makes it hard for me to pronounce her name. (Mind you, my faithful anti-Semitic readers, whose loyalty I appreciate, assure me that as a Jew, I’m not Caucasian. My mother, a blond, blue-eyed Jew, calls it an olive skin. My editor’s wry quip takes the cake: “You’re at least as white as George Zimmerman.”)

In a lecture to the Yale School of Medicine’s Child Study Center, no less, Dr. Aruna Khilanani offered a glimpse into her criminal mind. She likened whites to “demented, violent predators who think that they are saints or superheroes.”

She let the septic tank that is her mind flow over. Said Dr. KhilaWhiteMan:

I had fantasies of unloading a revolver into the head of any white person that got in my way, burying their body, and wiping my bloody hands as I walked away relatively guiltless with a bounce in my step. Like I did the world a fucking favor. (Time stamp: 7:17)

For her murderous fantasies against the pigmentally deficient, Dr. KhilaWhiteMan ought to have been criminally profiled by the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit. This primitive reptilian brain might be a danger to the community waiting to happen.

Instead, morality has been inverted. Rather than being hobbled by her deviant views and disgusting demeanor, Dr. KhilaWhiteMan has been approved and elevated at every step of her privileged romp through America’s institutions.

Someone in authority invited such scum of the earth to give a talk to the nation’s top university, Yale, an intellectual shithole, really. …

… MORE.  READ “N.Y, Shrink Aruna KhilaWhiteMan: A Made-In-America Monster,”  on WND.COM, The Unz Review, and

UPDATE I (6/10):

A journal publication on “Parasitic Whiteness”:

The point needs to be NOT that this is a word salad written by a fool—but that this sub-intelligent bafflegab is published in a mainstream, reputable journal and that this is becoming the norm. Institutional rot is the nub.


UPDATED II (6/11): LETTERS. A reader noticed them fighting words.

Geez, Ilana, don’t sugarcoat it so much. Tell your readers what you really think. You’re an established and respected voice by now, you don’t have tip-toe around the rough spots.

And, I love it when I make people laugh.

“Yale, an intellectual s**thole, really.”
I love it–you can certainly add Harvard to that list along with most of the remainder of the Ivy League cesspools of “modern” education

UPDATE III (6/12): 

Ties in with my theme of institutional rot. She’s been selected, qualified and promoted for this teacher’s job. This educators’s base nature, repulsive demeanor and manners; her hatred: these have helped, not hindered, her advancement in America.