Category Archives: IMMIGRATION

UPDATED (11/20): NEW COLUMN: Simplest Source of Voter Fraud Is Baked Into the System

Criminal Injustice, Democracy, Democrats, Donald Trump, Government, IMMIGRATION, Law, Race, Racism, Republicans, Technology

NEW COLUMN is “Simplest Source of Voter Fraud Is Baked Into the System.” It has appeared on WND.COMThe Unz Review ,, American Renaissance, and NAEBC

It is now a feature on American Greatness.

… many of Trump’s supporters are less likely to have been brainwashed and propagandized by the asphyxiating, postmodern, racial and gender agitprop that makes college-educated kids insufferable, and subject to group-think and to the atavistic acting-out, commensurate with “education” emphasizing a wanton abandoning of inhibitions.

Spending protracted time in college or university is almost guaranteed to turn-out individuals whose uniformity of opinion is as scary as its uninformed nature.

Support for Trump is associated with a less propagandized population.

In my thoroughly propagandized County, 70% approved a Charter Amendment to transfer property (we all pay for) to be used for low-income housing (read the homeless, to whom the City of Seattle has already been ceded.) Don’t complain, neighbors, when IT hits the fan.

Also, 57% percent of subjects  in my county, King County, decided to relinquish their sovereignty and let a Council of Jenny Durkans choose their sheriff for them—make the sheriff a patronage position.

Most of my neighbors voted to allow the political class to invest public money in causes driven by their politics.

Majorities opted to assign more taxpayer-funded lawyers to assorted claims-makers and add more protected-species categories to already oppressively expansive, extant law.

Washingtonians said “hell yes” to more twerking, transgendered genitalia in the faces of their toddlers.

The neighbors seconded Charter Amendment No. 3, which trashes the word “citizen,” and replaces it with “member of the public” or “resident,” all the better to facilitate wealth transfer. The People of The World passing through our county may get goodies not theirs or vote to get them if denied.

Neighbors voted to double down on our demoralized and defunded police force with more sensitivity training. Oh, and should you call in a burglary, why, a “mental-health professional” may arrive on your doorstep. It’s called “resourcing alternatives.” Yes, English is also on the wane in the Evergreen State.

Gov. Jay Inslee won 58% of the vote. If you’re among the business owners who voted for this chap—suck it up! Having voted for Inslee’s internment terrorism, you can’t expect sympathy, now, can you?

Love thy neighbor as thyself? Forgive me, vengeful God of the Hebrews, but it’s getting harder and harder …

… READ ON. NEW COLUMN is now a feature on American Greatness.

* Image: Made in America: Oregon City Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty hates the police, hates cabbies and hates whites.

UPDATE (11/20/020):

It’s not that easy to move, Strider73. But it would be a dream-come-true to live amid kind-hearted normies.

No Offense ‘Caged Kids,’ But Your Parents Probably Don’t Want To Get You Back (Humor Alert)

Comedy & Humor, Democrats, Donald Trump, Family, IMMIGRATION, Literature

Without question and with deep conviction, the moron media repeat the storyline about kids being ripped from their parents’ arms, and caged on entering the US illegally (by a president who—OMG!—enforced US immigration law, for the benefit of the American People):

Federal court filings made this week by the American Civil Liberties Union and the Justice Department say that the parents of some 545 migrant children who are currently in the United States have not been found. These parents were separated from their children at the U.S. border by border officials under President Trump’s zero tolerance policy from 2017 to 2018, and the filing says the parents are now unreachable.

Kids are not what they are cut out to be (joke alert #1).

And these particular kids? I don’t know. I’ve searched the Internet for images of tender toddlers caged. All I found are images of large, hirsute young adults, who look like they can stand on their own feet, maybe even join a gang.

Besides, what kind of parent can’t call a US government agency to locate his kid? An incompetent parent or, joke alert #2 for the mirthless, a parent who is not too keen on getting that “kid” back, a sentiment I understand. Completely. They don’t make kids the way they used to.

In “Why Are Unfit Parents Fit To Become Americans?” it was pointed out that “bad parents will continue to deploy children as human shields to gain entry into the US”; and that “it’s unfortunate that children are born into disorganized, chaotic families. But a child is either the responsibility of his parents or of the state.”

The judicial trend of the state as parens patriae has seen the family usurped by the state as the primary socialization agent. The state-as-parent is the purview of progressives, not conservatives.

This question was posed: “Parents who put kids is such precarious a predicament are unfit. Why, then, are unfit parents fit to become Americans?”

I’m with the Mexican parents. You win some, you lose some–kids, that is (joke alert #3).

Once upon a time, American writers shared this sense of humor (wow; I am apologizing for wit). Remember the classic short story by William Sydney Porter, aka O. Henry’s (1862-1910)?

My all-time favorite fictional kid has to be the kid in the “The Ransom of Red Chief.”

Not only is “The Ransom of Red Chief” an American classic (written by a Southerner, of course)—it hearkens back to a time when kids had character; kid character.

Basically, the kidnapped kid, “Red Chief,” is so imaginatively naughty—never evil or wicked—that his traumatized kidnappers end up paying his wealthy grandad to take him back.

Grandad just sits back and waits. He knows the score.

* Image via Associated Press

Dames And Demographic Engineering May Turn Battleground Georgia Democratic

Conservatism, Democracy, Democrats, Elections, IMMIGRATION, Race, The South

An “epic political battle” is underway in the State of Georgia, where “runoff elections on Jan. 5 should decide the control of the Senate,” reports the New York Times.

The population surged to 10.6 million in 2019 from 7.9 million in 2000, and the foreign-born population now exceeds 10 percent of the state’s total. Atlanta has gone from corporate bland to youthful dynamic, with its indoor food markets, destination dining scene and rich entertainment culture, including a hip-hop scene that drives trends worldwide. In 2004, 70 percent of voters were white, according to exit polls. This year, white voters made up 60 percent.

Until the 1970s, Georgia was virtually a one-party state, with conservative Democrats dominant. But as conservative voters moved en masse to the Republican Party, Democrats were left concentrated in places like the city of Atlanta, adjacent and urbane Decatur, and smaller cities with significant African-American populations.

Of course, dumb distaff is now a factor:

A new generation of Democratic candidates has left behind the fiscal and social conservatism of its forefathers to embrace a rising demographic coalition of Black voters, college-educated suburban women and a more politically engaged younger generation.

In 2002, it was considered “contentious” in Georgia “to remove the Confederate battle emblem from the state flag.”

Back in 1992, Cobb County, for example, was described in “A Suburban Eden Where the Right Rules,”  a New York Times article, as a place for “Sunday-school manners and well-scrubbed sensibilities.” In short, “conservative Southern values”:

Not merely conservative, it was represented in Congress by the former head of the John Birch Society, Larry McDonald, until his death in 1983 and by Newt Gingrich, who represents 70 percent of the county in Congress.

Here is a Karen of old—they’ve always existed—who had come to Cobb County from Yankee Country and proceeded to change it:

“I like that people are more down to earth, more polite, that you don’t have to walk around screaming and yelling and being rude — you know, the whole New York thing,” said Mrs. Wolfe, a native New Yorker who formerly lived in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. “It seems crazy listening to myself say this, but sometimes I think that there are a lot of the characteristics that come from some of this fundamentalist religious stuff that I hate that also cause it to be so pleasant here. If they didn’t make it political it might be perfect.

Georgia was once a place for “Sunday-school manners and well-scrubbed sensibilities” and “conservative Southern values.”


* Image: Georgia Run-Off, Courtesy NPR

French Schoolteacher, Beheaded For Instructing Children In French Secular Values

Europe, Free Speech, Homeland Security, IMMIGRATION, Islam, Jihad, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Multiculturalism, Terrorism

Russians are cursed in the North Caucasus by an Islamic state, Chechnya. When Russia attempts to control Chechen aggression, the West steps in to help shelter the terrorists/ “refugees” fleeing the Islamist Chechnya. Now a Frenchman (“beneficiary” of the French’s willingness to take in Muslims fleeing because of Russian crackdowns) is missing a vital organ: HIS HEAD.

The man who was beheaded by the Chechen Abdullakh Anzorov is Samuel Paty, 47. For what it’s worth, The Economist has a decent Obituary for him. It would appear that poor Paty was doomed to teach a class writhing, seething with Muslim snakes, ready to spit venom—and worse. One female called Zaina, in particular, helped foment hatred against her teacher:

When it came to teaching free speech as part of the national curriculum, he liked to show his quatrième class two caricatures from the magazine Charlie Hebdo which, in January 2015, had been attacked by murdering Islamists. He had done so for several years; this year it had added edge, with the trial of the accomplices going on. The caricatures were, first, Muhammad holding a “Je Suis Charlie” sign, blasphemous to Muslims merely for giving him a face. Most pupils might be unimpressed with that, but the second caricature was clearly rude: Muhammad on all fours, naked, with a star emerging from his backside and the caption “A star is born!”.

Once his pupils had seen the drawings he would explain that French law protected them, as part of the liberty enshrined in the Republic. Then they would debate why and whether it should, not angrily—he insisted on that—but reasonably, carefully marshalling their arguments. Being aware, though, that the caricatures were strong stuff for many 13-year-olds, especially the Muslim children, he warned his pupils at the start that they could look away if they thought they might be offended. He had to be careful, as it was against the law to identify anyone by their religion; the warning had to be general. But he had done all this before, and the result had been a mutually respectful conversation.

This time the backlash was furious. A number of Muslim parents objected, and one filed a complaint to the police. He also posted a video on Facebook to mobilise others, identifying who the teacher was and calling him a voyou, a thug: “He should no longer teach our children. He should go and educate himself.” A known Islamist agitator, Abdelhakim Sefrioui, came to the school and made a video decrying “irresponsible and aggressive behaviour”. The mobiliser’s daughter, Zaina, said the prof wanted to attack Islam, and had done so that day by asking Muslims specifically to raise their hands and then, if they liked, to leave.

That was lies, as he told the police. Zaina had not even been in the class. But at the first claim that the teacher of histoire-géo was an Islamophobe the principal called him in, and her superiors requested a visit by an inspector from the local education authority. They, like the police, supported him, and said he had followed correct classroom procedure. He would not face disciplinary action. The moral and legal weight of the French state was on his side, and he felt confident enough, as well as angry enough, to file a defamation complaint against the parent who had abused him.

He also felt threatened, though. The level of hate in the attacks was quite new, and it had spread wide, far beyond Conflans. Now he kept his head down in the corridors, and was noticeably out of sorts. His walk home from school, a short stroll through a wood, no longer felt safe, so he took the more open, still quiet, still leafy streets. As he set off for home on the 16th he had just finished teaching a class of petits sixièmes about prehistory, a relatively calm subject. The All Saints’ break was about to start, a chance to let things cool down a bit. The tennis court beckoned. He wished his pupils, and they wished him, “Bonnes vacances.”

Mercifully, the French police are still permitted to kill killers without causing a riot. So they shot Abdullakh Anzorov and arrested a whole bunch of brutes who worked to eliminate this poor man. READ.

But seven people, including two students and a parent of one of Mr Paty’s pupils, were detained in the days following the killing.

On Wednesday, prosecutors said six of the suspects had been charged with complicity in a terrorist murder and placed under judicial investigation.

One man is accused of having close contact with the killer and faces the lesser charge of associating with a terrorist.

All of the suspects, other than the two students who are minors at just 14 and 15, are in custody.

The self-immolating, liberal West!