Category Archives: Intelligence

Lieutenant-Colonel Alexander Vindman’s REAL Concern, In His Own Words


“I did not think it was proper to demand that a foreign government investigate a US citizen, and I was worried about the implications for the US government’s support of Ukraine.

So said Colonel Vindman in his opening statement before impeachment investigators, during testimony given “privately to three House committees—on Intelligence, Foreign Affairs, and Oversight and Reform.”

The words of Army Lt.-Col. Vindman in the first sentence, “I did not think it was proper,” sound like an afterthought to the second:

“I was worried about the implications for the US government’s support of Ukraine.”

Just saying …

MORE: “The Ukraine affair: A soldier’s word against Donald Trump’s in impeachment inquiry.”

* Image courtesy of MSNBC


On CNN, former congressman Sean P. Duffy (R-Wis.) suggested that Vindman’s birthplace was important. “It seems very clear that he is incredibly concerned about Ukrainian defense,” Duffy said. “I don’t know that he’s concerned about American policy, but his main mission was to make sure that Ukraine got those weapons.”

Ignorance Legitimized And Institutionalized In ‘Women’s and Gender Studies’ Departments


It’s safe to say that Brittney Cooper, I mean Prof. Brittney Cooper, is not an outlier in the American academy, but is part of a certain establishment.

That bastion is the Department of Women’s and Gender Studies, of which there are very many across the country. It serves as a citadel of pseudo-intellectualism, a way to create a class of “scholars” on paper.

Prof. Brittney Cooper, who has a B.A. in English, was jabbering banalities about the horrors of Trump on MSNBC (10/3/019), when she blurted out that Trump was “delegitimating” wrongdoing, or something.

“Delegitimating” is a “word not found in the Dictionary and Encyclopedia.”

Like the word she used, Prof. Cooper’s field of study is bogus.

“Intellectual disciplines were founded in ancient Greece and gained a considerable impetus from the work of Aristotle who identified and organized a range of subjects into orderly bodies of learning.” (Keith Windschuttle, The Killing of History, 1996, NSW, Australia.)

By the standards set by the Greeks, disciplines such as women’s studies, or black studies, or LGBTQ studies are intellectually incoherent; they don’t qualify as intellectual disciplines.

UPDATED (9/27/019): Barely Literate Pre-Teens Dominate Climate-Change Conversation


Unlike climate change, here is something that is not in dispute. These two, pre-teen, self-styled climate activists pictured here are barely literate. Hear them for yourself.

The girl, Ridhima Pandey (11), proves that American, teenybopper English has been exported successfully to India. The word that informs Pandey’s “thinking” on climate change is … “Like,” repeated lots of times.

Another opinionated kid, Carl Smith, 17, joined Ali Velshi on MSNBC, to prove nothing more than that their generation struggles to express the simplest idea in coherent English.

Did the so-called adult in the room give these two some desperately needed corrective feedback? Naturally not.

To the contrary: MSNBC’s Ali Velshi told incoherent kid Ridhima Pandey that she was “forcing a smarter conversation on the climate,” when she’s not.

Cleverer Kids like the wild-eyed, unhinged Greta Thunberg are right about one thing: The adults who groom them are big liars.

UPDATE (9/27/019): Grrrreta has a future. I kinda like this version of Greta Thunberg quite a bit:


UPDATED (9/30/019): Mises Institute in Seattle: Why American Democracy Fails


I spoke at the Mises Institute’s annual gathering in Bellevue, Washington, Saturday, September 14.

I was asked to address the dumbing down inherent in democracy.  The title of my presentation was “How Democracy Made Us Dumb,” or “Democracy As Idiocracy.

Indeed, the greatest thinkers (before Hans-Hermann Hoppe)—the Athenian philosophers—distrusted democracy. The Athenian thinkers held that democracy “distrusts ability and has a reverence for numbers over knowledge.” The Founders agreed.

Thinking in opposition to democracy is part of our heritage, yet you won’t hear a critique of democracy in mainstream circles, conservative or liberal.

Many thanks to Jeff Diest for his introduction—and for including me in this well-attended event. Liberty still flickers in Washington State.

The podcast is up. A YouTube is to follow.

UPDATE (9/30/019): YouTube of “How Democracy Made Us Dumb.”