Category Archives: Intelligence

UPDATED: Dumb Distaff (Dastardly Too)

Ethics, Feminism, General, Human Accomplishment, Intelligence, Journalism, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, Morality, Republicans

Show me a Democratic commentator that is as studiously dumb as the Republican Lolita, SE Cupp. Cupp generally limits herself to gesturing wildly, grimacing, or portentously parroting the same mind-numbing banalities previously disgorged by Newt, Dick, Karl, et. al.

Now Cupp is getting bolder and venturing into political economy. On Dylan Ratigan’s confused, MSNBC show, Cupp insisted that when you give corporations bailout money, and they then blow the cash abroad, this is an example of the free market at work. Live with it!

I don’t want to do an injustice to the smug Republican sweetheart, so I will try to post the clip if it comes online. Please send it along if you find it before me.

If you have heard of anything resembling the caliber of Cupp’s cretinism, please post it together with a hyperlink to the story. Proof is paramount.

I want your most outrageous and hilarious clips of what rolls off the tongues of TV’s female talkers.

I’ll kick off the competition with two other examples of cerebral pruning:

Exhibit B: “How do you know there is going to be an economic recovery,” Greta Van Susteren asked GOP dummy, Dana Perino. “There always is; these things go in cycles,” squeaked the Heidi Klum of the commentariat.

Exhibit C: Together with another member of the silly sex, usually blond, Margaret Hoover forms Bill O’Reilly’s “Culture Warriors.” Some time ago she joined her host to damn the Obama administration’s decision to cease “criminalizing cancer and AIDS patients for using a substance that is (a) prescribed by their doctors and (b) legal under the laws of their state.”

According to Hoover’s calculus, once you decriminalize a drug, criminal enterprise corners the market.

Toots, it’s exactly the opposite. It’s a hard concept, but the section “THE COSTS OF ILLEGAL MARKETS,” in “Addicted To The Drug War,” may help. On the other hand, don’t hold your breath.

In order for your snippet to be posted in BAB’s Comments Section, your Brilliant Babe must be a member of the punditocracy, Democrat or Republican; She cannot be a politician. Those are the rules. Hyperlinks to your story are a must.

UPDATED (Oct. 5): Huggs hereunder feels real sorry for idiots who are rewarded for their misleading stupidity and avarice. Some of these dames have sent even sillier boys to their deaths with their warring words. Huggins commits the sin of the ages. “Job: Jewish Individualist” speaks to those. The righteous suffer; the wicked reap the spoils of their cunning and cupidity. And this you want to reward with love?

What a perversion is that?

If you wish to love the wicked, at least make sure that the righteous are rewarded equally for their good works.

Contemporary parallels to Job’s individualism are hard to come by, not least because the State has replaced God as the ultimate authority. Other than principled libertarians, nobody challenges the god of government in any meaningful way. Our Delphic oracles are the pundits and assorted self-styled presstitutes. Their Delphi is the TV on which they primp, preen and parrot party falsehoods.

Obama: Cunning, Not Clever

Barack Obama, Intellectualism, Intelligence

Alan Bock is a little late in concluding that Barack Obama is cunning rather than clever. Still, what Bock says bears repeating:

“Barack Obama is just not that smart. It should hardly come as a surprise. He undoubtedly has an IQ slightly higher than normal or he wouldn’t have made it through college and law school (though it might be interesting to see his transcripts, which to my knowledge he hasn’t released yet). But in retrospect what he seems to have displayed throughout his career is cunning rather than anything resembling real learning.”

On February 15, 2009, I wrote:

“In his fascinating book, America’s Half-Blood Prince: Barack Obama’s Story of Race and Inheritance, Steve Sailer comments on the intelligence of Obama versus that of his Ivy-League, physicist half-brother. Unless I misunderstood the IQ Ace, he believed these values would be comparable.

“I disagree. Granted, I assert this based on gut, not numbers. But since Steve, I believe, did not provide a citation for that particular snippet, I’m willing to bet that Obama is unable to master the level of abstraction required by a, presumably, top physicist such as his half-brother. I can do law; I can’t do physics, astrophysics–or design, calculate, and calibrate the stuff that goes into a cell phone. I don’t buy the theory of differing, but equal, intelligence. Such intelligence egalitarianism in just a PC way of elevating more common, attainable abilities. There are many more lawyers than physicists.”

UPDATED: Germany’s Geert Wilders (Meanwhile Back At Home…)

Europe, Human Accomplishment, IMMIGRATION, Intelligence, Islam, Racism, Science

Germany has a Geert Wilders, only more outspoken. His name is Thilo Sarrazin, and he is a board member of Germany’s central bank. His new book, Germany Does Itself In, is flying off the shelves. Via Yahoo News:

“In the book, Sarrazin says Europe’s top economy is being undermined, overwhelmed and made ‘more stupid’ by poorly educated, fast-breeding, badly integrated and unproductive Muslim immigrants and their offspring.

‘If I want to hear the muezzin’s call to prayer, then I’ll go to the Orient,’ he says, saying that allowing in millions of ‘guest workers’ in the 1960s and 1970s was a ‘gigantic error.’

He also says that Turkish and Kurdish ‘clans’ have a ‘long tradition of inbreeding,’ leading to higher rates of birth defects, and ponders whether this might be one reason for immigrants’ poor school performance, Spiegel said.

This and his comment to a newspaper that ‘all Jews share a certain gene’, critics say, is akin to the kind of pseudo-science used by the Nazis.”


Yes, Sarrazin must be a racist. Germany must be racist, because, as we all know—and having been so indoctrinated—people are all the same. Give them sufficient nutrition and democracy, and differences dissolve. You may note and record difference between individuals, but don’t dare to examine aggregates. Hey, isn’t it the job of science to draw conclusions based on a representative sample of a group? Don’t this man’s observations comport with the kind of reality science might affirm? Should we perhpas ban science so as to spare ourselves from reality?

UPDATE (Sept. 7): “As of Sunday, Sept. 5, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) had a backlog of fugitive illegal aliens of 506,232 people. …

The fugitive illegal aliens are individuals who were apprehended by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for being in the United States illegally and then were released ahead of their court proceedings and deemed fugitive when they failed to appear in court.”

UPDATED: Warbot Wants to Kill WikiLeaker

Free Speech, Intelligence, Internet, Just War, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, Military, Propaganda, Republicans, War

One warbot at least wants to kill the WikiLeaker. The military runs Jihadi protection programs which recruit and shield deficient sorts like Major Nidal Malik Hasan, the Jihadi who committed fratricide at Fort Hood. Or like Private Bradley Manning, clearly not military material. He is charged with helping to leak classified military documents to the whistleblower website WikiLeaks.

Now, as HuffPo reports, “U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) says that execution would be an appropriate punishment for Manning.”

The uncritical US military-industrial-congressional-media complex is so reckless. The politicos, and now even the generals, preach the practice of left-liberalism at its most extreme in every structure of the military and the government. And then, when it appears that their affirmative recruits are crappy—they can’t abide by a code of secrecy (or by a contract); or are unable to refrain from killing their colleagues—then their bosses suddenly turn bigoted and want to kill them.

These are the same generals and politicians who campaign for free and open sex for hets and homos in the military. What do they expect? Disciplined buttoned-up soldiers?!

You can’t run a liberal organization—structurally and philosophically—and expect your members to behave themselves. Left-liberalism is about license and lenience.

It’s interesting that, and I repeat myself, that Republicans don’t give a damn about the alarming truths that have come to the fore due to the leak. All they discuss is quashing WikiLeak and killing the leaker. How they love freedom. Creeps.

The tartlet brigade on tv screams about the information endangering our troops. (Gosh they’re original!)


What whores.

Needless to say that for those who seek the truth, the leaks are very good indeed.

UPDATE (Aug. 8): “Anti-War Activists Rally in Support of Soldier Accused of Leaking Documents,” reports FoxNews.

I think it’s obvious from my post that I don’t support a lack of discipline per se. From the material that Manning, “a 22-year-old intelligence analyst,” leaked, it would appear that he was acting as a whistle blower. Perhaps this is exactly what we need in the military—courageous whistle blowers who will pull back the curtain to reveal what the military monstrosity is doing in our name (sorry, “for our freedoms,” to parrot the warbots).