Category Archives: John McCain

WATCH: Trump Trashes A Triumphant DeSantis – Gloves Coming Off; Climate Conference in Egypt; The Heat is On

America, Democrats, Donald Trump, Elections, Environmentalism & Animal Rights, Etiquette, Government, John McCain, Pseudoscience, Psychiatry, Republicans

IN OUR LATEST HARD TRUTH PODCAST, recorded at noon on election day, David and myself debate Donald Trump’s public attack on Ron DeSantis on the eve of the Midterm elections. I argue De Santis is a formidable figure for the 2024 Presidential race with the uncanny, practical ability to govern pragmatically in accordance with constitutional, first principles.

David argues that Trump is a formidable figure and that GOP voters could end up with a Trump/DeSantis joint ticket in 2024 and that would be the best of all worlds.

Turning to the great Climate con – COP 27 – hosted this year in Egypt, David expresses his frustration at the latest UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak suggesting that events in Ukraine demonstrated the need to accelerate the rush to decarbonising our economies and hence returning us to the dark ages. Ilana points out that our current hydrocarbon energy sources are not only incredibly efficient but environmentally pristine and are the foundation for both global prosperity and environmental husbandry.

The Hard Truth podcast with David Vance and myself discusses DeSantis’ unique gifts vs. Trump’s.

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WATCH: Trump Trashes A Triumphant DeSantis – Gloves Coming Off; Climate Conference in Egypt; The Heat is On”:

America Doesn’t Know Shiite From Shinola: Iran (Shia) Worries About Afghanistan Insanity (Sunni)

English, Individual Rights, Iran, Islam, John McCain, Terrorism, The West

The title for this blog post comes from a 2014 column, “Don’t Know Shiite From Shinola,” in which I write that America is “a mulish military power which doesn’t know Shiite from Shinola.” The original expression is 100% American: “Doesn’t know shit from Shinola“:

Shinola was a brand of shoe polish previously manufactured in the USA. The alliteration of the expression ‘doesn’t know shit from Shinola’ partly explains the derivation. Also, without putting too fine a point on it, the two things named in the expression could possibly be confused. However, only one of them would be good to apply to your shoes and only particularly dim people could be expected to muddle them up.

To continue the theme of the previous blog post, “Afghanistan And Its Neighbors; China And Those Uyghurs,” you’re not considered properly American unless you’re carping about “Iran, Iran, Iran.” The John McCain version is, “Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran.”

For merely asking, “When last did Iran commit terrorism against the US?,” Tucker Carlson was attacked viciously by Mark Levin. Carlson, however, was on the money. As I chronicled in this 2017 blog post: “Iranians Killed ZERO Americans In Terrorist Attacks In U.S. Between 1975 -2015.”

Iran is neighbor to Afghanistan, sharing a long border with it. And, “Iran … has a more tortured relationship with the Taliban. Its leaders are certainly delighted to see the Great Satan, America, abandon its bases next door.”

As always, The Economist offers informed analysis in, “Afghanistan’s neighbours are preparing for life with the Taliban”:

Shia Muslims … view their own Islamic revolution as a modernising movement.” After all, “Women can study, work and hold office in Iran, so long as they veil.” Yes, Iranians “look askance at the Taliban’s hidebound Sunni fanaticism.”

Swamped for decades with destitute refugees and cheap heroin from Afghanistan, Iran is also worried about a new influx, particularly of Hazaras, a Shia ethnic minority that the Taliban have viciously persecuted in the past.

“With little leverage over the Taliban and no liking for the tottering government in Kabul, Iran is likely instead to lend support to local Afghan militias in the border region, which recently beat off a Taliban assault on the city of Herat.”

What do you know? When compared with the Sunni Islam (Saudi Arabia’s Wahhabism), a faction of Islam with whose practitioners the West feels much more simpatico—Shia Islam (Iran’s poison of choice) is more enlightened. Yet America and Israel side with Saudi Arabia, the epitome of Sunni insanity. Go figure. And the title says it all:

America Doesn’t Know Shiite From Shinola.

Thoughts from Twitter:

We invade and then centralize:

Totally tribal: This would sound like a brand name to our idiots, but it’s how Afghans think and feel.

Our fight for democracy is not necessarily theirs.


*Image courtesy LinkedIn

NEW COLUMN: Losers: Markle And A Meritless McCain. Winner: The Queen

Britain, Conservatism, John McCain, Neoconservatism, Political Philosophy, THE ELITES

NEW COLUMN is “Losers: Markle And A Meritless McCain. Winner: The Queen.” It is now on WND.COM, The Unz Review and

And excerpt:

Fancy that! A member of a meritless political dynasty, The McCains, has panned the duty-bound British monarchy.

There is a revolving door between Big Media, be it the neoliberal CNN or neocon Fox News, and members of the political duopoly. Whether practiced by the Left or the Right; this is indisputably immoral, and a conflict of interest.

To spout received opinion, Fox News has hired Ben Domenech, the unremarkable husband of the irredeemably awful Meghan McCain.

At the conclusion of a wishy-washy Fox segment about the wanton Meghan Markle, the man who had married into the McCain dynasty declared:

“There is nothing more American than hating the British Crown.”

That’s a shallow stance at best. For, if forced to choose between the mob (democracy) and the monarchy, the latter is far preferable and benevolent. This thesis is anatomized in Democracy: The God that Failed: The Economics and Politics of Monarchy, Democracy, and Natural Order, by libertarian political philosopher Hans-Hermann Hoppe.

In his seminal work, Hoppe provides ample support—historical and analytical—for democracy’s inferiority as compared to monarchy:

‘… democracy has succeeded where monarchy only made a modest beginning: in the ultimate destruction of the natural elites. The fortunes of great families have dissipated, and their tradition of a culture of economic independence, intellectual farsightedness, and moral and spiritual leadership has been lost and forgotten. Rich men still exist today, but more frequently than not they owe their fortune now directly or indirectly to the state.’

“[I]n light of elementary economic theory, the conduct of government and the effects of government policy on civil society can be expected to be systematically different, depending on whether the government apparatus is owned privately or publicly,” explains Hoppe.

“From the viewpoint of those who prefer less exploitation over more and who value farsightedness and individual responsibility above shortsightedness and irresponsibility, the historic transition from monarchy to democracy represents not progress but civilizational decline.”

The raw, ripe, rule of the demos has diminished the queen, but has yet to destroy her. Queen Elizabeth might be a member of a landed aristocracy, much-maligned in radical America—but she has acquitted herself as would a natural aristocrat. …

… READ THE REST. NEW COLUMN is “Losers: Markle And A Meritless McCain. Winner: The Queen.” It is now on WND.COM, The Unz Review and

TV’s Intersectional, Girly Femboys

Feminism, Gender, John McCain, Media, Sex, The Zeitgeist

“Let me be clear. When I allude to the women of TV, I include those with the Y Chromosome.”—TV Tarts: Cringe Factor Ad Infinitum, Part 2.

Indeed, as ghastly as the TV tarts are (read about them here), TV’s “girly boys” give them a run for their money.

Think Gabriel Debenedetti of Politico or Chuck Todd of MSNBC’s MTP Daily, of course.

Arms and hands windmilling like any network woman, Chuck’s every sentence is prefaced with that most feminine of affectations, “I feel like.”

Mr. Todd’s pouty exclamations are complemented by wild gesticulating and a habit of swaying back-and-forward energetically in his little swivel chair.

Todd is easily able to take up an entire segment riffing about the audacity of not liking John McCain.

“So many of the Trump base think of McCain as a traitor,” Chuck pondered. “Can you believe it?” The point being that it is not the attack on a dead man that our “girly boy” condemns, but a difference of opinion about John McCain.

Today, little Chuck issued an apology to a self-styled identity group: Tourette’s syndrome sufferers.

That makes Chuck a PC perfect little femboy.