Category Archives: Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim

A Cuck is Born: Nancy Mace, Making A Name As A ‘Single Mom,’ Doing Fake News Rounds Bashing MAGA

Conservatism, Democrats, Ethics, Feminism, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, Republicans, The South

A Cuck is Born: Nancy Mace, Republican representative from South Carolina, is CNN’s favorite young GOPer, bad mouthing MAGA folks (to Don Lemon, of all people) at every turn, making hay over … well, it’s not the pillaging and killings courtesy of Black Lives Matter.

There’s nothing worse than a liberal southerner (with coarse skin).

And today, miss congeniality was on Fox News with the forgiving host Martha MacCallum, where she attempted to redeem herself as a “constitutional conservative.”

“I have spoken out strongly against the president and my own colleagues … we have a Constitution as our guide. The vote to certify the Electoral College is in our Constitution,” she said of the political battle that precipitated the riot. “That was a ceremonial vote to certify all 50 states that were legally certified.”

My case against Mace and her ilk: You don’t see the Left rush forward to be SEEN condemning the looters and killers of the Black Lives Matter movement. Yet you always find the most reprehensible among Republicans—goody two-shoes, teacher’s-pet types—who rush forward to denounce a rag-tag of renegades who already have no chance in hell of receiving due process of law.

Besides, a middle-class woman who can’t shut-up about being a a single mother has adopted the language of the Left for the purpose of self-aggrandizement. Mace’s bio mentions that “she is the mom of two children aged 11 and 13.”

So, give it up, please for the man who made the Mace kids. He is her ex-husband, Curtis Jackson, whom Nancy Mace divorced in 2019.

A single mother is a term the Left adopted to glorify “families” which were fatherless from the inception. Mace is a divorced woman (or womin).

The Daily Bitch Smears MAGA Jews

Donald Trump, Judaism & Jews, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, THE ELITES

The lefty formula is to call MAGA rioters Nazis and the Jews who join them—you heard me; ultra-religious Jews joined in!—dazed and confused.

Some whiny bitch boy at the Daily Bitch rats out and maligns his friend, coming up with a flurry of “insights“:

… my friend, who I’m not naming here because the only attention he deserves is from the FBI, joined buses full of Orthodox Jews from New York—including Aaron Mostofsky, the young man in the animal pelt costume seen taking a police officer’s shield and who was arrested days later—to join the neo-Nazis, QAnon conspiracists, and white nationalists at the day’s protests that became a riot. My friend had always struck me as quiet and shy. Not the kind of person who would attend any sort of political protest, let alone an armed insurrection.


NEW COLUMN: A Christmas Story Before Nerf Guns Became a No-No

Christianity, Comedy & Humor, Family, Feminism, Film, Founding Fathers, Kids, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim

NEW COLUMN, “A Christmas Story Before Nerf Guns Became a No-No,” is on American Greatness.

An excerpt:

Described by a critic as “one of those rare movies you can say is perfect in every way,” “A Christmas Story,” directed by Bob Clark, debuted in 1983. Set in the 1940s, the film depicts a series of family vignettes through the eyes of 9-year-old Ralphie Parker, who yearns for that gift of all gifts: The Daisy Red Ryder BB gun.

This was boyhood before the Nerf gun and “bang-bang you’re dead” were banned; family life prior to “One Dad Two Dads Brown Dad Blue Dads,” and Christmas before Saint Nicholas was denounced for his whiteness, and “Merry Christmas” condemned for its exclusiveness.

If children could choose the family into which they were born, most would opt for the kind depicted in “A Christmas Story,” where mom is a happy homemaker, dad a devoted working stiff, and between them, they have zero repertoire of progressive psychobabble to rub together.

Although clearly adored, Ralphie is not encouraged to share his feelings at every turn. Nor is he, in the spirit of gender-neutral parenting, circa 2020, urged to act out like a girl if he’s feeling … girlie.

Instead, Ralphie is taught restraint and self-control. And horrors: The little boy even has his mouth washed out with soap and water for uttering the “F” expletive. “My personal preference was for Lux,” reveals Ralphie, “but I found Palmolive had a nice piquant, after-dinner flavor—heady but with just a touch of mellow smoothness.” Ralphie is, of course, guilt-tripped with stories about starving Biafrans when he refuses to finish his food.

The parenting practiced so successfully by Mr. and Mrs. Parker fails every progressive commandment. By today’s standards, the delightful, un-precocious protagonist of “A Christmas Story” would be doomed to a lifetime on the therapist’s chaise lounge—and certainly to daily doses of Ritalin …

NEW COLUMN, “A Christmas Story Before Nerf Guns Became a No-No,” is on American Greatness.

Merry Christmas.

If The Libertarian Left Condemns Trump’s Immigration Record, It Must Be Quite Good

Democrats, Donald Trump, IMMIGRATION, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, libertarianism, Political Philosophy

Who do you turn to for accurate, objective data on just how relatively effective President Trump’s immigration initiatives have been?

You turn to a source that is both quite credible and, at once, opposes Trump’s immigration policies with all its open-borders, ideological zeal.

That’s not the Left, for its data are seldom credible; it’s the libertarian-left, and in particular, a policy report from the CATO Institute, whose scholars are eagerly awaiting the  “Pro-Immigration Agenda [of] the Biden Administration”:

If the libertarian-left condemns Trump’s immigration record—it must have been quite good.

CATO predicts Biden will please them, because:

… At no time in American history has immigration been as legally restricted as it is currently. Trump has overseen a reduction in legal immigration greater than the declines during the two world wars, the Great Depression, or even after Congress ended America’s open immigration policy with Europe in the 1920s. President-elect Biden could do more to expand, improve, and deregulate the immigration system than any other president if for no other reason than that the system is largely shut down right now. …

Before Trump closed the borders, the United States legally accepted more immigrants than any other country in absolute terms, but accounting for its size and economy, it ranked in the bottom third of wealthy countries for both its foreign-born share of the population and its annual per capita growth in the foreign-born population in 2019. Immigrants in Canada are about 21 percent of its population….

Less credible are the polls the CATOites cite to the effect that, “for the first time in [a certain] poll’s 55-year history, more Americans support increasing immigration than decreasing it.”

Really? At a time when Americans can be found congregating by necessity outside food banks, in lines stretching as far as the eye can see? Now, Americans badly want more competition over scarce resources?

Yes, say our CATO “scholars.”


*Image credit.