Category Archives: libertarianism

UPDATED (12/12/-18): On The Pseudo-Science of Violence Against Women: Judge Napolitano Takes The Left’s Perspective

Canada, Crime, Criminal Injustice, Gender, libertarianism, Old Right, Pseudoscience, Sex

Speaking to Arthel Neville, left-libertarian Judge Andrew Napolitano repeated old feminist canards about sexual assault: It’s allegedly an under-reported, ever-present crime in American society.

This misrepresentation is predictable, coming from Napolitano (a creedal left-libertarian).

Find the truth in “Sub-Science Bolsters Violence-Against-Women Claims” (1999). I wrote it in… 1999 for the Calgary Herald:

Moreover, take into consideration that Canada’s Violence Against Women industry (addressed in the column) takes direction from its American sisterhood. In the War On Men, Canada follows, America leads.

The research on violence against women amounts to mostly:

… single sex survey with no input from men. It reflects an exclusive ideological focus on female victimization and excludes, conveniently, violence females incur from other females. Neither were women asked about their own acts of violence towards the man in the relationship even though dozens of two sex surveys conducted in Canada and the U.S. confirm “that women in relationship with men commit comparatively as many acts of violence as men do, at every level of severity,” as Fekete writes.
Developed at the height of the post-Lepine “war against women” panic, the VAW questionnaires are the product of a collaboration with advocacy groups and feminist stakeholders. They are fraught with problems of unrepresentative sample, lack of corroboration, a reliance on anecdotes, and a use of over inclusive survey questions.
Undergirding the promiscuous statistics yielded in the survey is a reliance on prevalence figures. When claims makers say a third of all women have been assaulted in their lifetime, they refer to the prevalence of assault over a life-time, instead of the incidence of assault over, say, a 12-month period (that being approximately 3 percent). Lifetime rates inflate outcomes considerably and make for good copy. “What existential meaning,” wonders Prof. Fekete, “can be attached to a report that once in an entire lifetime someone that a woman knew touched her knee without an invitation?” ….

READ: “Sub-Science Bolsters Violence-Against-Women Claims.”

As to my Judge Andrew Napolitano archive: it’s  here. It’s mostly BAD, if you’re a libertarian on the hard Right:

UPDATED (12/12/018):  And note, these were finer points of law that Judge Napolitano fudged, not uncharacteristically. The guy is reliably clueless.

See: “Andrew McCarthy BLASTS Judge Napolitano’s Accusations of Trump Campaign Violations : “That’s Not What Happened at All!” (Video)”

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Google Demonizes Deplorables, Vows To Subverts Democracy. And We Worry About Russia!

Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, libertarianism, Liberty, Political Correctness, Propaganda, Russia, Technology, The State

This is no laughing matter. Libertarian theory has not kept up with the rise of mini-states within The State, NAMELY Google, Facebook and the rest of Deep Tech, which, in cahoots with a wing of the duopoly, work to subvert, marginalize and besmirch tens of millions of ordinary American citizens.

This is bigger than Soros’ thoroughly American operations overseas (spreading democracy), targeting and subverting nation-states outside the US.

Google’s resolve to activate its “Google’s policy team in DC” to pass its progressive globalist causes dwarfs Russia’s puny Facebook presence.

I say this as the “independent scholar” on a paper in The Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies, who wrote against anti-trust and for Microsoft’s undisputed right to bundle its products.

Hi-tech or Deep Tech has come a long way since we libertarians defended their private property rights. They’ve ventured into thought control and political influence operations.

How I despise them.

See “The Microsoft Corporation In Collision With Antitrust Law.”

MORE: “It’s Official: Google Is a Democratic Party Front.”

LEAKED VIDEO: Google Leadership’s Dismayed Reaction to Trump Election.”

Yes, The Left Stole Liberalism & Sold Out The West

Classical Liberalism, Communism, IMMIGRATION, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, libertarianism, Nationhood, Old Right, Socialism, The West

NEW COLUMN IS “Yes, The Left Stole Liberalism & Sold Out The West.” It’s now on WND and on The Unz Review.

An excerpt:

Liberals have taken to promoting socialism, which is the state-sanctioned appropriation of private property. Or, communism.

In communism’s parlance, this theft of a man’s life, labor and land is referred to as state-ownership of the means of production.

Liberals are less known for misappropriating intellectual concepts. But they do that, too.

Take the term “liberal.” It once belonged to the good guys. But socialists, communists and Fabians stole it from us.

Having originally denoted the classical liberalism of the 18th and early 19th century, “liberal” used to be a lovely word. However, to be a liberal now is to be a social democrat, a leftist, a BLM, antifa and MeToo movementarian; it’s to be Chris and Andrew Cuomo.

A French classical liberal, Benjamin Constant (1767-1830), explained what liberalism stood for:

“Individuals must enjoy a boundless freedom in the use of their property and the exercise of their labor, as long as in disposing of their property or exercising their labor they do not harm others who have the same rights.” This is the opposite of communism aka socialism.

By harm, classical liberals mean aggression, as in damage to person or property. To contemporary liberals, “harm” encompasses anything from Donald Trump’s delicious tweets to the economic competition posed by a kiddie lemonade stand.

In the UK, those in-the-know still use the word liberal in the right way. The august Economist—essential reading for, unlike American news outlets, it covers The News—has recently lamented that democracies are drifting towards “xenophobic nationalism,” and away from liberal ideas.

At the same time, the magazine allows that “liberalism is a broad church.” It mentions the “Austrians” as being among liberalism’s “forerunners”—a mention that gave me, as a devotee of economist Ludwig von Mises, the opening I needed.

So, let me ask the following:

Have the Economist’s left-liberal editorializers (excellent writers all) read what liberal extraordinaire von Mises had to say about nationalism vis-à-vis immigration?

Mises was a Jewish classical liberal in the best of traditions—a political economist second to none. He escaped the Nazis only to be treated shoddily in the American academy, by the Fabian “forerunners” of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s teachers.

Another formidable, younger classical liberal thinker is David Conway (a friend). Dr. Conway has argued most convincingly and methodically—he’s incapable of arguing any other way—that nationalism is in fact a condition for the emergence of liberalism.

To that end, Conway invokes Mises. In  “Liberalism: In the Classical Tradition,” published in 1927, Mises warned that …

… READ THE REST. “Yes, The Left Stole Liberalism & Sold Out The West” is now on WND and on The Unz Review.

UPDATE III (7/26): Sacha Baron Cohen On Arming Toddlers: ‘My Son, May He Rest in Peace, Was In The Program, He Died Doing What I Love.’ Priceless.

Comedy & Humor, Conservatism, GUNS, Intelligence, Israel, libertarianism, Morality, Political Correctness, Politics

Former Illinois congressman Joe Walsh is an idiot.
Former Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott is an idiot.
Ditto Rep. Joe Wilson of South Carolina.
Don’t know what’s up with Philip Van Cleave, the Virginian who heads a citizen’s self-defense league. But nobody would exhibit stupidity for the sake of politeness. His dumbness might just be a natural state.
Lobbyist Larry Pratt, director of Gun Owners of America: He certainly convinces one of his studied stupidity.

What did they do?

Obediently they recited the following lines in front of a camera:

“The way to stop a bad guy with a gun… is a good kid with a gun.”

“The intensive three-week Kinderguardian course introduces specially selected children from 12 to 4 years old to pistols, rifles, semiautomatics, and a rudimentary knowledge of mortars. In less than a month — less than a month — a first-grader can become a first-grenade-er. Happy shooting, kids.”

Children under five also have elevated levels of the pheromone Blink-182, produced by the part of the liver known as the Rita Ora. This allows nerve reflexes to travel along the Cardi B neural pathway to the Wiz Khalifa 40% faster.”

Toddlers are pure, uncorrupted by fake news or homosexuality. They don’t care if it’s politically correct to shoot a mentally deranged gunman. They’ll just do it.”

“… children can process images quicker than adults, meaning that, essentially like owls, they can see in slow motion.”

And they’re OK with their interviewer, Sasha Baron Cohen, chiming in on the merits of arming toddler: “My son, may he rest in peace, was in the first program, he died doing what I love. … They try [in the US] to stop 4-year-olds from having guns? What is the logic ???!”

Terribly funny.

But also an object lesson in what politicians would agree to recite and do, to benefit their agenda (good or bad) and their special interests.

In his latest skit, comedic genius Sacha Baron Cohen takes the mickey out of your typical, Fox News, Israeli “anti-terror expert.” His character is called Col. Erran Morad, and he has a recognizably hypnotic effect on US Republicans.

Cohen’s is also the type of satire American comedians no longer do for fear of disobeying the PC police. The reductio ad absurdum is bloody good.

This is certainly a worthy dig at politicians who’re both deeply stupid and will say anything if an Israeli krav maga knucklehead tells them to.

In any event, Cohen didn’t need to work hard to persuade “former and current Republican lawmakers [to endorse] the idea of arming school children as young as four with guns.”

The only honest-to-goodness smart representative was the Republican from Florida, Matt Gaetz. Incredulous, he asked scary Sasha:

“You want me to say on television that I support 3- and 4-year-olds with firearms? Is that what you’re asking me?”

No can do. I don’t think so.

This is wicked funny and good libertarian fun. Sacha Baron Cohen does a public service, exposing the stupid herd of politicians (and one smart one). Now let’s see Cohen mock the Left.

UPDATE I (7/18): Joe Walsh: “Sasha Baron Cohen gets people to say stupid things.”

No. Cohen gets stupid people to say stupid things.

UPDATE II (7/24): Cohen, who first coined the term “crap countries” before “shitholes,” courtesy Trump, needs now to offend the Left.

UPDATE III (7/26):

Republicans are complaining that “Liberals are Outraged Over Obviously Satirical Alexandria Cortez Interview.” That’s legit just as Shasa Baron Cohen’s satire was legit. Why, then, did conservatives bitch about the Cohen skit? The GOP YouTube blond can’t hold a candle to Cohen’s comedy.

This woman is not funny.

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