Category Archives: Media

Tucker On How The Most Mediocre People Maintain Power

Critique, Donald Trump, Human Accomplishment, Intelligence, Media, THE ELITES

Tucker: Why ruling class loses control in Trump’s presence

Aug. 20, 2018 – 3:33 – Tucker: “Who’s dumber? No it’s not the man who can’t spell “respect.” For dumbness, MSNBC’s the Rev. Al Sharpton has nothing on the New York Times’ Michelle Goldberg.

2:37 minutes in:

Goldberg isn’t gaming our system, she is our system. … Trump terrifies the ruling class, whose main talents are glibness and obedience. That’s enough to succeed in the globalized economy. That’s what the system requires. Lemming-like conformity. On some level, the elites know they’re not very impressive and it worries them. Instead of aiming to become more impressive, they maintain their rule by bullying. … They’re guilty. They’ve watched the country decline, as they’ve ascended. They know what they’ve done. They understand how much they have to lose by changing the way things are.

Tucker is the only non-mediocrity at Fox.

POTUS Trump Neglects Super Stupid Chris Cuomo And Owes Dogs An Apology

Donald Trump, Environmentalism & Animal Rights, Etiquette, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media

As time goes by, my appreciation for President Trump’s noble mission and effortless ability TO DRIVE LEFTIST POND SCUM STARK RAVING BONKERS only increases. But on the matter of Omarosa Manigault Newman, Trump does owe an apology …

… To the dog community for comparing dogs to Omarosa. Animals have feelings, too.

Trump, moreover, should stop discriminating against CNN’s Chris Cuomo and call him names, just as he does Don Lemon. Cuomo gives fellow anchor Mr. Lemon a run for his money. The first is way dumber and sanctimonious than the second. And when the two get together in the segue between their shows, it’s a storm of stupidity and sanctimony.

For his stupid credentials, watch (or read) Cuomo:

My bad: Trump did trash Cuomo, but that was in 2017.

Ideological Friction In The Trump White House Is Real—And A Real Bad Thing

Donald Trump, Ethics, Family, IMMIGRATION, Kids, Media, Political Philosophy, Politics

The president is trying to promote a radical political worldview. When you’re attempting something markedly different—and indeed the perpetually outraged media childishly call his agenda “not normal”—you need people who agree on matters philosophical. And you need a spokesperson who is able to do more than fend off media attack dogs.

President Trump has not gotten these foundations in place. And it’s getting late in the day.

It follows that Ivanka and her Kush boy, as well as those like her who vehemently oppose the Trump-Stephen Miller plank, have no place in this White House.

Let White House Chief of Staff John Kelly at it. He himself is sick-and-tired of the first daughter “playing government.”

Kelly, as was illustrated in “The Matriarchy Is Gunning For John Kelly, is one of Trump’s superb personnel choices. Let Kelly do what he has to do: replace Sarah Stumblebum and get rid of the Royal Kushner Couple (in waiting), among other people. Kelly has the skill-set to FIRE.

The Tucker Carlson Show Is Meaningless Without Mr. Carlson In The Anchor’s Chair

Environmentalism & Animal Rights, Media, Paleoconservatism, War

Face the facts: “Tucker” is unwatchable without Tucker Carlson, who is the only paleoconservative on Fox News. By that I mean that Tucker questions all America’s recreational wars and has a strong anti-neoconservative sensibility. He also doubts the US’s current immigration intake, legal and illegal, as is he inclined to be ethical about animals and the environment. Most Republicans have the crass, Yankee killer instinct toward the natural world.

Mostly, Tucker is more intellectually curious than any of the other showboats on Fox News. He listens to guests who’ve got something to impart.

On the other hand, did Alan Dershowitz get a chance to teach Hannity’s audience about the law, vis-a-vis the Mueller Special Counsel? Never. He can’t get a word in. Not with Sean Hannity in the anchor’s chair. Ditto the unedifying Laura Ingraham. She talks over her guests non-stop.

Nothing to learn from these noise-makers. Other than Tucker, each is an ego in an anchor’s chair.

When does Tucker get back from vacation?