Category Archives: Media

It Takes Quite A Nation To Produce Such A President: Donald J. Trump’s Greatest Presser

Donald Trump, IMMIGRATION, Media, Russia

President Donald Trump speaks directly to the people, both by-passing and smacking a hate-filled press during a lengthy press conference. This is a volunteer president; working for free.

“I’m not ranting and raving; I’m having a good time. You, dishonest media will say I’m ranting and raving.”

“I’m changing it from Fake News to very Fake News.”

“If you were straight and told it like it is, I’d be your biggest fan.”

“There’s zero chaos in the administration.”

“Half of our job is given over to refuting lies by the press.”

“Chief of staff Reince Priebus, a real good guy, is kept busy putting out Fake-News fires. The administration would rather be working on the issues.”

“The whole Russian thing is a ruse. [Great word.] I have nothing to do with Russia.”

“The hatred at CNN is palpable.”

“You are making it impossible to get on with Russia with your fake Russia story. It’s a shame for the American people.”

Putin assumes he can’t make a deal with the US, so he’s up to mischief. Putin is not testing America, he has concluded he can’t make a deal with us, because of the Fake News onslaught.

“Doing the right thing for America is getting on with Russia, even though you want me to blow them out of the sky, water, etc. I won’t do it. I’ll do what’s right for America.”

On BBCNews: “There’s another beauty.”

Travel ban: “We had a bad Court which gave us a bad decision for the American people.

Love the way POTUS disciples the noisy voluble reporters who deliver a soliloquy, instead of asking a question. “Quiet, sit down.”

PBS News Hour’s reporter talks like reporter, asks a fair question, just as a reporter of old would have done, and is acknowledged as such by the president. He replies to her question:

“We will show a great heart. DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) is a difficult case for me. A very tough subject. I have kids. I have grand-kids. I love kids. The existing law is very rough.”

As to the new Executive Order (“travel ban”); it will be tailored to avoid new challenges such as the Ninth Circuit imposed.

Trump Won by Articulating Principles, Not Policy. This Guides POTUS’ Cabinet Picks

Democrats, Donald Trump, Education, Media, Political Philosophy

I’m no fan of the voucher fetish, having likened it, in 2002, to tweaking the educational Gulag. Free-market schooling throughout—primary, secondary and tertiary levels—is the only solution to our centrally planned miseducation.

But when Senate Minority Leader Chucky Schumer says President Trump’s pick to lead Education, Betsy DeVos, is the least familiar with education policy, Schumer is making the same case against DeVos EVERYONE (including Fox News, you forgetful Fox News fans) made against the POTUS.

President Donald Trump, like candidate Trump, won by articulating principles over policy.


UPDATED (2/5): Gavin McInnes Dishes Old News About Fox News

Conservatism, Media, Neoconservatism, Political Correctness, Republicans

Gavin McInnes has discovered what I’ve chronicled for 15 years: Fox News is NOT rightist, the network pussyfoots around the Left, cares more about showcasing boobs than brains, practices affirmative action, for women and minorities (they cowered before “Motormouth Megyn Kelly & The Mad Matriarchy”), is hell of a timid about daring opinion (yes, where’s Ann Coulter, Fox News?), and hated on Donald Trump. You know all that and more if you’ve been reading this space  (for example: “The Murdoch Media: Root ‘N Branch For Marcobot”).

That’s why you’ll find the adjective “banal” paired with Fox News in all books and writings originating here. Neoconservatives all, with few exceptions.

A pity McInnes sounds a little desperate. Red Eye, which he seems to lament losing, is unwatchable (ditto the Greg Guttfeld Show). It stinks of smarmy, unfunny idiots. The only good moments were when McInnes ranted in character. Scottish character. Once upon a time the show allowed this outrageous female comedian to host. She was so brutally wonderful that … they never had her back again.

UPDATED (2/5):

Greg Gutfeld? I don’t think so.

UPDATED: Press Secretary Sean Spicer’s 1st Press Conference 1/23/17

Donald Trump, English, Media, Trade

The chummy tweet Press Secretary Sean Spicer shot to his awful predecessor, Josh Earnest, is the only bad thing in an otherwise spectacular first press conference. With his vigor, energy and focus, Spicer’s boss, POTUS Trump, puts 20-year-olds to shame.

TPP to be fazed out:

Downsizing the behemoth:

English Only:

UPDATE: DRUDGE  Headlines:
Warns China: No more taking territory...
Set to battle Republicans on spending cuts...
Wants to slash regs by 75% ...
Discusses terror fight in call with Sisi...
Wins The Unions...
Will meet with Detroit Three automakers...
White House English-only website...