Category Archives: Media

Post-Election Round Up

Barack Obama, Donald Trump, Elections, Hillary Clinton, IMMIGRATION, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, Multiculturalism, Neoconservatism, Republicans

‘Inclusion’ never included the Right or the religious:

A familiar love scene: The White House press-corp and their honey:

Divisive Obama preaches unity:

One of the questions posed to Barack Obama by the adoring press corp: How long before you were at ease on the job?

Media: We’re so virtuous:

The New York Slimes’ mea culpa:

The honest media is incarcerated by the statists: “Assange is Us”:

Yours truly gets a shout-out from the UK:

Hillary offers to help Trump. Please no.

Hungary is on-board the Trump train:

‘Deplorables’ reshape the GOP. Yippee:

Endurance test ends on November 8:

It won’t last unless …

Alas, GOP media are off suicide watch, but should still be expunged:

When they’re not liberals; winners must reach across the aisle:

Hillary, listen to your husband; he’s the smart one in the family:

The more the diversity; the more the misery; the larger the Trump Factor:

The country united over Gary Johnson:

Another poll that lies:

Did Bill O’Reilly Take A Shot At Show Girl Kelly?

Donald Trump, Elections, Feminism, Gender, Media

It sounds as though Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly was taking a much-deserved dig at Megyn Kelly (who is practically nude tonight, on her show). During his November 9, 2016 Talking Points Memo, Mr. O’Reilly said this:

Distrust of the media is at an all-time high in America. So when left-wing zealots masquerading as journalists pounded Trump without mercy, voters grew numb to it.
Some of that even happened on this network as a few commentators tried to make names for themselves at Trump’s expense.
Same thing with some anti-Hillary analysts.
There is a difference between tough, fact-based political interviews and playing to those in the politically correct fanatical bleachers [which was Kelly’s modus operandi]

MORE “The People Revolt, Trump Wins.”

What I Predicted About No-Nothing Statistician Nate Silver, The Pundits & Pols

Britain, Donald Trump, Elections, Europe, Media, Nationhood

From my June 29 book, “The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed”:

… whether they’re missing the Trump phenom or the casus belli for war in Iraq—America’s deeply stupid, self-anointed cognoscenti recognize truth only once card-carrying members arrive at it independently, grasp and broadcast it, sometimes years too late. Not so the marginalized writers of America. Not in 2012, but in 2002 did we pinpoint the wrongness of the Iraq War. And not in 2016, but on July 19, 2015—when this chronicle began—did some of us, not fortuitously, finger Trump as “a candidate to ‘kick the crap out of all the politicians’” and “send the system’s sycophants scattering” (August 14, 2015). His appeal, as this writer has contended since late in 2015, transcends left and right. Conversely, vaunted statistician Nate Silver ‘calculated, last November, that Trump’s support was ‘about the same share of people who think the Apollo moon landings were faked.’ (Professor Tyler Cowen of George Mason University properly downgraded wonder boy Silver’s intellectual prowess. His prose was a sprawl that ‘evinces a greater affiliation to rigor with data analysis than to rigor with philosophy of science or for that matter rigor with rhetoric,’ wrote the good teacher.)”

MORE in “The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed”.

Big Fox Fraudster:

Running scared:

Megyn Kelly & The Dr. Phil Pop-Therapy Idiom

Donald Trump, Feminism, Gender, Media, Psychology & Pop-Psychology

Bossy bimbo Megyn Kelly ordered Newt Gingrich to work on his “anger issues,” when he scolded her over her tilted and salacious coverage of Donald Trump. (See: “For Once, Trump Surrogate Gets Aggressive With Mainstream Media’s Megalo-Megyn.”)

Paul Joseph Watson of Prison Planet tweets: “All disagreement = anger. Anger card.”

I see it differently. The “The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed” covers the destructive role played by showgirl Megyn Kelly in anti-Trump feminist agitprop. As I point out in the book, by her own admission, “the anchoring ‘philosopher’ in Kelly’s life is Oprah Winfry’s protégé TV pop-psychologist Dr. Phil.” So she naturally gravitates to pop-psychology as her explanatory idiom.

Megyn Kelly’s a pop tart. That’s all.