Category Archives: Media

From The Deplorables’ Perspective, Hillary Got Slaughtered @ First Presidential Debate

Business, Crime, Donald Trump, Economy, Foreign Policy, Gender, Hillary Clinton, Lebanon, Media

Not America First:

Clinton’s Ctrl-Alt-Delete Rant:

Make America Great Again:

And Now For Something Completely Different: Moron Media:

Pivoting from Putin:


Moocher Vs. Producer:


First She Scoffs At The Country, Then She Coughs All Over It

Critique, Democrats, Gender, Hillary Clinton, Ilana Mercer, Media, Reason

“First She Scoffs At The Country, Then She Coughs All Over It” is my first YouTube attempt, now on The Unz Review, America’s smartest webzine. Here’s an excerpt from the text, which you can read in full at The Unz Review:

How does evidence against something, become evidence for that very same something?

Plain evidence against the good health of Hillary Clinton has become, with the aid of the malfunctioning media, evidence for her stamina. “She has the constitution of a boar,” said a defender on Fox New, following Mrs. Clinton’s very pubic collapse at the 2016, 9/11 memorial.

“She powered through it all,” parroted the rest.

“Pneumonia blows over like the flu” was the consensus on MSNBC, as they collected affidavit after affidavit from their reporters to swear to how humid, crowded and uncomfortable it was for Hillary on that fateful, New-York day.

“Probably nothing,” said that no-good neurologist Sanjay Gupta, at CNN, mere hours before the news of Clinton’s pneumonia broke.

How does a display of faltering health from Hillary become a reason to doubt the stamina of a man, Donald Trump, who’s like The Incredible Hulk?

Like magic, Trump materializes at multiple events a day, hops from Mexico to Louisiana, and seems to be having fun while at it. “Give me more,” his whole countenance seems to scream.

Then there’s the sexism angle (where, in the YouTube video that accompanies this short text, the writer is forced to reach for some “Dutch Courage”): How is it that we hold a female presidential candidate with pneumonia to a different standard than a male presidential candidate without pneumonia?

Now there’s a no-brainer. …

… The rest is on The Unz Review.

Subscribe to my new YouTube channel. This shy, retiring writer/thinker promises to get better at it.

CNN Circles The Wagons Around Their Candidate

Hillary Clinton, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media

BROOKE BALDWIN, host of CNN Newsroom and as partisan an anchor as the rest, moved quickly to shut down a line of inquiry about Hillary Clinton’s health, pursued by a DR. TIFFANY SIZEMORE. BALDWIN’s bookers clearly chose the wrong guest for her Clinton-friendly show.

BROOKE BALDWIN (HOST): Let me pivot back to the health records, Dr. Tiffany, and ask you this. As we talked about Hillary Clinton’s additional medical records to come out this week, also we’re hearing from the Trump camp that we should get some more information on his own health. When people pour through that, what do you expect to learn?

DR. TIFFANY SIZEMORE: One of my concerns, actually, is — and I want to be very blunt — pneumonia, which she has now, and what happened in 2012 are two distinctly separate things. However, the medical problems that Hillary had in 2012 are still significant medical problems. Having a blood clot in a vein in your brain is a pretty significant issue, especially when there’s been studies out that there’s a small subset of people who, when they have this problem, have chronic cognitive and decision-making impairment. So I do think —

BALDWIN: But what about [Donald] Trump? Sorry, I don’t know if I spoke —

SIZEMORE: I’m getting there. It’s OK.

BALDWIN: “OK, OK,” whereupon Brooke, who brooks no disagreement, moved on to her next, more compliant guest.

Dr. SIZEMORE won’t be called on again by bossy Brooke.

As one wag said, “When inquiry is shut down, it becomes advocacy,” or something like that.

CNN Anchor Huffs Over Hillary’s Health & Vitality

Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, Politics, Republicans

CNN’s Brianna Keilar raises Hillary Clinton’s health on air with Trump supporter Republican Congressman Sean Duffy. She then argues vigorously for HER candidate’s vitality: “Nah, Ms. Clinton doesn’t cough much.” Yeah, she Keilar has observed Hillary campaigning more energetically than Trump. “Why is Trump in red states?” (But no, “Why is Hillary in blue states”). A true advocate for Hillary is Keilar.

Ostensibly a reporter, Keilar also griped about the “right-wing press.” And she instructs Duffy: “I’m telling you how it is.” You can see Duffy veer between wanting to speak the truth to the stupid pouting girl, and, on the other hand, flattering her about the power and glory of her program. Duffy is part of “the New York-Washington axis of power.” More than in truth, he is vested in keeping his perch and being invited to return to Brianna Keilar’s CNN show.

Brianna’s sister-in-arms is Poppy Harlow (the ‘t’ is silent):