Category Archives: Media

CNN Anchor Huffs Over Hillary’s Health & Vitality

Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, Politics, Republicans

CNN’s Brianna Keilar raises Hillary Clinton’s health on air with Trump supporter Republican Congressman Sean Duffy. She then argues vigorously for HER candidate’s vitality: “Nah, Ms. Clinton doesn’t cough much.” Yeah, she Keilar has observed Hillary campaigning more energetically than Trump. “Why is Trump in red states?” (But no, “Why is Hillary in blue states”). A true advocate for Hillary is Keilar.

Ostensibly a reporter, Keilar also griped about the “right-wing press.” And she instructs Duffy: “I’m telling you how it is.” You can see Duffy veer between wanting to speak the truth to the stupid pouting girl, and, on the other hand, flattering her about the power and glory of her program. Duffy is part of “the New York-Washington axis of power.” More than in truth, he is vested in keeping his perch and being invited to return to Brianna Keilar’s CNN show.

Brianna’s sister-in-arms is Poppy Harlow (the ‘t’ is silent):

We Love Prostitutes, Hate Presstitutes (Yes, You, CNN)

Classical Liberalism, Donald Trump, Ethics, Feminism, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, Morality

There’s a lot to admire about practitioners of the oldest profession in the world. A lot of sympathy is in order for those who choose, or must resort to, prostitution. None such considerations are in order for America’s presstitutes: There is nothing redeeming or remotely forgivable about the malfunctioning media’s simplistic, silly, nuance-bereft, sentimentality oozing, strictly left-liberal angle and approach (as opposed to our classical liberalism). Nothing.

The news media these days is a thoroughly feminized endeavor, with a penchant for, mostly, soft news stories. Duly, the network girls—a definition that includes boys—have been banging on about one thing since Donald Trump delivered three or four inspiring, certainly substantive, addresses. The discussion around Trump’s speeches has focused not on the multilayered issues covered by Trump, but on the “Trump ‘Regrets’ Comment,” as CNN called the stupidest part of what were otherwise spectacular speeches. This is how a feminized media steers the focus of its captive audience to frivolity.

The comment:

“Sometimes, in the heat of debate and speaking on a multitude of issues, you don’t choose the right words or you say the wrong thing. I have done that. And believe it or not, I regret it. And I do regret it, particularly where it may have caused personal pain. Too much is at stake for us to be consumed with these issues,” Trump told supporters here.
He added: “But one thing I can promise you is this: I will always tell you the truth.”

The commentary, if you can stomach it.

Trump Going Back To His Real Roots

Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, IMMIGRATION, Labor, Media

What an excellent call Donald Trump made in deploying Stephen Bannon of It was essential for Trump to tear himself away from his slick, branding-focused family members, which I called out as a mistake in “Corey Lewandowski’s A Class Act; What About Those Who Got Him Fired?!” Ivanka is a decorative, lovely girl. Extremely bright too. But she’s a liberal. You know it. (She thinks a wage gap exists because of sex-based discrimination, whereas, as I’ve pointed out for years, were women getting less money than men for the same skill set, men would have long since prices themselves out of the market. The fact that they haven’t, indicates other variables are at play such as uninterrupted employment, professions chosen (engineering as opposed education), etc.

Trump in CHARLOTTE, Speaking for the Forgotten; Can Americans Be DREAMERS?:

The Media Complex Reacts:

The Old Right Reacts:

The Voice Of The Voiceless:

America First, Not Other Nations, Not illegal Aliens:

Change Agent:

As Opposed to Same Agent:

The Clinton Media’s Manufactured Reality

Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media

“The Clinton Media’s Manufactured Reality” is the current column, now on An excerpt:

The Clinton Media have gone from malfunctioning to mad, from “dishonest” to deranged. Their coverage of the 2016 election is no longer tinged by liberal bias, but is about moving viewers and readers into a parallel universe, an alternate reality of the media’s making.

The media monolith’s latest imbecility is to offer effusive plaudits for their candidate, Hillary, because this life-long politician whose ill-gotten gains have come via the political means, not the private productive means, has released her tax returns for 2015.

Something Donald Trump has yet to do. For the candidate is under audit and has been advised to refrain from doing anything that’ll give the most corrupt and dangerous of government agencies a lien on his assets—or liberty, for that matter.

Befitting an arm of our technocratic Managerial State—the Internal Revenue Service regularly criminalizes the actions of “non-compliant” victims, even when the alleged crime is, more often than not, unintentional. And it matters not that the “Rights of Englishmen,” bequeathed to the American Founders by their philosophical forbears, stipulated that there is to be no crime without intent. Also unconstitutional is ex post facto (or retroactive) law. Yet the rogues at the IRS routinely change laws as they go, and criminalize “actions that were legal when committed.”

Lest anyone forget, the IRS is famous for unleashing its corrupt kleptocrats—Lois Lerner is exhibit A—on innocent tea-party and 9/12 patriots in order to, very plainly, destroy them.

Lerner deployed this vast, oppressive apparatus to hound right-leaning non-profits, to threaten their mission and menace their donors. Just like Hillary Clinton does, Lerner knew she would remain untouched by the law. Post resignation, the lippy Lerner could afford to be unrepentant. “I am not sorry for anything I did,” she declared to Politico.

Compared to Trump, tea-party patriots were adored by the establishment.

This Mr. Michael Cohen, General Counsel for the Trump Organization, knows.

On no account, said Michael Cohen, Esq., would he allow his client, Mr. Trump, to reveal anything about his taxes while under audit. (Here’s hoping Cohen will replace Trump’s lightweight panelists, sitting pretty at CNN and elsewhere. The longer these regulars linger in these snake pits, the more they begin to “accommodate their talking partners on the Left-Center,” the more they labor “to smooth rough edges,” the more they move to “marginalize their own right wing,” and “distance themselves from those who seem more conservative in their principles than the goal of bridge–building might render acceptable.” …

… Read the rest. “The Clinton Media’s Manufactured Reality” is now on Share it too.