Category Archives: Media

Of Course Their Race Counts; It Got Them Killed

Crime, Family, Kids, Media, Race, Racism

WRONG, Tucker Carlson: A homeless man didn’t randomly kill a boy, as you had stated.  The slaughter of Ryan Rogers was not “a completely random act,” coward Florida cop. Semmie Williams, black, stabbed Ryan’s white face repeatedly to, very simply, obliterate it.

For every hate crime unidentified making its way into the news under a phony guise, there are countless, daily, black-on-white beatings and acts of bullying in public spaces.

In October alone, there were “32 black-on-white homicides, including five home invasions,” as chronicled on The Unz Review.

Institutionalized rot means that the feral folks have been put in charge, empowered to say and do as they feel. They are fearless. They want to smash all faces that aren’t like theirs. And they’ve been given institutional imprimatur to act out on their envy and hate. A combination of low inhibitions and license to kill has resulted in scenes like these across the country.

This comes courtesy of Ziggs on Odysee:

Then there are the parents. Likely race-related, the murder of this typical innocent do-gooder, Ethan Williams, was masked by media and law enforcement  as a “stray bullet.”

Kids like Ethan are sent into the world wide-eyed and filled with only wonderment. (Read “Sacrificing Kids To PC Pietism,” 2011.) Nary a warning are they issued as to the reality of crime in America—and beyond. Parents are instrumental in these tragic events, having never given their kids “The Talk,” as John Derbyshire called it.

As a neighborhood in which to bunk down, Ethan Williams chose Bushwick, in New York City. Bushwick is known as dangerously and diversely hip. Was this reckless decision not made against the background of a lifelong familial support and backing for such displays of hipness and “openness”?

Pater says the kid was all about “poverty and violence” and “mission work in Rwanda” (as opposed in white, impoverish Appalachia).

Writes his proud father, who seems to have helped cement this delusional, progressive-Christian ideation in his kid’s mind:

Police believe our son’s killer mistook him and his friends for rival gang members. [Yeah, right]. They were instead just a group of Midwestern boys on their first trip to see “the greatest city in the world.” If he had been given the chance, without question Ethan would have embraced his would-be killer, asked his name and hung out on those same steps with him swapping stories deep into the night.


NEW COLUMN: Deplorables, Cancel The January 6 PSYOP!

Democrats, History, libertarianism, Media, Paleolibertarianism, Populism, Propaganda, Pseudo-history, Republicans, Rights, Russia, THE ELITES, The Establishment, The State

NEW COLUMN is “Deplorables, Cancel The January 6 PSYOP!” It is currently featured on WND.COM, and The Unz Review.

A short except:

The anniversary of January 6 is upon us. In deranged Democrat nomenclature, “It was an insurrection”—apparently the deadliest in U.S. history. To their disgrace, Jan. 6 has indeed become the Democrat’s 9/11.

Deplorables should rejoice for the Democrats are having a fit, and that’s fun. Rejoice, but do not partake in or dignify the production. Ignore Jan. 6 as you would “spam for penis extensions.”

Stay away from the force-field of evil that is the Democrats’ Jan. 6 Psychological Operation (PSYOP). Much like the Russia hoax—it was a plot to unseat a president—the Jan. 6 monomania is meant to overthrow a people, MAGA America. …

… If Democrats can defend their rioters, the Republican Party must represent theirs and secure them their Constitutional due-process rights still denied.

Above all, MAGA America must cancel Jan. 6; consider it a civilian Psychological Operation intended to “induce” and “reinforce behavior” meant to politically and psychologically pulverize the Democrats’ enemies: us. …

For now, read Deplorables, Cancel The January 6 PSYOP!” on WND.COM, or The Unz Review.

UPDATED (1/7/022): NEW. WATCH: Deplorables, Cancel The January 6 PSYOP!

Argument, libertarianism, Media, Paleolibertarianism, Republicans, THE ELITES, The Establishment, The State

WATCH: “Deplorables, Cancel The January 6 PSYOP!

The anniversary of January 6 is upon us. In deranged Democrat nomenclature, “It was an insurrection”—apparently the deadliest in U.S. history. To their disgrace, Jan. 6 is indeed the Democrat’s 9/11.

Deplorables should rejoice, because the Democrats are having a fit. Rejoice, but don’t partake in or dignify the production. Ignore Jan. 6 as you would “spam for penis extensions.”

Stay away from the force-field of evil that is the Democrats’ Jan. 6 Psychological Operation (PSYOP). Much like the Russia hoax, which was a plot to unseat a president; the Jan. 6 monomania is meant to overthrow a people, MAGA America.

WATCH: “Deplorables, Cancel The January 6 PSYOP!

UPDATE (1/7/022): Happy birthday, mommy. Ignore the January Sixers.

PARLER, Hashtag #Bible, Is A Zombie Social-Media Network

China, Free Speech, Media, Neoconservatism, Republicans, Technology

Social media is supposed to be free, effortless and friendly. I’m just not getting that feeling from Parler, whose hashtags are dead to the news.—ilana

On Twitter I endure shadow-banning, throttling and the periodic wiping out of Followers in their hundreds. BUT at least Twitter is ALIVE. It is a clever interface, too. If not for the China-style censorship; Twitter would be perfect.

Parler—the conservative site we defended and had high hopes for (see “Deep Tech: Locked Down And Locked Out, First By The State, Then By Silicon Valley“)—is proving to be a zombie social-media site. I mean, just look how dead-to-the news the Parler hashtags are!

It is Republican Party cheerleaders, neoconservatives at their most stagnant, stuck in a time-warp; followers of Trump, but without an affinity or penchant for his radical spirit and message. Very Fox News.

Dissident thinkers—at least this one—will find it hard to get ahead or make friends. Not so Gab, which is not as good as Twitter, as an interface, but is so much better than Parler for dissidents (at least, myself).

A Parler email just arrived informing me that “Parler remains the world’s premier free speech platform.” To follow are instructions to do some wank activity like log-in somewhere to feel the Parler fabulousness.

You see, Parler, social media is supposed to be free, effortless and friendly. I’m just not getting that feeling from Parler.

I’ll be posting this up there on Parler, and will make myself scarce on that frosty, dour place.