Category Archives: Neoconservatism

UPDATED (3/12/022): NEW COLUMN: True Story: Russia Finds WMD In Ukraine!

America, China, Democracy, Europe, Foreign Policy, Neoconservatism, Propaganda, Russia, War, WMD

NEW COLUMN IS “True Story: Russia Finds WMD In Ukraine!” It is on WND.COM, The Unz Review and The New American.


… I had framed the duty of diplomacy and statesmanship at which Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has failed so miserably and with such grave consequences for his countrymen as realpolitik.

Realpolitik is practical politics, the art of getting along, differences and all, in a real world in which reality, especially power differentials, is accepted and dealt with. The onus was on the Ukrainian president to practice realpolitik with his powerful neighbors, the Russians, I argued. Zelensky ought to have shown Putin respect and negotiated an agreement with him, one that would have appeased Russia with respect to Ukraine’s outsized, idiotic NATO and EU aspirations. Promise the Russians “a non-aligned, neutral Ukraine,” is how Col. Doug McGregor put it.

What I call realpolitik, political scientist John Mearsheimer terms “great-power politics.”

“When you’re a country like Ukraine and you live next door to a great power like Russia,” he posits, “you have to pay careful attention to what the Russians think, because if you take a stick and you poke them in the eye, they’re going to retaliate. … States in the Western hemisphere understand [great-power politics] full well with regard to the United States.”

With his fatigues, simplistic jingoism and facility with TV optics and social media—Zelensky certainly appeals to the war channel females (Fox News) and to distaff worldwide. But he has been worse than useless in the grander scheme of things. As Mearsheimer points out, matter-of-fact, Ukraine is going to lose more territory, its economy has been wrecked as are its cities and infrastructure in ruins. Eastern Europe is becoming more unstable. China and Russia have been thrust into each other’s arms.

The West claims the blame lies solely with Putin, to whom are attributed assorted phantasmagoric expansionist programs and projects. According to this angels-and-demons Disneyfied storyline, Putin plans on claiming the Baltic states of Eastern Europe “out of a longstanding desire to resuscitate the Soviet Empire,” even though the Russian president has disavowed the creation of a greater Russia and certainly doesn’t have the economic wherewithal to mount protracted invasions and occupations. …

… READ THE REST. NEW COLUMN, “True Story: Russia Finds WMD In Ukraine!,” is on WND.COM and The Unz Review for now.

UPDATED (3/11/022): Curiously, Ukraine the “free” and “democratic” had mounted, a la the USA, its own January 6 kind of offensive on its opposition, whom the Zelensky state had placed under house arrest. Check it out.

Coverage of Ukraine before the war is also instructive. Of course, nothing justifies a war of aggression, but a lot explains it.


UPDATE (3/12/022):  Once a banal neocon; always one. Douglas Murray, ConInc darling of FoxNews, offers, on Fox News, not a balanced analysis of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, only the rah-rah, Zelensky’s sexy; Putin’s a commie nonsense. Murray’s fan boys continue to claim magnificence and originality for their boy. Nothing Douglas Murray says is magnificent or original or particularly inspiring. You could say that about, say, the late Christopher Hitchens. But this guy? What’s wrong with people! He always manages to miss the very important point. Like here:

David and I were right about shallow Murray:


Musil Protege summed Douglas Murray up truly originally. Put it this way: Murray could not summon such prose as this:

A real poseur, no? Another soi disant Oakeshott heir who hasn’t yet heard that he was never in the will. A Mute-button pundit. His hectoring style has all the suavity of the schoolmarm of distant memory. 80 years ago he would have been teaching Silas Marner to 5th Graders.

WATCH: True Story: Russia Finds WMD In Ukraine!

America, Foreign Policy, Media, Nationhood, Neoconservatism, Propaganda, THE ELITES, The State, War, WMD

NEW ON HARD TRUTH With David Vance and me: “True Story: Russia Finds WMD In Ukraine!”  PLEASE SUBSCRIBE HERE:

The finding of American-installed WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction) in Ukraine, near the Russian border, is certainly a reminder of the extent, the depth and the gravity of the American State’s lies about this conflict and its genesis. Put it this way: If Russia had American privileges—the right to invade sovereign countries while retaining its virtue—the biowarfare laboratories located in Ukraine near Russian borders would have served as a justification for war.
David and ilana abhor what is, on its face, a Russian war of aggression. However, knowing the history of the conflict leaves no room for doubt: The Russian Bear was poked, and poked and then some.

“Hard Truth” takes you back to 2006…

WATCH “True Story: Russia Finds WMD In Ukraine!”  PLEASE SUBSCRIBE HERE:

U.S. Biowarfare Labs In Ukraine Confirmed: What Else Is Russia Right About?

America, Democracy, Europe, Foreign Policy, Government, Neoconservatism, UN, War, WMD

ON HARD TRUTH, prerecorded today, March 9, out tomorrow, my partner, David Vance, confronted me with the news about the now-confirmed claims, first made by the Russians, that  “Washington was operating biowarfare labs in Ukraine.

American sources, liars to the core, had called the claims “‘laughable,’ suggesting Moscow may be laying the groundwork to use a chemical or biological weapon.” Out came the story-lines about conspiracy, the CCP and QAnon.

It’s hard to overstate the degree to which the United States and its scurrilous, insidious and invidious enablers—in media and state; stateside and abroad—lie.

The Dishonrable Victoria Nuland, who, as I documented in February of 2014, was taped plotting to “midwife a new, anti-Russian Ukrainian government,” told the truth for once, today.

Glenn Greenwald reports:

Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland appeared before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), hoping to debunk growing claims that there are chemical weapons labs in Ukraine, smugly asked Nuland: “Does Ukraine have chemical or biological weapons?”

Rubio undoubtedly expected a flat denial by Nuland, thus providing further “proof” that such speculation is dastardly Fake News emanating from the Kremlin, the CCP and QAnon. Instead, Nuland did something completely uncharacteristic for her, for neocons, and for senior U.S. foreign policy officials: for some reason, she told a version of the truth. Her answer visibly stunned Rubio, who — as soon as he realized the damage she was doing to the U.S. messaging campaign by telling the truth — interrupted her and demanded that she instead affirm that if a biological attack were to occur, everyone should be “100% sure” that it was Russia who did it. Grateful for the life raft, Nuland told Rubio he was right.

But Rubio’s clean-up act came too late. When asked whether Ukraine possesses “chemical or biological weapons,” Nuland did not deny this: at all. She instead — with palpable pen-twirling discomfort and in halting speech, a glaring contrast to her normally cocky style of speaking in obfuscatory State Department officialese — acknowledged: “uh, Ukraine has, uh, biological research facilities.” Any hope to depict such “facilities” as benign or banal was immediately destroyed by the warning she quickly added: “we are now in fact quite concerned that Russian troops, Russian forces, may be seeking to, uh, gain control of [those labs], so we are working with the Ukrainiahhhns [sic] on how they can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of Russian forces should they approach” — [interruption by Sen. Rubio]:

These biowarfare Ukrainian laboratories are located near Russian borders.

The point I made on Hard Truth (you can hear it tomorrow) was the only one, in my opinion, relevant in the context of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Plainly put, this, first, is a reminded of the extent, the depth and the gravity of American lies. The Americans have been arming Ukraine for years. “American special forces have even been training potential partisans in eastern Ukraine.” Unless you are telling me the Russians should trust us (LOL); The Russians had reason to be worried existentially.

Why Russia And Every Other Non-Puppet Nation-State Fear The USA

America, Foreign Policy, Globalism, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Neoconservatism, Russia, THE ELITES, War

The only reason you, dear reader, are confident that America is a benevolent actor in the world is because you are told as much every hour of the day by the foreign-policy establishment and its malignant media-congressional-industrial-complex offshoots. How many countries has the USA invaded for the purpose of regime change since the early 1990s? Scores. And that’s without the color-coded, regime-change revolutions it instigates.

Russia’s foreign meddling since the early 1990s is insignificant by comparison.

With that in mind, read the best primer on the current, unnecessary, US-manufactured conflict between Russia and the United States:Neocons, Neolibs And NATO Inch Us Closer To Nuclear War With Russia“:

“… The reason this is a new Cuban missile crisis only more foreboding is that America has sundered what Cohen has referred to as the Parity Principle—the custom in diplomacy of considering both sides to a conflict. Leaders and thinkers who attempt to avert conflict with Russia are thoroughly demonized and destroyed, even accused of treason. Naturally licit behavior—comity or diplomacy with Russia—is criminalized by a Federal Government that has enough laws on the books to indicts each one of us, if it so desired. Witness the Helsinki summit, for which Trump’s diplomacy saw him branded a traitor. Anyone who wants to reduce pressure with Moscow is run out of town.

So far, the political storyline du jour has been manufactured by America’s gilded elites. To this, DC operative Karl Rove confessed during the era of Bush II: ‘We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality.’ When you’re the most powerful entity in the world, as the US government certainly was—you get to manufacture your own parallel universe with its unique rules of evidence and standards of proof. What’s more, as the mightiest rule-maker, you can coerce other earthlings into ‘sharing’ your alternate reality. And when war is on the horizon, America’s elites enter a state of hysterical mass contagion, almost like animals in-heat.

Why wage a war in furtherance of interests not our own? ask paleoconservative patriots like Messrs. Pat Buchanan and Tucker Carlson. The question, alas, is a non-sequitur, as it is incorrectly premised on the false notion that the United States government and Department of State conduct foreign policy in the interest of the American people. The assumption of congruity between US foreign policy and the interests of the American people is utterly false.

No such congruity exists. US State craft is driven, first, by the arrogance of power and delusions of ideological superiority, as well as by self-serving elite concerns. The US ruling interests to prevail are those of ‘The Blob’ (the permanent foreign policy establishment), military-industrial-complex, a media also engaged in expedient myth-making, not news reporting, crooked corporate elites, and a sanctions-giddy US Congress, in which there are currently no pro-détente thinkers (nor thinkers, for that matter).

To remain powerful, these factions must reflexively project power. Because the relationship between the elites and the American people is zero sum, the stronger the elites aforementioned get; the weaker and more imperiled the American People become. … ”

... READ THE REST: “Neocons, Neolibs And NATO Inch Us Closer To Nuclear War With Russia

*Image courtesy Marisol Nostromo