At a time when very many highly qualified American engineers cannot find work, and at least one such talent, featured below, is living on the streets—Tea Party traitor Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), distinguished himself last year by passing the “Fairness for High Skilled Immigrants Act.”
“In one of last year’s most disappointing moments,” writes Joe Guzzardi of VDARE.COM, “the House overwhelmingly passed (389-15) H.R. 3012, the Fairness for High Skilled Immigrants Act that would eliminate the annual per-country caps on employer-sponsored green cards.”
“Skilled labor—from roughly everywhere—displaces educated Americans, disproportionately white and Asian Americans.(See Ed Rubenstein on immigration and college graduates.) Some of those lose their homes, some commit suicide, and we’ve published an article by a writer, Simon Krejsa, who was living in a homeless shelter.” (VDARE.COM)
The bill’s sponsor, Rep. Chaffetz (R-Utah), is another regular “freedom fighter,” who parks his pampered ass, as a “good friend of the show,” at FoxNews’ “Freedom Watch.” (See “Closing The Door On Closed, Cloistered American Media.”)
Increased legal immigration in the middle of an unemployment crisis! Now that’s patriotism!
Meet Maurice Johnson, “an unemployed, homeless Boston man who has a Masters Degrees in Plasma Physics from Dartmouth College and in Electrical Engineering and acoustics from Purdue University. Johnson’s resume includes a 10 year career at Lockheed Aerospace & Aerodyne Research Corp.” (Link)
H-1B Hogs Swindling ‘Average’ Americans explains that, in America’s labyrinthine visa system, “The O-1 visa is the visa reserved for individuals with extraordinary abilities. More significantly, there is no cap on the number of O-1 visa entrants allowed. Access to this limited pool of talent is unlimited. My point vis-à-vis the O-1 visa is this: The primary H-1B hogs—Infosys (and another eight, sister Indian firms), Microsoft, and Intel—are forever claiming that they are desperate for talent. But, in reality, they have unlimited access to individuals with unique abilities through the open-ended O-1 visa program—that is if they really wanted it.”
The primary H-1B hogs don’t want for extraordinary talent, available via the unlimited 0-1 Visa; what these corporate pigs want is a multicultural workforce with which to replace Americans. My contacts within the bowels of this Beast are forever telling me about Human Resources directives to “hire someone who does not look like YOU, Honky!” (Not quite in those words, but you get the drift.) Don’t ask me why, but creating a Tower of Babel of a work force is what the much-heralded multinationals live for. Diversity is no strength—it contributes nothing but misery in the workplace.
But boy, is it de rigueur.
UPDATE I (Feb. 6): This guy could be teaching America’s stupid kids math and science, but the unions that run the gulag of public education do not allow entry to highly qualified individuals with higher degrees, unless they are “reeducated.” The upshot of union stranglehold is that union-certified, borderline-retarded women (mostly) with education degrees are teaching math. They might be able to cover the two examples in the textbook, but cannot instill what they lack: an understanding of this most crucial subject. There are plenty engineers and scientists (some retired), to whom math is second nature, who could bring American kids up to the level, if allowed.
UPDATE II (Feb. 7): “Is President Obama Right About Engineers?: Significant Numbers Unemployed or Underemployed,” courtesy of The Center for Immigration Studies.