Category Archives: Political Correctness

The ‘Ferguson Effect’ In Action

Education, Media, Political Correctness, Race, The State

If you delegate the disciplining of your kids to state-controlled pedagogues and their enforces—expect your undisciplined progeny to be … disciplined by said pedagogues and their enforcers. If you send undisciplined kids to school—expect them to be … disciplined.

This is what appears to have happened today in one of the socialized schools in the government-controlled, educational penal system. An officer was summoned to assist in disciplining a misbehaved girl, and he got fired for his decisive efforts.

Deputy Ben Fields tackled a girl who disrupted a class and allegedly punched the officer. Media is apoplectic. OMG! But in our socialized schools, teachers are not permitted to discipline feral, even dangerous, kids. Teachers teach at their peril.

The most ridiculous part of the direction the story has taken, courtesy of the moron media, is that just yesterday the same sources were discussing the latest intrigue in the unintended “Ferguson Effect”—the idea that, “Like it or not, it is undeniable that ‘urban safety’ is hampered when law enforcement is criminalized.”

A year after unrest in Ferguson, Mo., brought increased scrutiny of police, FBI Director James Comey has thrown his weight behind the idea that restraint by cops in the wake of criticism is at least partly to blame for a surge in violent crime in some cities. … [CNN]

The “Racism Industrial Complex” should be made to confront the logical conclusions of its tyranny:

* White officers should refuse to police black communities, for they will be tarnished with the racism Mark of Cain, following any act of enforcement.
* In accordance with this racial creed, force a recruitment of blacks only to police other blacks. The result of making the lives of law enforcement impossible will be a shortage of brave men willing to risk their lives to fight bad guys. What a splendid opportunity to put into action the dream of America’s racialists.

All the above, socialized schools and feral school kids, is entirely separate from the real issue of police brutality in America and a militarization of the police force. Apples and oranges. This last endemic problem must be prosecuted one case at a time. See “Eric Garner 100% Innocent Under Libertarian Law.”

Dr. Pauli Tries Frothing Over Gay Marriage, But Fails

Constitution, Democrats, Government, Political Correctness, Pop-Culture, Republicans

The Presidency: Powerless and Oh-So-Powerful
by Myron Pauli

The endlessly long presidential election is underway and we will be bombarded that the 2016 is the most important event in the Universe since The Big Bang. The reality is that the office of the presidency is nearly powerless in most of the “issues” being debated about and extremely powerful in issues rarely discussed.

CULTURE WAR ISSUES: These are the ones that get all the adrenaline flowing, but the truth is that presidents can do very little but utter a lot of inane, flatulent rhetoric to either make people feel good or angry. A million developing babies were slaughtered annually under Reagan and the Bushes just as under Obama and Clinton. Obama might preach against racism and how his would-be sons look like Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown, but the reality is that Ishmael, the Sudanese cab driver, prefers to pick up 3 elderly white woman in fur coats than 2 young black men in hoodies.

Mike Huckabee has no more divine power to eliminate homosexuality than Hillary Clinton has divine power to eliminate rape.

GOVERNMENT TAXATION AND SPENDING: I submitted a question to a candidate: “What spending programs would you actually cut to help balance the budget”? Democratic candidate Gerry Connolly actually listed a couple of tiny programs that probably totaled 0.001% of the budget but that was better than Republican Keith Fimian answering “waste.”

Federal spending, like entropy, only increases. Try to cut a frostbite clinic in Florida or a heat exhaustion clinic in Alaska or a bowling alley on a military base and see how popular that makes you. Occasional Republican rhetoric against small-ticket items like Planned Parenthood or PBS or the National Endowment for the Humanities have never amounted to an actual cut. Tax “reforms” and most domestic legislation are unfathomable gobbledygook written up by lobbyists and subjected to whimsical interpretations of bureaucrats and MIT professors like Jonathan Gruber without ever being read by Congress or the president.

The one federal program I remember getting cut was the Superconducting Supercollider primarily because: (1) the program’s $10 billion projected overrun got too large to ignore. (2) Ross Perot scared both parties the year before talking about balancing the budget. (3) Congressman Joe Barton of Texas pissed off the congressional leadership, and (4) particle physicists have a lot less clout and campaign money than the AARP, AFL-CIO, Chamber of Commerce, etc. The result was that the Higgs Bosons had to be discovered in Switzerland with neither the Bosons nor the American population caring!

MILITARY OPERATIONS: While the CIA should be an “intelligence agency,” Langley actually conducts secret military operations – secret not necessarily from the people being bombed but secret from the American voters. Torture, wiretapping, disinformation, false flag operations, lying, secret wars, foreign bribery, assassinations … – all are basically hiding “under the radar”. The civil liberties of Americans or foreigners can be violated in the name of “national security.” Warfighters can die for unknown purposes in mysterious operations. Nations and regions can be destabilized. On these issues, there is practically zero interest or discussion. Do not expect any interest in what Ben Carson or Bernie Sanders has to say (or whether they even understand) about this subterranean government which functions at the complete unfettered whim of the chief executive “decider”.

Once upon a time, there was a Czarist secret police that encouraged a coup in Serbia, assassinating an Austrian archduke, and promoted an extreme (Bolshevik) party as a means of sabotaging more moderate “liberal” opponents of the Czar. In the end, not only did the Czar lose his life, but so did hundreds of millions as a result of world wars and Communism.

Our recent presidents and their secret scheming have not been as bad, but have turned much of the Islamic and African world into a cauldron of chaotic instability. Yes, some “dead Archduke” equivalent in Kashmir might get us all vaporized 10 years from now, but, what the heck – it’s all secret so let’s froth over gay marriage instead.


Barely a Blog (BAB) contributor Myron Pauli grew up in Sunnyside Queens, went off to college in Cleveland and then spent time in a mental institution in Cambridge MA (MIT) with Benjamin Netanyahu (did not know him), and others until he was released with the “hostages” and Jimmy Carter on January 20, 1981, having defended his dissertation in nuclear physics. Most of the time since, he has worked on infrared sensors, mainly at Naval Research Laboratory in Washington DC. He was NOT named after Ron Paul but is distantly related to physicist Wolftgang Pauli; unfortunately, only the “good looks” were handed down and not the brains. He writes assorted song lyrics and essays reflecting his cynicism and classical liberalism. Click on the “BAB’s A List” category to access the Pauli archive.

‘In My Country There Is Problem’ By Borat Of Arabia

Barack Obama, Donald Trump, Islam, Judaism & Jews, Media, Multiculturalism, Political Correctness

News is news the first time it’s reported. Unless there are developments in a newsworthy case, harping on an item endlessly is usually meant to heighten emotions, shape opinion in politically pleasing way, and send viewers hissing to social media to create a buzz. Moron media’s latest parlor game revolves around Donald Trump’s infraction of some or another pillar of political correctness concerning Muslims and Islam. Via Fox News:

“We have a problem in this country. It’s called Muslims,” said the first man Trump called on to ask a question. “We know our current president is one. You know he’s not even an American.”

Trump, who was a driver of the “birther” movement that claimed Obama wasn’t born in the U.S, first responded with feigned exasperation — “We need the question,” he said, to laughs — but let the man continue.

“We have training camps growing where they want to kill us. That’s my question,” the questioner continued. “When can we get rid of it?”

Trump did not dispute the man’s assertions and answered: “We’re going to be looking at a lot of different things. And you know, a lot of people are saying that, and a lot of people are saying that bad things are happening out there. We’re going to be looking at that and plenty of other things.”

I’d have asked the questioner if he is familiar with comedian Sasha Baron Cohen, creator of the character of Borat, the “bumbling Kazakh TV presenter,” and his hit, “Throw the Jew down the well“? Sounds like the Trump questioner would like to throw the Muslim down the well.

Posted below are the lyrics to Borat’s classic. You can adapt them by substituting “Jew” for the ethnic group of your choice. (Readers new to my sense of humor should know that this is all in good fun):

This is song called Nemobozorbicha Domovan. It mean “In My Country There Is Problem.”

In my country there is problem
And that problem is transport
It take very very long
Because Kazakhstan is big

Throw transport down the well
So my country can be free
So my country can be free
We must make travel easy
Then we have a big party

In my country there is problem
And that problem is the Jew
They take everybody money
And they never give it back

Throw the Jew down the well
So my country can be free
So my country can be free
You must grab him by his horns
Then we have a big party

If you see the Jew coming
You must be careful of his teeth
You must grab him by his money
And I tell you what to do

Throw the Jew down the well
So my country can be free
So my country can be free
You must grab him by his horns
You must grab him by his horns
Then we have a big party
Then we’ll have a big party

Throw the Jew down the well
Throw the Jew down the well
So my country can be free
So my country can be free
You must grab him by his horns
You must grab him by his horns
Then we have a big party

Donald Trump Speaks Our Language

Bush, Conservatism, Economy, English, Intelligence, Israel, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Political Correctness, Republicans

“Donald Trump Speaks Our Language” is the current column, now on The Unz Review, America’s smartest webzine. An excerpt:

WHEN IN THE US, SPEAK ENGLISH. Donald Trump’s retort to Jeb Bush’s rattling off in Spanish on the campaign trail conjures an old joke told in Israel of my youth. It was aimed at the ultra-orthodox Jew who dresses weirdly and won’t speak Hebrew. Here goes:

Walking down the street is a Sabra (a Jew born in Israel), clad in the pioneer’s outfit of shorts and a Tembel Hat. (“Tembel” is Hebrew for silly. The image below illustrates how not even a beautiful Israeli girl can dignify a hat so useless as to provide no protection from the merciless sun.)

From across the street, in Yiddish—the language of the diaspora—an ultra-orthodox Jew clad in black garb shouts obscenities at the Sabra. The minuscule ultra-orthodox community believes that speaking Hebrew before Messiah arrives is heretic and will delay the coming of Messiah (also known as the longest coming in history). For Messiah to materialize, the Jew must remain weak, dispossessed and persecuted—a sickly spirit without a corporeal country to call his own.

The Israeli shouts back, “Speak Hebrew, goy!” Goy meaning non-Jew.

Trump took a jab at Jeb for using Spanish to dismiss the mogul’s conservative credentials. Via CNN:

“‘I like Jeb,’ Trump told Breitbart News. ‘He’s a nice man. But he should really set the example by speaking English while in the United States.'”

The Trumpian reference was to the former Florida governor’s comments to reporters … about Trump’s policies. “‘El hombre no es conservador,’ Bush said, which translates to, ‘This man is not a conservative.'”

Not only was Trump’s visceral retort in defense of English righteous; it was also culturally conservative in the best of ways. …

… Read the rest. “Donald Trump Speaks Our Language” is now on The Unz Review.