Category Archives: Political Correctness

UPDATED: Boston (And America) Betrayed (Blaming Russia)


“Boston (And America) Betrayed,” now on WND, is the current column. Here’s an excerpt:

“What if anything did the unspeakably wicked, premeditated, Islam-inspired bombing of the Boston Marathon, on April 15, teach us?

Nothing much at all, other than that we’re immune to learning.

Sh-t happens, the country’s self-anointed cognoscenti keep instructing America. Don’t rush to conclusions.

If you’re media, milk Boston for all its worth. If you’re an ordinary American with a pulse, follow your leaders. Or their lick-spittles in the theatre of the absurd that is television news.

In short, everyone is said to be flummoxed about the motive for the murder spree.

And, with exceptions on the Right, America is marching in lockstep. Evil per se doesn’t exist. Those who do evil, must have been brainwashed, been hard done by, or have been afflicted with a mutation on the “moral gene.”

The putative perpetrators of an act that left three dead and many more maimed are the brothers Tsarnaev.

One of these two young Muslim-Americans has already been dispatched. On the lam after the bombings, Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s descent into hell was hastened, on April 19, during a shoot-out with the Boston police.

You should also know that the two brothers’ path to citizenship and permanent residence here was without obstacles—at least, when compared to my own and that of my spouse.

This is quite understandable, given the priories and preferences established by the US Managerial State.

To no avail did Russian state security twice practically beg the FBI and then the CIA, in 2011, to place Tamerlan Tsarnaev on counterterrorism watch lists. It was pointless. The FBI turned the Russians down (as the Transportation Security Administration intensified its assaults on grandpa and grandma from the prairie).

Correction: By some circuitous route, the National Counterterrorism Center managed to add Tamerlan’s name to the Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment, or TIDE. But membership in the TIDE fraternity only got Tamerlan an invitation to a bash at the White House.

‘”Unemployment compensation’ for the elder terrorist (who was unable to work on account of vocational training in Dagestan), college aid for junior, cellphones to both courtesy of the feds, attorneys on retainer to field run-ins with the law, housing, hospitalization—you name it, the Tsarnaev brothers got it. …”

The complete column is, “Boston (And America) Betrayed,”Read it on WND.

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UPDATE (4/26): BLAMING RUSSIA. Did you know that it was not enough for the Russians to have warned our dumb-ass “treason class” of the FBI about Tamerlan Tsarnaev—they were supposed to do the footwork for us?

Yes, this argument is advanced by Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Mich.). The ponce’s case is essentially the one princess Condoleezza made, framing the intelligence she had as not amenable to “action.”

In other words, because FBI laggards refused to develop the information—the outcome of their treason becomes someone else’s responsibility.


The FBI did a “very thorough job” of checking out Tamerlan Tsarnaev after being tipped off to his potential extremism, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee said on Sunday, blaming Russia for failing to provide any further information.

Speak To Race In The Case Of Ria Van Straaten, Or Forever Hold Your Peace


Without addressing the racial angle, the story about the cruel trick played on 87-year-old South African pensioner Ria van Straaten is meaningless. If you’ve reported (as has The Raw Story), shared or provided commentary sans racial context as to how this frail, legally blind elderly Afrikaner was forced to sing for her meager supper, by ANC black state officials—you should speak up now or forever hold your peace.

In other words, shut up if honesty is not your journalistic policy.

Of course, the heroic South African journalist Adriana Stuijt has never made this mistake. As is her custom, she fearlessly reports the unvarnished facts. “[B]lack-state officials laughed uproariously as the old white woman sang ‘Happy Birthday’ in a trembling voice.” The “frail elderly Afrikaner woman, Ria van Straaten, 87, [was] forced to ‘sing for her R1200 pension’ over [a] PA-system at [a] government-agency in Newcastle, 2013-04-10, … before they would hand over her R1200 old-age pension.”

On doesn’t expect much by way of politically unpalatable honestly from The Huffington Post, MSN.COM, or UPI.

Ignorant invertebrates all.

To the libertarians, however, who take feeble intellectual refuge in merely implicating and condemning the abstract entity of the state I say: “grow a backbone.”


The endemic evil of the state is a necessary but insufficient explanation for the joy black affirmative appointees take in socking it to whites in post-apartheid South Africa, a place where full-on racial hatred is a state religion.

Add the sweltering heat to the dangers of a sadistically, racist bureaucracy—and claiming a pension at the social security office is a dangerous excursion for old, white South Africans.

Remember: Serbs And Russians Evil; ‘Bosnians,’ ‘Kosovars’ And Chechens Good


Our good friend historian Nebojsa Malic writes on European Islam and its machinations. I’ve asked him for exclusive comment on The Brothers Tsarnaev and the Chechen connection. (Do consider a one-time contribution or a regular monthly contribution to Barely A Blog. The PayPal buttons are to your right.) Read more about Nebojsa and his work below.

Serbs and Russians evil; ‘Bosnians,’ ‘Kosovars’ and Chechens Good
By Nebojsa Malic

Now that the Boston bombers have been identified as Chechen brothers, the question of their motive will be the next topic of media dissembling. I fully expect a whole battery of excuses, justifications, rationalizations and misdirection to try and make this into anything but jihad.

What other motive would there be? Not anger at US interventionism, for sure.

Almost from the very beginning, the West has been sympathetic to the Chechen cause – carving out an independent, Islamic republic from the Russian Federation. After initial successes, the Chechen rebellion has been rather effectively suppressed by the Putin government, to Washington’s great frustration. Western volunteers – some veterans of the Bosnian jihad – also fought in Chechnya. Leaders of the Chechen rebellion have been granted asylum in the UK and entry to the US. One would think the jihadists would not bite the hand that feeds them – except for the whole history of doing precisely that, from 9/11 to Boston.

Far from fueling an “Islamophobic” hysteria, the the U.S. government and the media went out of their way to spin the attacks over the years as anything but jihad. When Major Nidal Malik Hasan shot up fellow soldiers at Ft. Hood, the top Army general said damaging “diversity” would be worse.

When a convert calling himself Muhajid Mohammed attacked a recruiting station in Arkansas in 2009, the media almost didn’t cover it (focusing on an abortion doctor instead), and when they did, the motive was “unknown.”

Similarly, when Bosnian-born Sulejman Talovic shot up Salt Lake City mall in 2007, the lead detective on the case forbade his subordinates to mention jihad. Motive unknown, again, while Talovic was given a jihadist funeral in Bosnia, at Salt Lakers’ expense. The only reason Arid Uka, an Albanian who fired on a bus transporting US soldiers at an airport in Germany in 2011, killed only a couple of them was because his weapon jammed.

In Talovic’s case, the media spun it as anguish over the “Serb genocide” in Bosnia (!). Stories about Uka never failed to mention that Albanians “love America”. No doubt the mainstream media will now dig up some Chechens who similarly profess love for the United States’ in support of their cause. No mention will be made of Chechen suicide bombers who attacked Domodedovo airport in 2011, or the Beslan school siege of 2004, which killed over 150 children.

The Narrative must be preserved at all costs: Serbs and Russians evil, “Bosnians”, “Kosovars” and Chechens good. Islam is a religion of peace. If America champions Islamic causes, the Muslims will be grateful and embrace democracy (Sen. Joe Lieberman claimed the Albanian terrorist KLA fought for “American values”, while Rep. Tom Lantos called on “jihadists of all color and hue” to take note of US support for independent “Kosova”).

The more reality flies in the face of the Narrative, the more denied it will be. This cannot go on forever, of course. To all the innocents murdered in “inexplicable” acts of terrorism, that’s hardly a consolation.

Nebojsa Malic has been the Balkans columnist for since 2000, and blogs at We are always thrilled when Nebojsa finds the time to offer exclusive commentary for Barely A Blog. (Click on “BAB’s A List” for Nebojsa’s articles archive.)

Beauty And The Beast In The Middle East


Political correctness does not seem to be a state religion in Israel.

Israel has just crowned its first black beauty queen, an Ethiopian immigrant. She was invited to meet with Presidents Simon Peres and Barack Obama (Bibi Netanyahu is prime minister).

Here a YNet correspondent asks her (in Hebrew) whether she thinks she would have been invited to meet with Peres and Obama were she not black. Perfectly calmly the beauty queen replies in the negative. In the US, the latter (beauty) would have burst out crying, the former (correspondent) would have been sacked for insensitivity.