Category Archives: Political Correctness

Archie Windsor Not The Most Famous Archie Ever

Britain, Celebrity, Comedy & Humor, English, Political Correctness

Well, whoop dee do! A royal baby is born.

Archie is a good name for the royal baby. Full name of the son of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex is Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor.

Who doesn’t love Archie Bunker, one of the great characters of good American TV, RIP? (Fine comedy/satire is a thing of the past.)

(Joke alert to the chronically mirthless.)

A Secret About The Privileged Trevor Noah

Celebrity, Comedy & Humor, Political Correctness, South-Africa

Every authentic South African wants to punch the untalented ex-pat Trevor Noah. This privileged celebrity, host of the once-funny Daily Show, hasn’t a funny bone in his body. Yet his job is comedy. Nightly, Noah disgraces South Africa, a country that once had a vibrant, impolitic, satire and comedy tradition.

Isn’t our Trevor original? About the Covington Kids, and, in particular, Nick Sandmann, Trevor Noah said this: “Everyone ‘Wants to Punch That Kid.”


UPDATE (5/27/019): Will Dave Rubin Let Richard Spencer Do Business On His New, ‘Free,’ Crowd-Funder?

Celebrity, Free Markets, Free Speech, Political Correctness, The Establishment

YouTuber David Rubin is leaving the crowdfunding site Patreon, after Patreon unveiled its bizarre new ‘hate speech’ policy.” Rubin spoke to Tucker Carlson about his plans to launch his own version of the online donation site.

This is all well and good—but will Rubin allow true freedom on his business, or is the Rubin venture to be reserved only for an acceptable range of expression? Will Rubin allow Richard Spencer, for example, to transact on his site? That would be a real measure of freedom.

Let’s see.

But any time the truly great Tucker has the likes of Dave Rubin on; it’s time to stop listening. Rubin is interchangeable with other, standard issue, left-leaning Republicans or right-leaning Democrats.

If this is his usual white noise, it might just turn out to be a safer version of Patreon, reserved  for establishment Republicans and slightly off-beat, but acceptably, others.


UPDATED (5/27/019):

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Google Demonizes Deplorables, Vows To Subverts Democracy. And We Worry About Russia!

Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, libertarianism, Liberty, Political Correctness, Propaganda, Russia, Technology, The State

This is no laughing matter. Libertarian theory has not kept up with the rise of mini-states within The State, NAMELY Google, Facebook and the rest of Deep Tech, which, in cahoots with a wing of the duopoly, work to subvert, marginalize and besmirch tens of millions of ordinary American citizens.

This is bigger than Soros’ thoroughly American operations overseas (spreading democracy), targeting and subverting nation-states outside the US.

Google’s resolve to activate its “Google’s policy team in DC” to pass its progressive globalist causes dwarfs Russia’s puny Facebook presence.

I say this as the “independent scholar” on a paper in The Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies, who wrote against anti-trust and for Microsoft’s undisputed right to bundle its products.

Hi-tech or Deep Tech has come a long way since we libertarians defended their private property rights. They’ve ventured into thought control and political influence operations.

How I despise them.

See “The Microsoft Corporation In Collision With Antitrust Law.”

MORE: “It’s Official: Google Is a Democratic Party Front.”

LEAKED VIDEO: Google Leadership’s Dismayed Reaction to Trump Election.”