Category Archives: Private Property

‘Mr. President: U.S. Forces Must Crush This Insurrection’

Donald Trump, Human Accomplishment, Law, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Military, Private Property

The “anti-American violence” is neither democracy nor peaceful protest.

What is consuming the USA, a husk of its former self, is institutionalized hooliganism. The hooligans are out of control in the streets, but are also breaking the country with impunity from within. The country’s institutions are riddled with and dominated by hooligan supporters, who are justifying and lending credence to the hooligan case.

Michael Scheuer, anti-war military analyst, former intelligence officer for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and long-time neocon slayer, insists on a tough course of action, which I wholeheartedly support, given that the US is now terrorized by barbarians whose actions are enforced and enabled institutionally at every step.

What is being advocated is a counter-terrorism operation.

Mr. President: U.S. forces must crush this insurrection — or armed citizens will“:

… the rioters actually are engaged in destroying many millions of dollars of public and private property, the small businesses of many citizens, interrupting the nation’s commerce and economy, and terrorizing law-abiding citizens. In short, and as always in the last twenty years, the rioters are the paid minions of the Democratic Party and its financial backers — read George Soros — and are trying, with enormous media support, to advance the Democrats’ goal of destroying the republic and its Constitution. They are violent anarchists or just plain criminals and terrorists and so merit no more than a fair trial after their violence has been stopped and they are arrested and confined.

But the first priority – in Minneapolis, Scottsdale, Louisville, Seattle, Portland, Nashville, Fargo, New York City, Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, Madison, Chicago, Pittsburgh, Dallas, Wilmington, etc. – must be to stop the rioters assault on life and property. (NB: It is worth noting that only the Democratic Party and its media slaves want this violence, and that only they have the country-wide organizational structures that can support this all-nation violence.) Any police chief who orders his officers to allow the rioters to assault citizens and destroy property ought to be relieved of command and replaced by a stronger hand. If the country’s police chiefs, as a whole, are unwilling to stop the violence, then martial law should be applied in every city where local police allow rioter violence to prevail.

Once the police chiefs, or their military replacements, are ready to act, they must deploy their snipers to the areas in which violence is occurring. Armed with rifles and bullets containing a dose of tranquilizer sufficient to quickly sedate any window-smasher, business-or-car burner, or person-harmer/killer, the snipers should be ordered to shoot any and every obviously violent rioter, each of whom, once becalmed, can be picked up, given medical attention, and charged with the appropriate crime. The capability has long existed to sedate wild animals in this manner – even elephants – and it can be no difficult task to use the same process to quell the wild, semi-human rioters who are engaged in the destruction of property and human beings.

There must be no brooking of any bullshit assertion that such a strategy would “only make things worse”. Hundreds or thousands of tranquilizer-addled and jailed rioters would give pause to their brethren and cause a good many to flee for safer parts, after all they have for two decades never once experienced a determined challenge to their premeditated, anti-American violence. Indeed, between 2008 and 2016 they were abetted by Barack Obama and his Cabinet. If, by chance, tranquilizers do not turn the trick – and the violence continues to destroy lives and property – the snipers should be issued ammunition that will allow them to shoot-to-kill with appropriate vigor.

While there is no evidence of the well-organized insurrection asserted by Michael Scheuer, nor does he offer any—it is essential to take back the streets, and quit misnaming the repulsive specter. It’s neither democracy nor peaceful protest.

NEW COLUMN: Private Property And COVID: Choice, Not Force, Part 2

America, Argument, COVID-19, Etiquette, IMMIGRATION, Private Property

NEW COLUMN IS “Private Property And COVID: Choice, Not Force, Part 2.” It’s now on WND.COM and The Unz Review.

An excerpt:

The managerial elites find themselves in a pickle. The coronavirus pandemic is a serious event. Members of a serious society treat it as such; they look out for one another—and they don’t flee into conspiracy and denial in order to cope with the incongruity of it all.

Alas, courtesy of its globalist elites, America is no longer a society; much less a serious one. In the absence of solidarity between citizens, social capital—”goodwill, fellowship, sympathy”—is scarce. Hence the struggle to mount a coherent response to the pandemic.

Centrally Planned Diversity Begets Disunity

Coherence is certainly not a thing immigration policy has supplied. If anything, policy makers have cheapened citizenship.

The populations from which chosen, future citizens are drawn come to America not in search of constitution and community. Rather, the corporate state’s preferred immigrants bring their own community with them and hyphenate its members.

On arrival, immigrants are encouraged to cling to a militant distinctiveness. The only tacit agreement shared by a majority of Americans, native and newcomer, is that America’s exceptionalism obligates it to both control the world through military and moral crusades and welcome it to America.

The extent to which Americans have, nevertheless, managed to galvanize logistically against COVID-19 is a testament to just how energetic a people we are.

Still, the credentialed, cognitive elites who’ve turned the country into this multicultural, money-focused, built-on-sand Tower of Babel, now find that many Americans—united by commerce, not creed—don’t want to go the extra mile for the strangers who make up their country.

Contrast the U.S., vis-à-vis COVID, with a more homogeneous nation like Japan (or Singapore, or Taiwan or South Korea).

Thirteen minutes and 35 seconds into this interview with Dr. Anthony Fauci, Fox News’ Martha MacCallum quizzes him about Japan.

The country, 127-million strong, has had only 846 COVID deaths, and has, according to Ms. MacCallum, not implemented the social mitigation strategies seen in the U.S. and Europe.

Adjusted for population size, this is as though the U.S had suffered only 2,198 COVID deaths! For Japan to “live up” to America’s COVID cull-rate, 38,484 Japanese would have to have perished from the coronavirus.

Other than that its people sport a culture of fastidious cleanliness and have long-since adopted the etiquette of masking—you and I sense what else is afoot in Japan.

So does Dr. Fauci. Certain counties, conceded the good doctor, have “different sizes and different borders, and different infusions from outside.”

Differently put, Japan is almost completely homogeneous, with little immigration, and, consequently, a strong sense of unity. Citizens are more inclined to pull together in common purpose when there is a fellow feeling to bind them.

“The measures that most successfully contain the virus … all depend on how engaged and invested the population is,” explains Ed Young, a science reporter. All the testing, tracing and isolating are for naught if there is an “antagonistic relationship” with and between the people involved in the effort.

And America, it’s fair to say, is no longer a people in any meaningful way; it is a Walmart with missiles, where the fusillades we direct at one another. …

… READ THE REST… NEW COLUMN IS “Private Property And COVID: Choice, Not Force, Part 2.” It’s now on WND.COM and The Unz Review.


Private Property Is Boss: It Decides Who Comes And Goes

Constitution, COVID-19, Healthcare, libertarianism, Private Property

“You are in violation of my f—— constitutional rights and my civil rights,” a man screamed when he was stopped from shopping at a Miami Beach Publix for not wearing a mask.

People really have no clue. Whatever laws we have that govern how private property must behave—these are not grounded in natural law. These originate in case law, or civil rights law—anything but natural law.

All these cases of Antifa-like anger and deadly violence over polite requests from private property to mask are a disgrace:

Last week, a woman, her adult son and husband were charged in the fatal shooting of a security guard who refused to let her daughter enter a Flint, Michigan, Family Dollar because she wasn’t wearing a face mask.


Two McDonald’s employees were shot inside an Oklahoma City restaurant after the suspect became upset when she was told the dining room was closed due to the coronavirus pandemic, police said.

Oklahoma City Police Department said the 32-year-old female customer, whose name has not been released, got into a physical altercation with employees Wednesday evening, left the store and returned with a handgun.


Tensions Over Masks, Social Distancing Lead To Violent Altercations, Shooting Death, Pipe Bomb Threats.

Trust Republicans To Sabotage A Safe Return To Work

Business, COVID-19, Free Markets, Labor, Law, libertarianism, Private Property, Regulation, Republicans

“In the absence of clinical therapies or a vaccine for coronavirus, the successful return to work rests, very plainly, on the willingness of the citizenry to cover up, keep clean and keep a distance.” (“The Ethics of Social Distancing: A Libertarian Perspective.”)

If businesses want customers to resume consumption and workers to stay safe and productive on the job—they must, within reason, provide a safe working and shopping environment.

The market incentivizes business to protect customers and employees and thus to also reduce the spread of COVID. If business acts recklessly, customers will stay away. And if companies place workers in a precarious position, then the worker who gets sick on the job generally has recourse through litigation.

The free-market and the law—more so than government regulation—provide corrective mechanisms to ensure workers and customers are safe. Government regulations are generally agreements between industrial special interests and the state. Duly, they mostly benefit those interests alone.

By removing the incentives aforementioned,  so necessary in a society based on ordered liberty, the government sabotages a safe return to work, as it fails to allow corrective mechanisms to work.

Trust the Republicans, then, to strive to remove the incentives for business to fit the workplace for success in the age of coronavirus.

To hell with the desperate young worker, who toils in a crowded, unclean, meatpacking facility, currently a “serious vector for the pandemic.”

Or, the flight attendant who was told by the airline she’d be fired if she wore a mask. If they get sick on the job because their employers refused to set up and suit up for COVID—the worker will have no recourse, courtesy of the Republicans’ liability protection guarantees.

With half of all U.S. states forging ahead with strategies for easing restrictions on restaurants, retail and other businesses shuttered by the coronavirus crisis, business groups have been pushing for protection against COVID-19-related lawsuits …The Trump administration is also pushing for liability safeguards … [Reuters]

GOP lawmakers have warned that without additional protections they believe business owners will be too fearful of litigation to reopen.

McConnell, during an interview with Fox News on Tuesday, called the extra protections his “red line.”

“Let me make it perfectly clear, the Senate is not interested in passing a bill that does not have liability protection. … What I’m saying is we have a red line on liability. It won’t pass the Senate without it,” he added.

Stripped of baffle-gab, this means that Republicans wish to shield business from the consequences of reckless disregards for the safety of shoppers and workers. For the courts will examine cases on their merit, and throw them out if they are frivolous.

Fail to allow corrective mechanisms like litigation to work—and you’ll increase illness, death and poverty and spread more devastation.

* Thanks, Scott Olson | Getty Images, for fair use.

@ Unz Review.