Category Archives: Republicans

Cancel Culture Compliance Always Leads Back To A … Kneeling, Groveling Republican


Twitter tiffs are hard to trace. But on matters racial and right-of-center, they invariably lead to a kneeling, prostrate Republican.

Prone is the natural position of the Establishment Republican, Con Inker, neoconservative, whatever his latest political permutation.

These days, this political chameleon (with apologies to the delightful chameleon community) has a new disguise: Con, Inc., as gladiator Michelle Malkin likes to taunt the reconstituted D.C. herd. As always, Con Inc., aims to pacify the Left and deceive the Right.

Over the authentic, Dissident Right, Con Inkers and the Left converge: We must be cancelled.

Like the Establishment Republican before him, the Con Inker expects Democrats to define the terms of debate. This means that each day ushers in a new kind of Kafka. From his prone position, the Con Inker Republican does nothing much but offer-up mea culpas to the enemy for his putative political sins as he inches closer to the Left. This enfeebled creature, formerly known as a neoconservative, keeps up the apologia even when his faction occupies the White House and controls the two congressional chambers.  

Ritual offerings accompany the bowing and scraping. Errant writers and thinkers who are not in compliance with the duopoly’s orthodoxy are denounced. Most have been purged (check).

So, if you are able to trace and make sense of the tweets below: Geoffrey Ingersoll, Daily Caller’s editor-in-chief, knows me. To his credit, Mr. Ingersoll corresponded with me cordially (if utterly insincerely), before discontinuing my column at Daily Caller, pursuant to taunts by the country’s leading hate group, the Southern Poverty law Center.

And, did I mention that the Daily Caller has written ardently against the SPLC, while purging people this hate group has placed on cancel lists?


Defeatism, hypocrisy and betrayal are generally traced back to Republicans, Con Inkers, neoconservatives.

My thanks to Patrick Howley and Cassandra Fairbanks for being standup people. Few are the people who man-up these days.

UPDATED (7/12/020): Have Republicans Dismissed Older Voters As Non-Essential Livers?


A mild-mannered, conservative man and his wife were interviewed by CNN at the National Mall on July 4.

It looked like they could be closeted Trump voters. The telltale signs: Much to the irritation of the CNN reporter, the couple refused to say anything bad about the president and kept the discussion classy and neutral. In other words, white, typically nice; a middle-class, older American couple: the Trump cohort.

To the question, “Do you like the idea of big crowds here?”, the man apologetically replied: “I’m old and diabetic. I don’t want to die. Protect me with your actions.” He was not over 55, so not in the least “old.” Yet he had certainly been conditioned to think of himself as redundant.

In the youth-horsewhipping, silly society that is America, the man had reason to be afraid: Older people have been cast as nonessential livers. Remember the asinine Republican pol who proclaimed, “There are more important things than living”? Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick (R) was directing his life-cherishing message to the older Trump voter. “Come on. Be a sport. Give it up for the greater good.”

Indeed, conservatives keep being dismissive about COVID. And when the older, at-risk age-group is mentioned, Republicans routinely imply they should self-isolate—and should certainly not expect anyone to wear a mask for them.

Hunker in-place if you’re over the hill.

Is anyone aware of the average age group of those doing cutting-edge COVID research?

Prognosticating about America’s 2020 election, The Economist notes the reason that “Donald Trump’s facing a much bigger task than he did in 2016″:

Mr Trump is being dragged down by the dramatic movement of older voters, horrified by the now-exploding spread of covid-19, away from him. Overall, Mr Biden’s vote margin has increased by about five points over Mrs Clinton’s final performance in 2016 among people who voted last time round, according to an analysis of YouGov’s data. Voters over 65 have led the charge; their vote margin for Mr Biden is six points better than Mrs Clinton’s was, whereas that of voters under 30 has not budged at all. White voters have also fled Mr Trump’s ranks in much larger numbers than voters of colour. Mr Biden is seven points ahead of Mrs Clinton’s position among whites, while Hispanics have moved six points towards Mr Trump (though they still overwhelmingly oppose him).

UPDATED (7/12/020): LinkedIn for some, but not others?
“LinkedIn is replete with political commentary and political commentators. Yet, here is an individual attempting to banish a perfectly proper inquiry (all inquiries are proper), echoed in an august news magazine. Other than his offense of censorship and cancel culture—why does said individual just not hang-out around motivational speakers like himself? Why silence others?

UPDATED (7/9): RIP, GOP: Tucker Has Officially Canceled The Republican Party


Fox News’ Tucker Carlson has just gone and canceled the Republican Party in a monologue, in front of one very large TV audience indeed. He’s made it safe for all those who’ve gotten impaled for doing so over the years. CANCEL the GOP can now go mainstream. It may just become a reality.


In last week’s June 11 column, “The Barbarians Are In Charge: Scenes From The Sacking of America, I concluded:

Across the United States, the message to law-abiding Americans, from city, town, county council members and other legislators came loud and clear: You’re on your own. Neither police nor politicians are coming to protect what’s left of your businesses or your banal, bourgeoisie little life.

In his June 20 monologue, Tucker inveighed:

You vote for Republicans to protect you from this. But when the moment of crisis came, Republicans ran away.

Property was looted, people were beaten and killed and Republicans joined the side doing the looting, beating and killing. President of the Heritage Foundation and think tanks on the right climbed into … law enforcement and ordinary Americans, calling them racists, ignoring the damage done to their property and person.


“Republicans refused even to defend the principle of equality under the law, the foundation of this country, the most important thing we have. Not defend it. Really, in the end, the only people who gave anything in the revolution were the ones waging it. Our leaders, very much including a Republican leaders, shamefully, were focused on meeting their demands. So what should we conclude from what we just saw? The message unfortunately could not be clearer. Voting is for fools. You vote, you put these people into office with their votes, and in return they patronize you and when it matters, they abandon you. They have contempt for you, you know they do, you can smell it, it’s obvious. Voting doesn’t work. But when you riot and you burn things and you hurt people, you get a very different response.

“Republicans have let millions of Americans down.”

MORE: “Tucker Carlson Goes Off on Republicans for ‘Abandoning’ People in ‘Moment of Crisis’: Now ‘We Know Who They Are.’”

UPDATED (7/9): To Destroy respectfully. 

NEW COLUMN: Guess Which Surrender Monkey Won the Battle Of The Monuments?


NEW COLUMN is “Guess Which Surrender Monkey Won the Battle Of The Monuments?” It’s currently on WND.COM and The Unz Review.

An excerpt:

Steve Hilton is a Briton who anchors a current-affairs show on Fox News.

Mr. Hilton made the following feeble, snowflake’s case for the removal of the nation’s historically offensive statues:

It’s offensive to our Africa-American neighbors to maintain statues in public places that cause not only offense, but real distress. And it is disrespectful to our native-American neighbors to glorify a man who they see as having committed genocide against their ancestors. None of this is to erase history. Put it all in a museum. Let’s remember it and learn from it.

“What’s wrong with Camp Ulysses Grant,” Hilton further intoned sanctimoniously. He was, presumably, plumping for the renaming of army installations like Fort Bragg, called after a Confederate major general, Braxton Bragg.

Sons of the South—men and women, young and old—see their forebear as having died “in defense of the soil,” and not for slavery. Most Southerners were not slaveholders. All Southerners were sovereigntists, fighting a War for Southern Independence.

Hilton, it goes without saying, is a follower of the State-run Church of Lincoln. To the average TV dingbat, this means that Southern history comes courtesy of the likes of Doris Kearns Goodwin, a Lincoln idolater and the consummate court historian.

“Doris Kearns Goodwin,” explains professor Thomas J. DiLorenzo, the country’s chief Lincoln slayer, “is a museum quality specimen of a court historian, a pseudo-intellectual who is devoted to pulling the wool over the public’s eyes by portraying even the most immoral, corrupt and sleazy politicians as great, wise, and altruistic men.”

When Doris does the TV circuit, evangelizing for power, she never mentions, say, the close connection between her great Ulysses Grant and Hilton’s “native-American neighbors.”

Yes, Doris, Steve: who exactly exterminated the Plains Indians? …

NEW COLUMN, “Guess Which Surrender Monkey Won the Battle Of The Monuments?“, is currently on WND.COM and The Unz Review.