Category Archives: Sport

I Still Remember Franz Beckenbauer


As a small child growing up in Israel, I still remember watching the great footballer Franz Beckenbauer playing The Netherlands for the world cup soccer finals. On the political front, commendable is the classy manner in which “Emperor” Beckenbauer stood up to- and put an American inquisitor in his place. My soccer allegiances for the World Cup 2014 are still with the work horses of Europe, Germany (“perhaps the best team in the world”), as well as with the US, of course. (Portugal is too socialist to support. The team’s star is good looking in an oleaginous way, as are the fans, but that’s neither here nor there.) I’ll be pleased if either Germany or the US wins.

The Elephant In The Pistorius Courtroom


Now on WND is “The Elephant In The Pistorius Courtroom,” in which I speak to philosopher Dan Roodt, Ph.D., about two recent show trials: that of blade-runner Oscar Pistorius and that of the owner of the Los Angeles Clippers, Donald Sterling. Dr. Roodt is a noted Afrikaner activist, author, literary critic and director of PRAAG. He is the author of the polemical essay, “The Scourge of the ANC.”

An excerpt:

ILANA MERCER: “There’s an elephant in the courtroom in which Oscar Pistorius is being tried for the murder of girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp. It is the unidirectional, black-on-black and black-on-white violent crime in South Africa. The fear of being butchered was likely behind the blade runner’s irrational, irresponsible actions. I had hoped that Pistorius would speak up. For all his privilege, Pistorius knows the rapacity and invincibility of the criminal class in his country. Like every other Afrikaner, he knew in his gut what infiltrating gangs would do to a legless Boer. The world is praising the proceedings in that court. However, “making sport of a caged animal that has confessed” is how a South African reader described this Colosseum. What do you think?

DAN ROODT: I largely agree with that. One of the columnists on our site described the trial as a “canned hunt and a legal travesty.” Most people watching it probably do not know that only 8 percent of murder cases in South Africa result in a conviction, so killers have a 92 percent chance of literally getting away with murder! South Africa is both the murder and especially the rape capital of the world. Usually the statistics are massaged in such a way that only murder proper, called “first-degree murder” in the United States, is included in the absolute number of murders. But if one also counts other homicides with a lesser culpability, we are the world champions, even above India’s 43,000 homicides. But, of course, India has over 1 billion people, whereas we have just over 50 million. Even for first-degree murder, we have more of those per year (16,000) than the U.S. (14,000) which has six times our population.

Regarding the court procedures, Pistorius is spending a lot of money on his legal team and the state is using an experienced Afrikaner prosecutor, Gerrie Nel. However, there has been large-scale affirmative action applied to the appointment of judges, so that many of them lack the knowledge of the law and the experience to do their job properly. In many cases, black offenders, especially, get off very lightly and in practice do not serve more than ten years for first-degree murder.

The government is also applying pressure on lawyers to apply affirmative action in their own ranks as most of the top-level senior lawyers or advocates, as we call them, are still white. …”

Read the rest. “The Elephant In The Pistorius Courtroom” is now on WND.

UPDATED: Histrionic, Idiotic, Disgraceful ‘Discourse’ On Race


What were CNN and MSNBC doing while RT was broadcasting an interview with Ehud Barack about the breakdown of “peace talks” between Israelis and Palestinians; Fox News was covering a breakthrough in DNA research; and BBCNews was devoting a Sunday hour to the life of a young, thoughtful, American military widow?

The conga-line of cretins at these networks, together with their special project, Barack Hussein Obama, were all foaming at the mouth over the racist speech of another man: Donald Sterling, owner of the Los Angeles Clippers.

From abroad, the repugnant president refused to rise above the fray and stick to real issues. He failed to utter sobering, uniting words, such as, “In the US, we don’t hound people for the things they say.” Oh, no. Broadcasting from Malaysia (whose majority population was in the habit of regularly launching pogroms on more affluent minorities like the Chinese), BHO demonstrated, instead, the extent to which he follows petty racial politicking in this country, and the extent to which he’ll go to divide. Puled the president:

“When ignorant folks want to advertise their ignorance, you don’t really have to do anything, you just let them talk. That’s what happened here,” the President said.
Obama also said Sterling’s alleged comments are an example of how “the United States continues to wrestle with the legacy of race and slavery and segregation.”

Meanwhile, a retarded CNN anchor-cum-vigilante (Fredricka Whitfield) solicited expert, legal advice from guests on how to dispossess the thought-crime offender of his property: The NBA Team.

Sterling had bought the team. He clearly values the players as professionals. Actions speak louder and all that stuff.

As I put it in “Into the Cannibal’s Pot” (p. 35): “The establishment media, especially, have made a mockery out of real racial hatred. To listen to them, you’d think that being maligned is more hateful than being maimed or murdered.”

Read “The Cannibal” as an antidote to the contagion of frivolity and idiocy, and for some perspective about what “white hot hatred” really looks like. “For Progressives, ‘Thoughtcrime’ is Worse than Mass Murder,” by William Norman Grigg is a must read too.

UPDATE (4/28): The national hysteria continues and engulfs conservative, who surely should be commenting (but are not) on the entrapment operation conducted by the sanctimonious whore of a mistress with whom this unpleasant man, Donald Sterling, fraternized. Via the LA Times:

A man, rich like a Rockefeller, has a wife of 50 years and a parade of female acquaintances less than half his age. One of the young women, who may have had an ax to grind and a plan in mind, engages Sterling in a conversation that is recorded. The recording somehow gets to TMZ, which breaks the story.
Whether Sterling was taped legally isn’t clear, but in this case score one for the new journalism of getting the story out there first and thinking about it later.

From listening to the non-stop recordings of the Sterling comments about black athletes vis-a-vis his gold-digging mistress—she sounded even more repulsive than he—I heard the fears of a decrepit old man who wanted his manhood spared. More than anything, the octogenarian Sterling seemed threatened by prowess he lacked.

I have to disagree with Robert Wenzel that this woman is “seriously beautiful.” Stiviano is beautiful the way Jenna Jamison is beautiful (not at all).

Worse Than The 2012 T & A Lineup In Bump-N’-Grind Britannia? Never!


Very little of the US media’s reflexive demonization of Russia and the Sochi games should be trusted. The trashing began well before the games and came from the usual menagerie of media morons, who, from studios in the US, were able to attest to everything from the availability of toilet paper to the overlapping dangers of terrorism and toothpaste.

Not even in my current misery would I watch the opening ceremony. However, CNN mentions—horrors!—the playing of “classical music” at the opening ceremony. What the Russians played CNN did not say. Would that the Russians played Pathétique, or even better, Violin Concerto in D by The Big T. I might have watched.

I suppose Anglo-American aging hipsters think of Tchaikovsky as a poor substitute for Jay Z.

In any event, for an assault on the ear and the eye nothing can beat the horror show put on by Bump-N’-Grind Britannia in 2012.

Among that talentless lineup of T & A (as awful as anything you’d find in our country) was one Jessie J, aka The Crotch, who did a poor man’s version of Beyonce’s God-awful bump and grind. This British primal screamer destroyed “We Will Rock You” (admittedly one of Queen’s worst numbers) and drowned out Brian May with ease. Another sequence in the closing ceremony of the London 2012 Olympics (The Idiocracy at home was charmed) saw a chorus-line of prancing nuns and “men” stomping about with garbage cans.

Then there were the fucking kids. They mimed and gesticulated to the hackneyed sounds of “Imagine.” Their affectatious performance was reminiscent of the performance “art” of the 1960s and 1970s. Passe.

More about that puke fest in Britain here.