Category Archives: Technology


Business, Criminal Injustice, Free Speech, Ilana Mercer, Paleolibertarianism, Political Economy, Political Philosophy, Private Property, Regulation, Technology

DAVID VANCE and I DISCUSS ‘DEEP TECH’! It’s a wide-ranging discussion, but it’s also “deep,” we hope.

David, who had upwards of 200,000 Followers on Twitter, was removed from that forum by the ignoramuses in charge, and he periodically gets sent to the YouTube doghouse by another set of equally asinine knaves.

My own (highbrow) content has been limited on Facebook’s (lowbrow) slum-dog forums. I’m throttled on Twitter.

Why? What have a demure writer, a mild-mannered broadcaster and many others like us done to give the billionaires in charge the excuse to make it hard for us to make a living? We distill the meaning of it all.

David and his producer, Ged, have created such a welcoming and interesting environment for me—yeah, I like those hard-to-find English niceties known as “manners” and professionalism—that we’ve decided to make the chat a regular thing.

I appreciate your support in sharing the segment and providing feedback here.

NEW ON YOUTUBE: Deep Tech As Pirates In Competition With The State

Business, Capitalism, Economy, Free Speech, Race, Technology

NEW ON YOUTUBE: Deep Tech As Pirates In Competition With The State:

… In which I share a few leftover thoughts about Deep Tech or Big Tech, as pirates in competition with the state, wishing their woke leaders could commandeer the ship of state. Certainly, when Facebook, Google, Twitter, Apple, and Amazon were growing up, they wanted to be government. Now they are!

NEW ON YouTube: DEEP TECH’S Economic Terrorism

Capitalism, Economy, Individual Rights, Internet, libertarianism, Liberty, Media, Natural Law, Paleolibertarianism, Politics, Technology

“… I touch on financial deplatforming, which certainly verges on violating the natural right of individuals to make a living. …

… Telling people they can’t open a bank account teeters on informing your victims they might not be able to make a living, despite the fact that they are innocent; their only offense being a thought crime, namely typing or wafting words into the air.

How do you make a living if you can’t bank, or contact your clients electronically? Do you go back to a barter economy (a book for some bread)? Do you go underground? Cultivate home-based industries? Do you keep afloat by word of mouth? Go door-to-door? Go back to stamping envelopes? How can you when your client base is purely electronic? …”


Poland Pushing Back Against Deep State Digital Oligarchy (And A Caveat)

Europe, Free Speech, Individual Rights, Nationalism, Nationhood, Natural Law, Republicans, Technology

How pathetic is it that, outside of our country, leaders are doing more to defend their citizen’s free speech than anyone in the USA, including the Republicans, who did nothing when they had the chance.—Michelle Malkin

I am envious that the Polish government, as opposed to the American regime, including the just-departed administration, appears to be looking to force the American “Deep Tech” companies to respect the freedom of speech of its citizens. In Poland, social media will be unable to take cover behind, “Your speech violates our community standards” ploy, deployed by the tech oligarchy stateside.

However, if the Polish government simply replaces Deep Tech’s speech politburos with their own—this won’t necessarily be a triumph for speech unpoliced. What must be emphasized is a return to unfettered speech (however abhorrent) for all.

Caveat notwithstanding, Poland is streaks ahead of America.

Meanwhile, and much like Wikipedia, the repulsive “Twitter’s ‘Birdwatch’ feature embraces its self-appointed thought police, giving citizen censors stamp of approval.”

And below, fighting words from Michelle Malkin and guest Matthew Tyrmand. Bravo.

IMPORTANT READ: “Deep Tech: Locked Down And Locked Out, First By The State, Then By Silicon Valley.”