Category Archives: Terrorism

NEWS On A LOOP: Same Old Same. Police Forsakes Victims Mid-Crime. GOP Loses Over Abortion

Abortion, Argument, Crime, Democrats, Elections, Individual Rights, Law, Republicans, Taxation, Terrorism

WHEN THE WRONG ISSUES ARE FOCAL, more wrong is enabled.

The scandal, Tucker Carlson, is not that swimming champion Riley Gaines was terrorized by trans terrorists. A is A. Terrorists terrorize.

THE REAL STORY is that law enforcement is AWOL in protecting the public from domestic terrorism caught mid-action.

A CRIME IS IN PROGRESS. An event that is paid for by a host has been disrupted, invaded, a guest chased and assaulted. In a country that is not crime and thug-friendly—high-pressure water cannons would be used to disperse violent crowds; protestors who are fighting and visiting bodily harm on peaceful others are packed into police vans and booked for related offenses.

Astoundingly, law enforcement has few qualms about forsaking the victims of crime mid-crime.

The scandal missed or glossed over in this Tucker Carlson Tonight segment is that law enforcement stands down. ALWAYS. They did so—betrayed the public—during the Summer of Love in 2020 (See “The Barbarians Are In Charge: Scenes From The Sacking of America” & “Bring In The Feds! Protection Of Natural Rights Trumps Federalism“). And have continued to do so.

We regular taxpayers pay for law enforcement’s upkeep. But they consistently refuse to uphold their oath of office and DO THEIR JOB. Police are beholden to the public, not to the man or woman in office.

Another topic I revisit wearily: Wisconsin voters poll conservative on major positions, YET voted for a progressive supreme court judge, Janet Protasiewicz, over the Republican Justice Dan Kelly, because:

“Amid the collapse of the American civilization, Republicans are most concerned with preserving the enemy’s embryos.”

ABORTION: Nobody except busybodies cares if Democrat distaff scrape their wombs. (See “Should Deranged, Moronic Females Really Be Procreating?“) Even if one cared—and at some point one does care, as abortion is a very sad affair—there is no point. As the columns linked here argue cogently, the body over which busybodies wish to exercise dominion IS JUST NOT YOURS TO CONTROL. It’s the property of someone else.

WATCH: Martha’s Vineyard Migrants Get Civil Rights Lawyers; January 6 Prisoners Dumped By GOP

Conservatism, Critique, Democracy, Democrats, Elections, Ilana Mercer, Individual Rights, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Populism, Propaganda, Race, Republicans, Terrorism, THE ELITES, The Establishment

WATCH THE NEW HARD TRUTH PODCAST: “Martha’s Vineyard Migrants Get Civil Rights Lawyers; January 6 Prisoners Dumped By GOP,” with David Vance and myself. 

Please Subscribe

In the latest Hard Truth, David and ilana highlight the out of control tyranny of the Democrats exemplified in Biden’s Philadelphia hate speech, 2nd September, in which he identified 80 million Trump voters as domestic terrorists. ilana highlights the supine response from the Establishment GOP which fails to confront Biden’s hate speech and in many ways colludes with it against MAGA. At a time when young white kids are being beaten to a pulp in the classroom by a core Democrat supporter base, GOP cucks wring their hands, look away, and whine about “gasoline prices and inflation.” The tragic irony is that the US is being turned into a place where criminal aliens are gifted with civil rights lawyers, as January 6th political prisoners are left to rot behind bars. And that’s a very hard truth indeed.

Republican Rep. T. Massie: ‘More Bureaucracy To Go After Domestic Terrorism Is Probably A Good Thing’

Argument, Conservatism, Constitution, COVID-19, Individual Rights, Race, Racism, Republicans, Terrorism, The State

‘We have a bill that’ll go after domestic terrorism, and that’s probably a good thing.’—Thomas Massie, Republican from Kentucky

Rep. Thomas Massie has found his voice on the still-extant Covid tyranny. Like all things Republican, it’s better than nothing, but nothing much at all.

The Kentucky Congressman … called for an amendment to be included in H.R. 350, a domestic terrorism bill, that would prevent the government from using funds to “monitor, analyze, investigate or prosecute” an American citizen on the bases of their refusal or opposition to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

“The fact that moms are going to be targeted as domestic terrorists because they think their 5-year-old doesn’t need a freaking vaccine because they’ve looked at the data. They’ve seen that the flu presents more of a risk to their child than COVID does — any of the variants,” said Congressman Massie.

While the “Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act” did not initially include language regarding the COVID-19 vaccine, Massie is forcing the issue to add text that provides protections to parents who oppose vaccine mandates.

Such dissembling as that of Representative Massie is deceptive. For one, he is right. Covid-19 has no place in a bill on domestic terrorism. But neither does a Bill against domestic terrorism have a place in the repertoire of a Republican legislator who considers himself hip to the infringements on liberty that such State overreach portends. Yet Massie declared,

… More bureaucracy to go after domestic terrorism is probably a good thing.

Moreover, self-ownership such as that exercised by sovereign individuals, in a free country, means that each and everyone of us has the right to reject the Pharma-State’s hemlock, no matter the reasons, scientific or not. The right to refuse the jab is not reserved for moms and their toddlers, for whom Massie exclusively advocates. What a dumb argument.


Nowhere is a rights-based argument being made [by Republicans], or an argument based on the right to question the safety of the vaccine. Nowhere are individual sovereignty and self-ownership mentioned.

Indeed, Republicans prattle about religious exemptions (state granted!) and natural-immunity based exemptions (state granted!)—but they have not the faintest urge to defend the natural, God-given right of self-ownership.

Enough then of the cheering for the ineffectual GOP and its front men and women, who arrive in the Idiocracy’s version of Rome, only to do nothing, decade after decade. Oh, yes, they turn in appearances on TV and before congressional committees; get lucrative book deals, and consolidate political and corporate power for a lifetime.

But as the West careens toward the Covid-centered anthill society, nobody identifies and defends the individual’s dominion over his body and his right to reject the Pharma-State’s Hemlock prescription for that body. As emphasized, Republicans’ case against Covid mandates indirectly capitulates to coercion.

SOURCE: “Self-Ownership And The Right To Reject The Pharma-State’s Hemlock,” Ilana Mercer

H.R. 350, the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act was so far rejected by House Judiciary Committee Republicans.

For A Fleeting Moment, Warbots On All Networks Were All Turned On

America, Democracy, Democrats, Foreign Policy, Homeland Security, IMMIGRATION, Reason, Republicans, Terrorism

Warbots on all the cable networks were turned on, when America had bombed someone in Syria. From Fox News to CNN to MSNBC—it was all just dandy. As usual, no serious questions were asked.

According to a US official quoted by AFP and Axios, al-Qurayshi blew himself up with a suicide vest during the US raid. The blast killed him and members of his family, including women and children, the source said.

The US president’s announcement came a few hours after the Pentagon confirmed its midnight “counterterrorism operation,” which targeted a house in Atmeh. Local residents told AP that multiple helicopters were involved, and explosions and machine gun fire could be heard.

Syrian media has reported that 13 people, including six children, were killed, and that the number of victims is expected to increase since some people remain under the debris following the raid. However, there has been no word of any civilian casualties in either Biden’s or the US military’s statements.

Democrats are crashing like never before. Could they have wagged the dog? Never. It’s not like American governments have ever externalized their domestic problems, meddled in affairs not their own, murdered and waged wars for naught.

And, if and when they do, it’s always “for the children, the children; for our values, our values; for democracy, democracy.” The Sheeple stateside all know these mantras and echo them without thought.

After all, we’re the good guys. And if good guys kill and maim and wage wars — why then, those causes are just. WRONG. And by the way, reasoning backwards is an error (if B then A is wrong in logic). , we say Besides, killing is sexy. Must be awful to be an Arab or even a Russian living in Russia—knowing you could get wasted or invaded on an American whim. (Hence Putin’s resolve to not let that happen.)

According to a US official quoted by AFP and Axios, al-Qurayshi blew himself up with a suicide vest during the US raid. The blast killed him and members of his family, including women and children, the source said.

The US president’s announcement came a few hours after the Pentagon confirmed its midnight “counterterrorism operation,” which targeted a house in Atmeh. Local residents told AP that multiple helicopters were involved, and explosions and machine gun fire could be heard.

Syrian media has reported that 13 people, including six children, were killed, and that the number of victims is expected to increase since some people remain under the debris following the raid. However, there has been no word of any civilian casualties in either Biden’s or the US military’s statements.


Beware The Values Cudgel

What Ivanka Wants, Ivanka Gets

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