Category Archives: Terrorism


Film, Hollywood, Pop-Culture, Psychiatry, Terrorism

This is the time of the year when one desperately needs relief from the fare television offers. It’s essential to make a trip or two to Blockbuster during the holiday season for some mindless entertainment—which is a step up from the stomach-turning, sappy, deeply silly Xmas films whose screening began as early as late in November.

As it is, it’s impossible to watch the assorted estrogen-oozing action dramas and crime series inflicted on the TV viewer. The phony heroine lords it over meek meterosexuals with fussy falsettos. Men know their place. Dare-devil women run the show, which makes the show dull, because 90 pounds of botoxic, silicone-plumped flesh in stilettos can’t run very fast (in real life, and I’m a sucker for reality). And you just know that back on terra firma, the 200 pounder she’s cuffing with seeming ease would have flung her as far as the equator, or coshed her to death.

A leading man is invariably a mentalist (I don’t know what that is), a gentle doctor suffering from low-sperm count, or a buffoon (“Burn Notice”).

Did you know that Daniel Wroughton Craig is quite a capable actor? Since I’m not a fan of the film industry, discovering that the latest James Bond is more than a Pierce Brosnan (although not nearly as good looking) or a Timothy Dalton and Roger Moore was a pleasant surprise.

I mention Craig, as we were watching Munich, directed by Steven Spielberg, and based on a book by Canadian journalist George Jonas, Barbara Amiel’s first husband.

Munich has a decent script and actors, their main attribute being that they are not American, so the acting is understated, not ego-centered and embarrassing. A bit of that unique Israeli humor is captured occasionally. Munich “shows how a squad of assassins, led by former Mossad agent Avner (Eric Bana), track down and murder a list of Black September members thought to be responsible for the eleven Israeli athletes’ murders. The second part of the film, which depicts the Israeli government’s response, has been debated a great deal by film critics and newspaper columnists. Spielberg refers to the film’s second part as “historical fiction,” saying it is inspired by the actual Israeli operations which are now known as Operation Wrath of God.”

Daniel Craig plays Steve, the South African get-away driver. He manages a heavy South African accent the likes I’ve never heard before. At first, I did not recognize him and thought Craig was an obscure actor from the Old Country. From their non-existent acting repertoire, younger American actors exclude accents. (It’s “too much like hard work, besides; doesn’t’ everyone speak English with an American accent?”) An East European dialect in “Law and Order SVU” sounds like the “Direct TV” commercial.

The depiction of the Munich massacre is hard to take for those of us who remember the lack of German security, the free pass that government gave the butchers, and the same peoples’ decision to continue the fun and games in the aftermath of the gruesome murders.

An excellent series also well-worth renting is “In Treatment.” Reading the credits, I saw the words, “Betipul,” which is Hebrew for “In treatment.” It figures that these nuanced portraits of people in therapy were adapted for the small screen from a foreign script. It has nothing of the Oprah, Phil filth—the two charlatans whose worldviews guide interpersonal relationships in the US.

Wikipedia confirms that, “The program’s format, script and opening theme are based on, often being word for word translations of, Hagai Levi’s successful Israeli series BeTipul, which won every possible award for a drama series at the Israeli Academy Awards.” I seldom watch TV becasue I get so bored. “In Treatment” is riveting TV. It’s deep but not labored.

UPDATE (Dec. 18): My thanks to Nora for fleshing out the context of Munich’s release. You can see how far behind I am in my film viewing. As we were watching, I did mutter to my husband about the facts that had been omitted (see above). It’s my understanding, however, that both Spielberg and Jonas are pro-Israel. Jonas most certainly is. And Spielberg is behind an enormous Holocaust project, so he is most sensitive to the arguments for Israel’s founding and survival. The Palestinians were definitely the butchers of the film; Israelis were the bunglers—I did get the impression of a inexpert mission, but then technology was primitive in those days.

To repeat, the Israelis were the sympathetic parties in the plot. Any statement to the contrary in the German press must have been a product of that press’ wish-fulfillment projections. Some of “the other side” came through in the rather smug, second-rate arguments presented during a chance meeting between the Israeli protagonist and a Palestinian terrorist. The Israeli came out on top.

All in all, it’s a decent effort. The horrific replays of the Munich massacre displayed the heroism of some of the Israeli athletes. Perhaps not enough.

UPDATED: Tag The TSA Dogs (Make That Remorseless Dogs)

Constitution, Homeland Security, Liberty, Regulation, Terrorism, The State

Fliers who are frisked should write down the name of the TSA agent who pawed them, and then blog or YouTube the event by exposing the personal details of the perp. Footage abounds, but the agents—the stars in these horror films—remain nameless. Name the bastards! It’s one way to bring about some attrition. If you know an agent; be sure to dissociate from him or her. If I knew one of these vermin, I’d pin the perp’s poster to a tree or something.

The revolt against The Transportation and Security Administration has resulted in very little fundamental change, so far, other than exemptions for sectional interests. By fundamental change, I mean restoring the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution.

The TSA is just one department. All government departments are like the TSA: Bureaucrats write most of the laws under which we live, and which no elected official has approved. This is why some conservatives (the smart ones) use the term “Managerial State” for the Thing the Huckster and the Hannity call “our freedoms,” “our democracy.” We really have very of the first. And as bad as mobocracy is, we are, in truth, managed by unelected apparatchiks.

I am unable to fly to a destination of my choosing because I refuse to be fondled or zapped with photons.

“The Australian” carries a gallery of pictures of the American peon being pawed.

UPDATE (Nov. 29): MAKE THAT REMORSELESS DOGS. Finally, a lone agent has repented. Well, sort of. I guess he’s feeling the antipathy. Having discovered the Ten Commandments, this man laments that, “It goes back to, ‘Do upon others as you would wish others to do upon you.’ And I would not want that done to me, or my family, or my mother, or my grandmother.'”

Nothing about resigning.

UPDATED: A South African Or A Somali? Who To ‘Naturalize’?

Homeland Security, IMMIGRATION, Islam, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Multiculturalism, Nationhood, Racism, South-Africa, Terrorism

The arrest of 19-year-old Mohamed Osman Mohamud, a naturalized U.S. citizen from Somalia, for planning to set off a bomb in Portland, Oregon, smacks of FBI entrapment; the FBI is notorious for the wickedly smart traps it lays for slow youth (such as the Miami Seven).

Even if the FBI has narrowly avoided the legal definition of entrapment in MOM’s case, it is rather ludicrous to hear media megaphones mouthing the mantra about this arrest providing proof, once again, that “they are out to get us.” Yes, it proves your government is out to get you—with its immigration policies.

Who let this guy in?

No one is saying—and the matter will remain submerged. Not even Google will give up MOM’s “immigration success story,” but you and I know that his folks are not plucky H-1B or O-1 visa holders. They’re probably visa lottery winners or refugees.

I had just blogged about the revocation of Brandon Huntley’s refugee status by the Canadian Court, which was “guided” by the Canadian Immigration Department, which, in turn, took orders from South Africa’s ANC goons. The latter oleaginous officials were backed by legions of house-trained liberals. “133 academics from 13 South African and 6 overseas universities,” all united to rob a man of a bit of luck; of some mercy.

What cowards!

Huntley is a South African (of the WASP variety).

In the Comments Section, another white South African gloated. Huntley had it coming. He isn’t a very nice guy. This is indeed the liberal mindset. The white, liberal man (even when he calls himself a “conservative”) is a deracinated creature, completely without the ability to see the bigger picture that is the South African reality.

It was argued that the Canadian government would have been “deluged by South African asylum seekers jumping at the chance to get into a country they wouldn’t otherwise have a prayer of getting into.”

Our reader never asks himself why it is that Canada and the US routinely reject (even deport) South African WASP immigrants, who are known for their wicked work ethic, happen to share the same ancestors and faith, and do not harbor Jihadi ambitions.

You are more likely to come upon a Mohamed Osman Mohamud in an American suburb than bump into a van der Merwe, in other words, a South African homie. But the liberal mindset (prevalent among most conservatives) forbids such inquisitiveness. Doesn’t occur …

Yes, Brandon Huntley was denied that meager thing called mercy because he acted like a bit of a blowhard, says one white bloke.

Yes, if Brandon had only been sepia tinged and harbored ambitions to blow things up, he’d have been a citizen of Canada or the USA already.

UPDATE: HORRIBLE HABITS (MORE LIKE TRADITIONS). It’s hard to make out if VDARE or someone else is the origin of the following: “Somalis are singularly unfit for life in North America, even if they remain (more or less) non-violent.” The hyperlinks lead here: “Somali Mom Asphyxiates Two Kids in Closet.”

And HERE: “Green Bay’s Dis-Americanization Proceeding Nicely.”

And HERE: Somalis “are unassimilated Muslims who follow violent sharia law, practice polygamy and slice off the private parts of their little girls (aka FGM, with a prevalence of 98% in Somalia).”


So why are 85,000 Somali immigrants a good thing, but a “deluge” of WASP South Africans cannot be countenanced or coped with? Afraid the latter will work too hard for their money? Don’t we need more productive individuals in order to support all those Somalis?

UPDATE V: The Stasi Breast Exam (CONTRA CNN…)

Fascism, Government, Homeland Security, Individual Rights, Terrorism, The State

Observe the technique used by the detritus of humanity, the TSA agents, in performing a breast examination. The predatory bitch will circle her victim’s breast, cleaving closely to its contours. The female attack dog will then pass a grubby paw between the woman’s cleavage. Sometimes the neckline above the shameless assailant’s fondling fingers is youthful and firm; other times it’s sagging and old. At all times this specter is pathetic.

We are a country of subjects and sovereigns.

On its website, the Transportation Security Administration ought to provide a technical, detailed, clinical description of the procedure so that a citizen may see in writing the ritual one of these Stasi agents are to perform on his person.

Can you find it here? I cannot.

Don’t fly if you don’t have to.

UPDATED I: SPREADING THE FILTH. WND: “Martha Donahue in a commentary at Resistnet said she’d spent 30 years in the medical industry.

‘For those of you who fly and opt for the ‘pat down,’ you need to demand the TSA thugs change their gloves. I’ve been watching on the news how they operate. People are being searched [with] dirty gloves … gloves that have been in crotches, armpits, touching people who may be ill, people who pick their noses. Do you want those gloves touching you?'”

UPDATE II: SOVEREIGNS ARE EXEMPT. And Boehner Of Orange is no exception. Not a murmur about TSA terrorism have your representatives, new and old guard (other than Ron Paul), uttered. Understandably. TSA sexual assaults are not a pressing matter when you are exempt therefrom. According to the New York Times, “any member of Congress or administration official with a security detail is allowed to bypass security. … The appropriate security procedures for all Congressional leaders, including Speaker Pelosi, Senator Reid [and Boehner] are determined by the Capitol Police working with the Transportation Security Administration.”

UPDATE III (Nov. 24): When all argued for the rights of pilots and flight attendants to go to work without TSA abuse, I warned against interest-group, government-granted rights. How likely are you to get back some of your Fourth Amendment natural rights now that the sectional interests are satisfied with their deal? Strive for chaos. The more the homeland security cauldron bubbles over, the better. You want the thing to implode. Signs that travelers are settling into a status quo ought to trouble you.

The AP: “Cabinet secretaries, top congressional leaders and an exclusive group of senior U.S. officials are exempt from toughened new airport screening procedures when they fly commercially with government-approved federal security details.”

“Aviation security officials would not name those who can skip the controversial screening, but other officials said those VIPs range from top officials like Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and FBI Director Robert Mueller to congressional leaders like incoming House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio. …”

The heightened new security procedures by the Transportation Security Administration, which involve either a scan by a full-body detector or an intimate personal pat-down, have spurred passenger outrage in the lead-up to the Thanksgiving holiday airport crush.

On Friday, the TSA exempted pilots from the new procedures; flight attendants received the same privilege on Tuesday, TSA spokesman Nicholas Kimball confirmed. Both groups must show photo ID and go through metal detectors. If that sets off an alarm, they may still get a pat-down in some cases, he said. The rules apply to pilots and flight attendants in uniform when they’re traveling.

While passengers have no choice but to submit to either the detector or what some complain is an intrusive pat-down, some senior government officials can opt out if they fly accompanied by government security guards approved by the TSA.

UPDATE IV: CONTRA CNN. Judging from the reports by the females of CNN (those cringe making goody-goodies), and even from FoxNews’ pin-up Megyn Kelly, the planned, Thanksgiving protests against the TSA fizzled; didn’t happen.

Not if you read DRUDGE. Here are some of the headlines, accompanied as they are by an image of at least one heroic passenger, stripped to the waist, sporting a “Screw Big Sis” on his bare back.

POLL: 61% oppose new airport security measures…
Prosthetics Become Source of Shame at Airport Screenings…
Scanner Uproar Shadows Holiday Travel…
AAA Expects Record Traffic on Highways…
30-Mile Backup on Mass Turnpike…
VIDEO: TSA Speedo Protester…
VIDEO: Woman wears bikini to LAX…
Woman: Agents Singled Me Out For My Breasts…
Fliers Claim TSA Has Deactivated Body Scanners…

UPDATE V: In a supercilious op-ed, an ex-CIA agent by the name of Mike Baker, a fixture on FoxNew, demands: “America, Let’s Give the Drama and Hysteria a Rest.” But not before describing with relish how a “TSA dude named Frank got to third base” with him.