Category Archives: The State

Before COVID Cartel, Scientific Skepticism Of Messenger-RNA Technology Voiced, EXPECTED

Business, COVID-19, Healthcare, Propaganda, Pseudoscience, Science, The State

*trials of mRNA vaccines for infectious diseases were somewhat modest, leading to cautious expectations.
*blood coagulation and pathological thrombus.
* local and systemic inflammation.
*autoimmunity issues.

From a peer-reviewed journal article, published in January 2018, I scatter below for your edification a candid, matter-of-fact documentation of known reservation about the mRNA vaccines, intended for healthy individuals.

Clearly, “science” was freer as recently as 2018, in credible medical journals, and prior to the consolidation of a consensus around the SARS-CoV-2 vaccines, a consensus driven by the COVID cartel.

“…… extracellular RNA promoted blood coagulation and pathological thrombus formation… the paradoxical effects of innate immune sensing on different formats of mRNA vaccines are incompletely understood.

“… recently published results from two clinical trials of mRNA vaccines for infectious diseases were somewhat modest, leading to more cautious expectations about the translation of preclinical success to the clinic… .”

A possible concern could be that some mRNA-based vaccine platforms induce potent type I interferon responses, which have been associated not only with inflammation but also potentially with autoimmunity167,168. Thus, identification of individuals at an increased risk of autoimmune reactions before mRNA vaccination may allow reasonable precautions to be taken.

I think I distilled the main concerns. But do READ:

mRNA vaccines — a new era in vaccinology,” Norbert Pardi, Michael J. Hogan, Frederick W. Porter & Drew Weissman, Nature Reviews Drug Discovery volume 17, pages261–279 (2018)

*Credit to artist here.

UPDATED (3/4): NEW COLUMN: Systemic, Institutional Rot: From Big Freeze In Texas To Fires In California

Affirmative Action, Egalitarianism, Energy, Feminism, Free Markets, Gender, Government, Race, Regulation, The State

NEW COLUMN: “Systemic, Institutional Rot: From Big Freeze In Texas To Fires In Cali,” is on WND, The Unz Review, on

And a feature on American Greatness:

“… our country is suffering a blackout of intelligence”


Some blame a quasi, free-market in electricity for the collapse of the electrical grid in Texas, during a winter snow storm, mid-February, with temperatures averaging zero. The same people finger deregulation and isolation from the national and neighboring grids.

The other side has it that an excessive reliance on renewable energy sources, like wind turbines, was the culprit in a grid collapse that saw 40 percent of the power supply fail within hours of the storm, indirectly causing the death of about 60 Texans.

All agree that the oil-and-gas state enjoys both cheap natural gas and abundant wind power, and that its natural resources could have stood Texas in good stead.

The Lone Star State’s human resources are another matter entirely.

Be they wind turbines or gas pipelines; the electrical grid has to be properly maintained. Texas, however, lacked “leadership.” It transpires that the grid had not been weatherized nor winterized in anticipation of a harsh winter—pipelines had not been insulated and wind turbines never deiced.

Leadership is a euphemism for intelligence. Texas in the winter of 2021 will likely be looked upon as a case of systemic stupidity; systemic rot.

Things start to fall apart when the best-person-for-the-job ethos gives way to racial and gender window-dressing and to the enforcement of politically pleasing perspectives.

Likewise has the emergency personnel managing the blackouts for the nation’s largest utility, Pacific Gas and Electric Company, joined California’s political leadership to deliver Third World quality service to Californians.

When it is reported that, “Among the hundreds of people who handled the blackouts from Pacific Gas and Electric Company’s emergency operations center, only a handful had any training in the disaster response playbook that California has used for a generation”—that is a fancy way of saying “affirmative action.”

It doesn’t help that the American Idiocracy is moving at breakneck speed to equate merit-based institutions with “institutionalized racism.”

... READ THE REST.  NEW COLUMN: “Systemic, Institutional Rot: From Big Freeze In Texas To Fires In Cali,” is on WND, The Unz Review, on

And a feature on American Greatness.

Related post: “East Asian Countries Believe In, OMG, Ability (IQ, Too), Not Equity.”

*Image courtesy here (size matters, wouldn’t you say?)

UPDATE (3/4): Via Unz Review:

What happens when there is an accident in a tunnel in South Korea. (It’s called a sense of community.)

Joan Of Arc Or Thaïs d’Escufon Of Generation Identitaire

Europe, IMMIGRATION, Islam, Nationalism, Nationhood, Racism, The State

Joan Of Arc or Thaïs d’Escufon: If men of the West are being demonized and emasculated, then good women must step in to fight The State instead.

This young lady, so natural-looking compared to the typical American or Canadian, selfie-obsessed, painted Foxette, is fit to be the new bust of Marianne.

Here is an interview with Thaïs d’Escufon from Generation Identitaire, who belongs to an “anti-immigration lobby which seeks to defend French and European identity, facing mass immigration, Islamisation, and its consequences: sexual harassment, insecurity, anti-white racism etc.”

UPDATED (2/11): Trumpeting The Hardcore Libertarian Take On Jan. 6 Capitol Incident

Democracy, Donald Trump, libertarianism, Paleoconservatism, Paleolibertarianism, Propaganda, Republicans, Taxation, The State

It bears repetition, hence the repetition in this week’s column, “Trumpeting the Hardcore Libertarian Take On The Jan. 6 Capitol Incident“—an incident, riot, certainly not an insurrection—which has intensified the real insurrection, ongoing against MAGA America:


…It’s no secret that rock-ribbed libertarians—as opposed to the lite, fluffy establishment libertarian—view the State, certainly in its current iteration, as a criminal enterprise. For it operates with force and without the consent of the governed.

If you are tempted to argue this theoretical point, think only of the meaning of the 2020 election:

Upwards of 81 million people, or 51.3 percent of those who voted, not of the people, get to impose their will on more than 74 million, or 46.8 percent of the voters, as well as on the millions who didn’t vote.

Moreover, the winner in an election is certainly not the fictitious entity referred to as “The People,” but rather the representatives of the majority. And while it seems obvious that the minority in a democracy is openly thwarted, the question is, do the elected representatives at least carry out the will of the majority?

The answer is No! In reality, the majority, too, has little say in the business of governance – they’ve merely elected politicians who have been awarded carte blanche to do as they please.

Carte blanche because we are no longer a republic in which central authorities have only limited and clearly delineated powers. Certainly, all the people in the commonwealth are compelled to do as the Permanent State and the new, incoming state dictate.

No! Government governs without the consent of the governed, for the most, and with the backing of often-brutal police powers. …

MORE on WND, The Unz Review, or The Quarterly Review.

UPDATE (2/11):

Jan. 6 shows the difference between the paleoconservative (Pat Buchanan) and the paleolibertarian (me): Buchanan: “Of all the riots in 2020 and 2021, [Jan. 6] was the unforgivable one.” Me: Destroying private property is way worse than harming the state.