Category Archives: The State

UPDATED (7/23): Bless The Brothers For Protesting Police Corruption


Bless the brothers; at least they protest police brutality. Compared to perpetually angry blacks, whites are cowards. No whites got riled up to riot following the cold-blooded murder by Somali cop of a white yogi lady. Australian Justine Damond was shot in the course of being a good Samaritan and reporting a crime. I’m sure protesting Minneapolis residents, mostly black, are not raging specifically because of  Ms. Damon’s death, but it’s good enough that, for once, their anger converges with that of the ever-silent majority.

Look and learn:

Chaos erupted at a Minneapolis press conference Friday night as the city’s mayor nominated a new police chief amid city-wide anger in the wake of the officer-involved shooting of an Australian bride-to-be.

Minneapolis residents and demonstrators attended the news conference, and one man began shouting down Mayor Betsy Hodges, yelling, “we do not want you as mayor” and that she is “ineffective” to applause from those gathered. As Hodges left the room, the demonstrators chanted “Bye Bye Betsy!” Signs with the phrases “Messy Betsy” and “You are next” were seen in the crown, The Associated Press reports.

About an hour later, Hodges returned to speak to the gathered press and take questions. The mayor had asked for Minneapolis Police Chief Janeé Harteau resignation after she “lost confidence in the chief’s ability to lead.” She announced that she has nominated Assistant Chief Medaria “Rondo” Arradondo to lead the department.

Earlier Friday night, Harteau had announced that she is resigning in the wake of the deadly shooting last weekend. …


UPDATE (7/23): The Muslim wannabe Minneapolis Mayor, Betsy Hodges:

Michelle Bachmann:

NEW COLUMN (UPDATE @7/23): Truman Would Have Agreed With Trump On The CIA In Syria


“Truman Would Have Agreed With Trump On The CIA In Syria” is the current column, now on An excerpt:

Said the president: “For some time I have been disturbed by the way CIA has been diverted from its original assignment. It has become an operational and, at times, a policy-making arm of the Government. … [T]his quiet intelligence arm of the President has been so removed from its intended role that it is being interpreted as a symbol of sinister and mysterious foreign intrigue.”

This dire warning about the propensity of the Central Intelligence Agency to go rogue came from Harry S. Truman.

Truman’s call to “limit the CIA role to intelligence” was published in December 22, 1963, by the Washington Post (WaPo). The same newspaper is now decrying Presidents Trump’s decision to “end the CIA’s covert program to arm and train moderate Syrian rebels battling the government of Bashar al-Assad, a move long sought by Russia, according to U.S. officials.”

The move is a good one. The WaPo threw Russia into the reportorial mix purely to sully President Trump (and due to the intellectual deficiencies of correspondents incapable of teasing apart policy from political intrigue).

The 33rd U.S. president, a Democrat before the great deformation of that party, was first to issue the warning against the agency he had established. Not only was the newly founded intelligence arm of President Truman mutating into “a policy-making arm of government,” but it was “a subverting influence in the affairs of other people,” he cautioned.

In 1963, Truman was meditating on restoring the monster he had created “to its original assignment” of intelligence gathering in the raw. The CIA’s sole purpose was to keep the president apprised of information unfiltered, un-politicized.

In 2017, Trump is dealing with a genie too powerful to beat back into the bottle: a mutated swamp creature.

So, is this a screeching U-turn in Trump’s foreign policy? Who know, but in Syria, at least, President Trump is inching closer to delivering on a campaign promise. …

… READ THE REST. “Truman Would Have Agreed With Trump On The CIA In Syria” is now on

For those who missed the latest column, first on American Thinker; the Mercer Column can be read on, the Unz Review, a little later on Daily Caller, Liberty Conservative, and others. And it’s always posted eventually on

UPDATE I (Facebook):  “What a superb angle, Ilana! Invoking Truman’s warning about ‘The Company’ is brilliant,” writes author Bill Scott.

UPDATE II (7/23):
John McCain:

Remembering The Best of America, Erik Scott, Killed By Cop


It is seven years today since Erik Scott was gunned down by three Las Vegas cops, for legally carrying concealed in Costco. What the criminals didn’t bargain for is that Erick’s father, Braveheart Bill Scott, would come after them. And he did.

This is an achingly beautiful tribute to Erik. Below is Bill’s social-media post:

Seven years ago today, my son, Erik, was gunned down by three Las Vegas cops. A super-sloppy cover-up and cop-clearing circus of an inquest ensured Erik’s killers were never held accountable.
However, that’s slowly changing. Justice is steadily unfolding in ways LV Metro police dept. and its corrupt allies never envisioned. For example, “The Permit”, a novel based on Erik’s murder has been read by thousands. And I have reason to believe a theatrical movie or TV mini-series based on the book will manifest fairly soon.

At 3:20 p.m. on July 20th, “What Happened in Vegas,” a superb documentary that features four murders-by-Metro, including Erik’s, is scheduled to show at the Anthem film festival in Las Vegas. This movie is an incredibly powerful indictment of what arguably is one of the most corrupt “justice” systems in America.

And a new nonfiction book I cowrote with two former police officers is in the publishing process. “License to Kill: The Murder of Erik Scott” is the truth that destroys LV Metro’s long string of lies and crimes. Stand by….

On this anniversary of the most horrific day in our family’s life, we extend our deep, heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you. Your continued support, prayers and loyalty are very much appreciated. Thank You!



Stop the Killing on Both Sides of the ‘Thin Blue Line’” By Bill Scott

Father Of Decorated Soldier Killed By Cop Speaks

Costco And The Supersized Killer Cops

Letters: From A Grieving Father & Friend As Well As From An Ann Coulter Fan

NEW COLUMN: Trump Fends Off ‘Showboat’ Comey And The Federal Zombies


“Trump Fends Off ‘Showboat’ Comey And The Federal Zombies” is the current column, now on American Thinker. An excerpt:

He pleaded the case of a loyal soldier, rather than forsake retired US Army lieutenant general Michael Flynn to the mercies of FBI director James Comey. And he asked for loyalty from the congenitally disloyal. You’ll agree: President Donald Trump is being indicted on technicalities and on personal style.

Distill the president’s unremarkable actions, subject to a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing, and it becomes clear that The establishment—for sensible people outside the beltway have dissociate from the Russia-collusion phantasmagoria—is indicting him on the plain, impolitic speech that catapulted Donald Trump from candidate to president.

Trump is “aggressive and oblivious to the rules of engagement,” fumed CNN’s sibilant Chris Cillizza, formerly of the Washington Post. Correct. But was the language of combat you deployed, Mr. Cillizza, a Freudian slip?

The president’s linguistic infelicities—a word salad, at times—have given the press popinjays and their Washington overlords the foothold needed to go after the president. Throw in the “bad” habits of a businessman he has retained. Trump transacts with everyone—Russians too. We voted for deals, not wars.

This is the sum and substance of President Trump’s offenses. That, and beating Hillary Clinton to the White House.

Proponents of free-markets understand how business operates. Statists don’t. To the statist, the Fake News fabricator and the stark raving mad Washington Post (WaPo), “Trump sitting next to Russian Ambassador Yuri Dubinin, at a luncheon hosted by Leonard Lauder, the oldest son of Estée Lauder,” in 1986, is incriminating evidence … of something.

The tidbit made it on to a sinister WaPo list, “Team Trump’s ties to Russian interests.” To the same statists, Trump “meeting with Russian businessmen, including a real estate developer,” in 2013, “while in Moscow for his Miss Universe competition,” is yet more circumstantial evidence of … something.

Citizen Trump was bringing a fun event to Russia! To members of the American media-military-congressional-industrial complex, being amicable with foreign interests is a foreign concept. At the same time, he did some business there. Inconceivable! Had Mr. Trump smuggled a dirty bomb into Russia, under the “clever” guise of pursuing commerce, his militant enemies stateside might forgive him today. The tools threatening President Trump with impeachment have one bag of tricks stuffed with power tools: they audit, indict, arrest, bomb, change regimes. They don’t make profitable business deals; they tax them. They don’t make peace; they wage war.

Prone to seeing faces in the clouds, the reporters—they’ve lost their minuscule minds—frame the act of putting in a kind word for “a good guy,” as Trump did in February 2017, for Gen. Michael Flynn, as an obstruction of justice. …

READ the rest. “Trump Fends Off ‘Showboat’ Comey And The Federal Zombies” is the current column, now on American Thinker.