Category Archives: The West

UPDATED: A Show Of Solidarity Or Sentimentality? Winning À La The West

Free Speech, Islam, Jihad, Justice, The West

Lots of displays of profound, understandable sorrow are underway around the Western world, in response to the massacre by native (as in French) Muslims of French journalists and caricaturists. Plaintive signs and symbols are being held up, mournfully. In Barcelona, Brussels, London, Paris, Nice, Lyon, tens of thousands of Europeans are flaunting their feelings: “Je Suis Charlie,” “Not Afraid.” Pencils and notepads are being piled up on sidewalks, symbolically.

But where is the rage?

Anderson Cooper interviewed a French “documentary maker”—a title everyone with a camera assumes these days. The Frenchman declared that we were winning. How so? Coming out en masse to plonk teddy bears on a sidewalk: Is that winning?

As Diana West observed, “Islamic blasphemy law, the barbarous essence of mainstream, authoritative Islam,” is making progress in the West. West, like myself, looked to the Netherlands’ Geert Wilders for a prescription.

The assassinations of ten journalists and two policemen today in Paris serve as a warning to all the countries in the free world. We are at war. Charlie Hebdo was under police protection following numerous threats because of its outspoken criticism of Islam. Despite the protection by the police, terrorists were able to murder their opponents.

He gave it.

If we continue dying while we practice what we believe in; how, pray tell, are we winning?

UPDATED (1/8): More of What Winning Looks Like In The West:

We contribute “an outpouring of art in response,” as signatories to the dhimma pact (“pact of surrender”) at CNN called the response to the execution of irreverent talent in Paris.

We add a plural option to the rallying cry, Je Suis Charlie: We are Charlie Hebdo – Nous Sommes Charlie.

Adding Fire Power To The Literary Canon

English, Human Accomplishment, Literature, The West

With respect to the column “Fight Classroom Idiocracy With The Literary Canon,” my good editor at Quarterly Review rightly griped that I should have added more titles fit for the precocious child reader.

Leslie’s favorites are Shakespeare, Balzac, Dostoyevsky, Flaubert, Tolstoy, and Herman Melville, author of Moby-Dick. Seconded. And boy, did I adore Molière, “one of the greatest masters of comedy in Western literature.”

Add Don Quixote by Cervantes, Kafka, Albert Camus, Rudyard Kipling. The Hebrew Bible is a very racy, great read. I’m no expert on the New Testament.

Dying For Obama’s Deadly Dogma

Africa, Conspiracy, Constitution, Healthcare, Propaganda, Racism, Science, South-Africa, The West

“Dying For Obama’s Deadly Dogma” is the current column, now on WND. An excerpt:

Africa, Like Trayvon Martin, is extremely important to Barack Obama. “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon,” the president said famously about the slain teenager.

His fellow-feelings about the continent, the president expressed during the August 4-6 U.S.-Africa Summit, this year: “I do not see the countries and peoples of Africa as a world apart; I see Africa as a fundamental part of our interconnected world – partners with America,” he said.

With the wealth of the most industrious, generous and gullible taxpayer at his disposal, the president believes that it is his duty, first, to stop the Ebola epidemic in West Africa, when, in fact, the duty of the president of the United States is to those who pay the piper.

America’s governing elites habitually betray their constitutional and fiduciary obligations to their constituents. The head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Tom Frieden, and the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Anthony Fauci, claim that restricting entry into the U.S. from the Ebola ground zero is without merit “from a public health standpoint,” and will only worsen matters.

For whom, pray tell, Dr. Fauci? For American nurses? Cui bono Dr. Frieden?

Contrary to the Frieden-Fauci-Obama obfuscations, it is quite possible to both stop at-risk individuals from entering the U.S., as well as assist in curbing the contagion in the hot-spot countries of Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia. The two are not mutually exclusive. While the U.S. welcomes, on average, 150 daily travelers from West Africa; dozens of infection-free African nations have done the sensible thing to contain the spread of the dread disease. The most advanced of them, South Africa, has “restricted entry for all non-citizens traveling from Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.”

Back in South Africa of the mid 1990s, I trained and volunteered as an HIV/AIDS counselor. My last client, before I decamped to North America, was a lovely gay man who had just been diagnosed HIV positive and whose CD4-cell count was already low. He wept in my arms for hours.

My point: Comparing HIV/AIDS to Ebola, as the Frieden-Fauci duo has repeatedly done, amounts to politically correct theatre. …

… Read the rest. “Dying For Obama’s Deadly Dogma” is the current column, now on WND.

Gratitude Breeds Contempt

Africa, Healthcare, Race, Racism, The West

When do wimpy whites put down their stethoscopes, in this particular case, and say, “No more. F-ck this. I’ve had enough”? The family of the late Thomas Eric Duncan, the index patient who brought Ebola to the US, is accusing the “system” involved in his expensive, tax-funded care with racism, after considerable encouragement from loathsome media.

Incompetent perhaps, but racist?

Had he survived, Duncan’s own government, promised Liberian Ambassador to the U.S, Jeremiah Sulunteh, intended to sue him for lying to authorities about his exposure and placing many others at risk.

“When it comes to America,” writes Daniel Greenfield at FronPage Magazine, “no good deed goes unpunished.”

the fact that America took in this guy and provided him medical care only becomes another indictment. Duncan grew up next to a leper colony in Liberia. His family were resettled as refugees. He chose to go back to Liberia and brought a highly lethal and infectious disease to the United States.
And for all the charity that America gave this clan, they’re now bashing America.

Neoconservatives assiduously avoid speaking openly about race. Considering this reality, it is understandable that the author couches the hostility evinced by the Liberian clan against their American benefactors as a case of hostility against the nebulous entity neocons (like Dinesh D’Souza’s) dub America.

I dealt with D’Souza’s incongruities in “D’Souza’s Epic ‘America’ Error.” Either way, if media were moral and in the habit of practicing journalism, they’d report the story and its outcome and leave it be. “Analysis” by the Idiocracy is unwarranted.

Invariably, Africa has a lot for which to thank selfless Westeners. And gratitude breeds contempt.