Category Archives: The Zeitgeist

UPDATED III (12/6): State Of Sexual Hysteria Unique To Super Neurotic, Formerly Puritanical, Anglo-American Sphere


How do you know America is a matriarchy? Today, November 19, is International Men’s Day, 2017, and what is being discussed non-stop on the Mad Hatter Media? Women’s complaints against men—current complaints, past complaints, proven and unproven, possible future complaints, ethics committees to facilitate more complaints.

In years past, a token attempt at discussing “men’s health issues” would have been attempted on International Men’s Day. Now, with the help of men themselves, the day is devoted to vilifying The Male.

… the day has become something of a toxic punchline in a year filled with sexual assault allegations against major male figures — including President Donald Trump. It’s not been a banner year for men, as many in positions of power have been exposed as using that influence in cases of sexual harassment and assault. …


The country is becoming a farce, thanks to the dominance of unhinged females. Here’s a clue as to the uniquely American nature of the derangement: Other than in the UK, albeit to a lesser degree, where a similar kind of woman prevails, where in the world are nations wrestling with a manufactured crisis, elevated to a national level exclusively by women?

The state of sexual hysteria into which the US has been plunged is unique to the super neurotic, formerly puritanical, Anglo-American sphere.


Myron Robert Pauli:Frankly, I can’t keep up with the pseudo-moralistic stuff which oscillates with zittebewegung (good German physics term about rapid oscillations) between libertine and puritanical faster than I can keep track. One can change sex but topless bathing is still banned. 17 year olds kissing need to be reported as child abusers in Oregon. Drone strikes on 1 of 16 florists not catering gay weddings must be considered but incest marriages (I thought marriage was “an economic agreement” not based on morality) must be prosecuted. Foreign criminal trespassers (sometimes called “undocumented citizens”) are entitled to taxpayer funded sex changes and partial birth abortions but don’t even THINK about “hugging with your baby in the last row of the balcony” (which will come up 40 years later!):”

UPDATED II (12/2):

UPDATE III (12/6): Heroism in America is a whiny woman: “TIME’s Person of The Year Goes To ‘The Silence Breakers’

Another one bites the dust. Actor Danny Masterson Officially Fired By Netflix After Rape Allegations.”

Expunging the old guys:

UPDATE (12/7):  This is what the matriarchy looks like: “She gets unhinged often if you oppose her,” says the woman the mayor attacked for denying privilege attaches to whites.

Trent Franks:

UPDATED IV (7/5/2021): Taking A Knee Is Akin To Taking A Pee


NEW COLUMN is: “Taking A Knee Is Akin To Taking A Pee.” It’s now on WND.COM. An excerpt:

“Taking a knee” stands for the specter of beefy, pampered athletes—they’re not sportsmen—wealthy beyond belief, striking a political pose on the football field, during the playing of the national anthem.

First to kneel when he was meant to stand was Colin Kaepernick. The reason the San Francisco 49er knelt, in 2016: “I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color.”

Like Kaepernick, current kneelers are not Copernicus. It’s hard to fathom what they actually want. A non-player activist has since narrowed the kneeling to “ending the killing of black men and black women by the police.”

To question the debasing of the English language, in this context, is probably considered racist, but I’ll take one for Team English. At first, I knew not what on earth “take a knee” meant. Commentators and anchors discussed this god-awful expression without explaining it. And my connection to American football is as weak as the connection Americans have to one another.

I grew up on a sports diet of basketball and real football—the kind Pelé played without a dog muzzle and with dazzling footwork. South African rugby, too, was faster and more fun than American football. Nevertheless, I root for my home team, the Seattle Seahawks.

Why so? We all inhabit this busy mart called America, but are united by nothing meaningful at all. The football fetish in America has intensified in the context of a country whose inhabitants agree on little else than the importance of The Game. Consequently, come playoff time, we come together fleetingly and superficially, to make a religion out of our respective professional football teams.

“Take a knee” must have originated in some linguistic botching, a lazy collapsing of alliteratively related words and phrases. I mean, you can “kneel,” “kneel down,” or “get down on your knees.” You most certainly can “bow down” or “take a bow.” But, “Take a knee”? It sounds like an adaptation from “take a p-e.” Actually, I’m not far off. The Giants’ Odell Beckham Jr. “had been flagged … for unsportsmanlike conduct when he celebrated a touchdown by impersonating a dog urinating.” …

… READ THE REST. “Taking A Knee Is Akin To Taking A Pee” is the current column, now on WND.COM.

You can find the Mercer Column weekly on the Unz Review, Daily Caller,, frequently at American Thinker, occasionally on, and on other fine outlets, where The Column is a feature. It’s always posted, eventually, on, under Articles. Please share.

UPDATE I (10/1/017): Introducing Cedric Ingram Lewis & Larry McCullough: 

UPDATE II (10/23): The Snake:

UPDATE II (6/9/2018): Ben Shapiro, quintessential cuckservative, recently wrote that “Trump Is Wrong To Disinvite The Eagles. He’s Even More Wrong To Lie About Them.”

Discussion ensued on Facebook.

Ilana Mercer: He’s no intellectual at all, Jack Kerwick. A big Second Hander is Ben Shapiro. I’ve had readers tell me that, given a chance, Cuck would agree with and adopt my opinions (say on diseasing misbehavior), hence, these readers “argue, Cuck is smart. I have no doubt that Shaprio would adopt others’ argument without a shred of credit, if the source were not a Fox panelist.

UPDATE III (5/7/021):
Low Bron James gets mocked.

Global Citizen Fest: Elite Idiocracy Isn’t Listening. Local Is In; Global Is Out


MSNBC didn’t get the message of Brexit, of the Trump election or of Catalonia. (Well, they no longer do news.) The out-of-touch nitwork is hyping and providing blow-by-blow coverage of this Global Citizen Festival.

Doesn’t MSNBC know? local is in and global is out.

Global government (EU, UN) is the enemy. Global corporations, while once beloved of libertarians like myself, have been exposed for their institutionalized hate for locals and the locality, to say nothing of their collusion with The State.


Elon Musk, Et Al.: The Corporate Arm Of The Deep State

Why The H-1B Visa Racket Should Be Abolished, Not Reformed

James Damore Confronts The Hags of High-Tech (& Loses)

High-Tech Traitors Are Social Justice Warriors 1st; Businessmen 2nd

UPDATED (7/22/019): Is English Dead In England?


Check out this paragraph in the Daily Mail. I did not read beyond it.

… it was noted that the star either went of his meds completely or starting taking less once the Keeping Up With The Kardashians star started experiencing anxiety after her robbery that left her bound and gagged.

From: “Kanye West’s breakdown …”


Judge Andrew Napolitano’s juvenile style: “What if, what if, what if” times 12. WTF! A good editor would’ve demanded a rewrite.

UPDATE (7/22/019):

No, @JamesTrejo1945. But if you tweet, “LAYING on the bed, now,” instead of, “LYING on bed now, and LAYING tiles later on”—I’ll have a petite fit. ? Or, if you write, “I LAID on the ground,” instead of “I LAY on ground”: You’ll make me miserable.