CNN Self-Aggrandizing Mediocrity, Brooke Baldwin, Steps Down

Celebrity,Ethics,Etiquette,Feminism,Gender,Journalism,Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim,Media,Propaganda


Brooke Baldwin, you will never be, as you boast here, “innovative, creative, or [an agent for] change.” Never.

To deploy the idiom of the Bell Curve distribution, Brooke seems to me to be the Mode, the most common value in a set, her opinions and range of ideas falling comfortably with the most frequently occurring among her tribe.

Baldwin is an ego in an anchor’s chair. She has shown herself over the years to be indistinguishable from the condescending, arrogant cretins with whom she has worked. Now she has an announcement so important that she tells all. After all, she is not merely a cog in the CNN org …

If you doubt what I say, here is the Barely-A-Blog Brooke Baldwin dossier of dastardly positions and poses, such as when the “humorless CNN anchor berated Border Patrol for joking with sainted, separated kids.”

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