Neoconservative Charles Krauthammer Came To Define American Conservatism

Classical Liberalism, Conservatism, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Neoconservatism, Political Philosophy

Charles Krauthammer was the quintessential neoconservative. As the scholar of American conservatism, Paul Gottfried, puts it, Mr. Krauthammer “worked to reconstruct the American Right as an extension of the Left.”

It’s rather telling, then, that a former leftist, who was hardly distinguished by his hard-right positions, has come to define the American Right.

Inadvertently (or not), Rich Lowry brought the conservative canonization of Mr. Krauthammer somewhat under control by comparing him to William F. Buckley and Irving Kristol. (Although they seemed to have been far more prolific on the book-writing front and had taken tough positions on thorny issues.) But, mercifully, NOT TO intellectual giants like Russell Kirk and James Burnham.

Whether he meant to or not, Mr. Lowry provided a slightly more sobering reality check, although Lowry still sold Mr. Krauthammer’s philosophical predecessors short.

A consummate neoconservative, the late Charles Krauthammer, nevertheless, came to define American Conservatism.


UPDATE II (6/25): NEW COLUMN: Why Are Unfit Parents Fit To Become Americans?

Crime, Criminal Injustice, Donald Trump, Family, IMMIGRATION

“Why Are Unfit Parents Fit To Become Americans?” is the current column, now on

An excerpt:

By now most Americans, for or against, get the idea. All an individual or family need do to live in America, and off the avails of the American taxpayer, is to arrive at an approved port of entry and “lodge a legal claim to stay.”

That’s it.

The same understanding animates an entire, parasitical industry that has arisen to coach the claimants in their claims-making.

The refugee and illegal-migrant racket sprung-up on the backs of the American people is Third World cronyism at its best. “The Trump administration plans to pay a Texas nonprofit nearly half a billion dollars, this year, to care for immigrant children who were detained crossing the U.S. border illegally, reports Bloomberg.”

Did you vote for that?

Brazen border-crossers “rarely hide from border agents,” for they know the rules of the game are that there aren’t any rules. Not for them, not for the lawless.

The law-abiding pay.

The profits from the immigration industry, material and political, are privatized; the costs are socialized.

It has taken a president, in the person of Donald J. Trump, and his attorney general, Jeff Sessions, to expose for all to see a shameful, likely irreversible, fact: American birthright has been frittered away for a mess of pottage.

In exchange for throwing America open to The World, Americans get crime, poverty, unemployment, depressed wages; environmental despoliation; overburdened public services, and zero comity and harmony across their communities.

Or, more like hate. For to oppose this transformative political give-away is to be branded a hater and be hounded, at home, by a Fifth Column of values-enforcers.

There’s no finessing it. This selling of the patrimony and heritage of Americans is theft, plain and simple.

There is no hiding it. Peddling of stolen goods for political favors is the handiwork of political representatives, of legislators.

Through legislative sleight-of-hand and international treaty making American politicians have incrementally robbed a people of their national and territorial sovereignty, as well as their shared identity.

As another patriot, broadcaster Tucker Carlson, put it, nobody voted to change the country thus.

These treacherous “elites vie to see who can reach the greatest heights of rhetorical excess and self-righteous posturing,” spat Tucker in disgust.

His philippic was over a sickeningly sanctimonious press, convulsing over kids detained at the border, in accordance with US law, to which the whole thing is an event, a happening. Mere mortals, like Trump’s Deplorables, must look up to—and learn from—these avatars of morality. …

… The complete column is “Why Are Unfit Parents Fit To Become Americans?” now on READ it also on Unz Review,,, etc.

UPDATED I (6/24):

Nehemiah’s Wall:

UPDATED II (6/25):

Excellent column. If only liberals knew how to read and comprehend, they would understand what is happening to our country. Sadly, I believe they are happy about it.

Superb article! Absolutely superb. Just one correction. Conservatives and Trump ARE saving our nation and there is not a damn thing the democrats can do about it.

Chris Jansing @MSNBC Thinks That, On Average, Death-By-Immigrant Isn’t A Serious Problem. She’s Got The Numbers …

Crime, Criminal Injustice, IMMIGRATION, Individualism Vs. Collectivism, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Science


Death by illegal alien is NOT about group crime aggregates, as Chris Jansing of MSNBC was attempting to show, this morning with the aid of crime statistics. In particular, that illegal aliens commit fewer crimes than native-born Americans. Or, something.

Rather, it’s about the following logic: If alien X HAD BEEN REMOVED from the US, as the law dictates, innocent American Y WOULD BE ALIVE TODAY.

It’s about flesh-and-blood individuals!

Differently put, if the person killed by an illegal alien belonged to Ms. Jansing, she likely would refrain from engaging in this callous calculus.

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‘The Kids, The Kids,’ And Other Crap (Parents Are Custodians Of Their kids, Not Uncle Sam & US Taxpayers)

Ann Coulter, Democrats, Family, IMMIGRATION, Morality, Republicans, Welfare

“The kids, the kids.” Never have I seen such a sickeningly sanctimonious press as America’s, convulsing over kids detained at the border, in accordance with US law.

Treacherous “elites vie to see who can reach the greatest heights of rhetorical excess and self-righteous posturing,” said Tucker. It’s an event, a happening, for them, and we Deplorables must look up to and learn from these avatars of morality.

Stand your ground, Kirstjen Nielsen, Head Of Homeland Security. Those breaking the border are using their kids as pawns, not you or President Trump.

Tom Homan, acting director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, certainly stood up to the sniveling, manipulative media with facts about the law and the right of national sovereignty. And, what do you know? THEY, in the person of Wolf Blitzer, CRUMBLED apologetically. The GOP is too dumb to have figured out that a backbone, and fidelity to just law, scares the Democrats more than anything.

Parents are custodians of their kids, not the US state and the American taxpayer.

With respect to The “Big Con,” as Jack Kerwick calls the entity that passes for conservatism:

Immigration virtue-signaler Jason Chaffetz proclaimed he “felt a moral obligation to the person trying to come here LEGALLY.” Ann Coulter corrected the con: “OR, TO THE AMERICAN TRYING TO GET A JOB.”

Also on Fix News’ the Next Revolutionary, the ego in the anchor’s chair (he hardly let Ann Coulter talk) was stymied by the quick-acting Ms. Coulter, who managed to turn to the camera and tell Trump and America, LOUDLY:

“Don’t listen to those child actors on TV.” LOL.

“The answer is don’t bring our kids in illegally”:

“They care about AMERICAN kids separated from their parents for life — killed by illegal aliens. NO compassion for Don Rosenberg, Mary Ann Mendoza, etc etc …”

Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen did OK.

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