‘Known Wolf’* Hunting In Paris Today Is Part Of A HUGE Pack Of Jihadis

EU, Europe, Homeland Security, Intelligence, Islam, Jihad, Natural Law, Terrorism

As I observed in “Life With Islam And Its Enablers”:

Be it Stockholm, St. Petersburg, Paris, Nice, Brussels, Berlin; Orlando, or San Bernardino—the men with mass murder on their minds are Muslim, often with criminal records or with a sudden heightened interest in Islam. That risk factor, Islam, is unacknowledged. Its followers are ignored, seldom stopped, and generally dismissed as misguided by the very intelligence agencies

The attack in Paris, April 20, saw “a police officer killed and two others seriously injured when a gunman opened fire late Thursday on the famed Champs-Élysées in Paris before he was shot dead, officials said.”

The Islamic State group quickly claimed responsibility for the attack.
French prosecutors have opened a terrorism investigation into the attack on the officers, which took place at 8:50 p.m. local time.
Paris Prosecutor Francois Molins said authorities have identified the 39-year-old gunman but did not name him publicly. Officials are still assessing whether he had accomplices, he said.
Molins said the gunman used an assault rifle, and at least one location in the eastern Paris suburbs is being searched as officials work to learn more information about the attacker.
“The identity of the attacker is known and has been checked,” he said. “I will not give it because investigations with raids are ongoing.”
In a statement from its Amaq news agency, ISIS named the attacker Abu Yousef Al-Baljiki, “The Belgian,” adding that he was “one of the Islamic State fighters.”

The claim of responsibility came unusually swiftly for the group, which has been losing territory in Iraq and Syria. It also referred to the attacker as one of the “fighters,” rather than the “soldiers” of the Islamic State.

As Catherine Herridge has reported, French intelligence sits on a terror list 10,000 strong. Naturally, the list gives rise to no deportations: Citizenship for Jihadis before the right to life for innocent French.

RELATED stories of state treason:

*“France refuses to share top secret ‘terror watch list’ with local government.”

*“‘Lone Wolf,’ or ‘Known Wolf’? The Ongoing Counter-Terrorism Failure.”

* “15,000 on French terror watchlist: report.”

* “French Priest-Slayers Were Both on Terror Watch List.”

* “Euro 2016: 82 SECURITY STAFF Revealed to Be on TERROR WATCH LIST.”

* The term “known wolf” was coined by Patrick Poole, but other pundits appropriate it. I hate that, because I know how it feels.

* “Could It Have Been Stopped?” [Stupid non sequitur.]

Population Exchange: Say Europeans Leave, 3rd World Migrants Take Over

Africa, America, EU, Europe, IMMIGRATION, Intelligence, The West

A thought experiment: Say evil Westerners were to just give up. We’ve had enough of being put upon and blamed for the evil and dysfunction of the world. Let’s agree to a population exchange. Here, miserable third-world migrants. Take America and Europe. We’ve had it with your dysfunction and deviance. You, sacred migrants and your liberal, philosophical concubines; in governments and NGOs: Take our countries. We’ll take your ramshackle lands on one condition: You and your liberal bedfellows are never to come near us ever again.

After a few decades, maybe half a century, the new abodes of Westerners will have flourished, Europe and America will look like Africa does today.

Quod erat demonstrandum. Q.E.D. (“that which was to be proven”). Or close.

The Great Negotiator Promised To Get Americans Good Deals, Not Get Us Blown Up

Donald Trump, Foreign Policy, Neoconservatism

After months of “America First,” neoconservatism is enjoying a come-back, thanks to the president.

Sean Hannity’s radio show returned to these roots. Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich and Mr. Hannity debated the North Korean crisis with glee over Mr. Trump’s bellicosity. Mr. Gingrich was once again helping run the world. Making sure Seoul, South Korea, was safe, was an imperative. The two also nattered about working with NATO, if I recall. (Other than courtesy to a friend, why would Mr. Hannity fill his shows with Gingrich?)

Threaten a desperate and patriotic people enough and they and their leader will take desperate measures. It’s not only Americans that get hot for war. Other people experience the same atavistic sentiments.

Not a word did our ex-America Firsters say about, let’s say, Seattle being in North Korea’s line of fire.

The great negotiator promised to get Americans good deals, not get us blown up. President Trump’s gunboat diplomacy will push the mad-hatter of Pyongyang over the edge.

“America First” means looking out for Seattle, not Seoul, POTUS.


Regime change: Anyone who still thinks that way is a danger to the republic.

Cuban missile crisis redux:

Diplomacy, please.

RELATED: “17 Rules for Foreign Interventions.”

Open Borders & GDP: Relying On One Statist Scam (GDP) To Promote Another

Debt, Economy, Free Markets, Government, IMMIGRATION, libertarianism, Paleolibertarianism

Ilya Somin, Professor of Law at George Mason University, states that “free migration throughout the world could potentially double world gross domestic product.”

Relying on the GDP measure to motivate for open borders is typical of the arguments made by lite libertarians.

The GDP measure is itself a state-driven metric. Official GDP numbers are deceptive because they chart—and include—the growth of government debt. In order to come to grips with America’s real economic prognosis, you must tease apart modest economic growth from the monstrous accretion of public debt.

“The GDP is a political construct, defined, tracked and manipulated by the D.C. political machine. GDP statistically conflates the growth of debt with economic growth.”

In a word, the good and surely sincere professor is relying on one statist scam, GDP, to promote another, centrally planned mass immigration.

Besides, a country is more than an economy.