Some Trump-Nation Triumphs

Donald Trump, Drug War, Foreign Policy, Hollywood, Labor, Media, Pseudoscience, Psychiatry, States' Rights

Reducing another bastion of the establishment to rubble.

The next is Hollywood.

Keep a watchful eye on CPUKErs. Ann Coulter is:

Steve Bannon:

We love you, but stop potting around. In a libertarian world … but we’ll settle for States’ Rights:

Related to the above. Did he just say States’ Rights? Joy!

The Freaks of the Therapeutic State:

Tied up in knots by Fake News:


Bosom buddy Lindsey Graham:

Miners are the epitome of tragic heroes:

UPDATE IV (2/26): Julie Borowski’s Wrong: Judge Andrew Napolitano Is NO Rightist Libertarian

Ethics, Free Speech, libertarianism, Old Right, Paleolibertarianism, Political Philosophy, Private Property

I call Judge Andrew Napolitano a left-libertarian. I prove it. Have done so over years.

Consistency is the touchstone of truth. If you keep changing your philosophical orientation as evinced by your changing positions, you’re more of a creedal politician, than a principled thinker.

Julie Borowski, on the other hand, asserts that Judge Andrew Napolitano is a bona fide rightist libertarian.

Ms. Borowski, do some digging. A search on Barely A Blog is a start. Here’s some of the yield:

Andrew Napolitano: Some Libertarian

Ann Coulter Offers A Corrective To Judge Andrew Napolitano

Judge Napolitano’s Left-Libertarian Confusion

Fighting Words From Left-Libertarian Egalitarians

Napolitano-Koch Connection? (Sixth Sense)

The Neoconservative & Left-Libertarian Positions: Liberty Is Universal

14th Amendment Jurisprudence For Dummies

She is “speaking” (I wish I could do that baby-doll voice) in response to Richard Spencer crashing the Students for Liberty Conference, a bit of performance art that brought out the leftist in the apoplectic attendees. (Yes, free speech belongs to the person who paid for the event. Still, don’t be so rude.)

I’ve tracked the Judge for a while. Unless a recent political conversion makes you a creedal rightist, then he isn’t one. A LOT of libertarians have suddenly found their inner rightist recently, when they crashed into the reality of Trump Nation. I respect the likes of Julie Borowski more. She sticks with her left-libertarian positions.

So, do opportunistic libertarian converts who, say, were open-borders until Trump, count as principled, creedal rightists? What CRAP. Actually, a good percentage of Fox News commentators were Never Trumpsters. For example, the Schlapp couple now riding high:

Much like neocons or liberals, libertarians move in tribes (although I have yet to be invited to join any of their intramural gatherings). Certain groups position themselves as top dogs. They enjoy donor and think-tank backing, and can reinvent themselves the way a slut like Madonna does (although, to her credit, Madonna is consistent philosophically. It’s her face that keeps mutating).

Many of those dubbed Right libertarians flirted with open borders and other abominations (as has the Judge), until recently. At the same time, these libertarians have ostracized me for a consistent, restricted immigration position, and a support, since time immemorial, of Israel’s rights in the land (as against those of the MOPE, Most Oppressed People Ever, etc). Our reformed libertarians (many of whom fell out with me over Israel), now make their new-found case for Israel, ponderously, by citing obscure Israeli/Jewish teens. It’s amusing, and certainly leftist. Cultural leftists love “authoritative” kids. Maybe arguing with and citing kids is an intellectual cop-out (like Bill O’Reilly who feels more comfortable with a 22-year-old blondie on his show than with Ann Coulter).

To this hard rightist, there is no kid worth listening to (except for Milo , seriously). To quote Florence King: “… children have no business expressing opinions on anything except, ‘Do you have enough room in the toes?’ More on being culturally rightist in “THE IMPORTANCE OF BOUNDARIES.”

In any event, Judge Nap is certainly not Right, although he’s smart enough to so position himself, since the Trump tsunami.

As for Jeffery Tucker. Yes, he has moved left. But, as a personal matter, Jeff has always been respectful and decent to me. (I know him as a good man.) When allowed, he also published my work (“Democratic Despotism,” for example). There is a saying in Hebrew, I remember you the grace of youth or beginnings …

UPDATE I (2/26): Love him, just don’t mislabel Judge Nap as a rightist libertarian:

UPDATE II: Facebook Thread.

UPDATE III: “Napolitano-Koch Connection? (Sixth Sense)”

UPDATE IV (2/27): Jack Kerwick has chronicled this phenomenon of Hollywood of the punditry like no other. Have fame, will travel. No matter what you say or promote, you get to redefine yourself anytime, anywhere.

UPDATE V (3/27): Civil Rights.

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Obama-Soros Commies Likely Orchestrating Coup To Overthrow Trump

Barack Obama, Democrats, Donald Trump, Elections 2008, Nationhood, Pseudoscience, Psychiatry

President Trump should quit being so naive (“I will bring us all together”), if he wants to get to make America Great again. Or else, he’ll find himself being overthrown by the Soros-Obama organized rabble.

The US is no longer a nation, but a mass of competing, fractious factions. We The Deplorables are the weakest, because so naive, civilized and sweet. Trump Nation will be toast unless we stand up and fight.

How do we know the protests around the country, so loud in states and counties that went for Trump, are inorganic? How do we know that afoot is a coup attempt?

One clue the unthinking media, Fake and Fox News, are too dumb to point out is this:

Unlike the Tea Party, which sprung up a year into the Obama presidency, and in response to actual and specific policies enacted (see Wikipedia’s Tea Party Protests); the country wide orchestrated coup against President Trump has arisen a mere month into his taking office, in regions where he won handily, and not in response to anything but the existence of President Trump.

For none of the president’s executive orders has impacted anyone (but illegal aliens) yet.

Here are the executive orders signed so far by President Trump. As the agitators at CNN wrote, “Obamacare order could have little initial impact.”

Sue Lawrence O’Donnell for libel; the man has galvanized every quack to attets that Trump belongs in an asylum for rthe insane:

What Deplorables Care About:
States’ Rights:


No More Infiltration:

Donald, Destroyer Of The Administrative State

Donald Trump, Ilana Mercer, The State

President Trump’s goal: The “deconstruction of the administrative state,” said Stephen Bannon at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). “The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed” is how my July 2016 book described the man, Donald Trump, and his mission:

The first libertarian book of Trump is The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed.