Occasionally Neoconservatives Annoy The Left A Little

Conservatism, Education, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Neoconservatism, Paleoconservatism, Paleolibertarianism

Jason Riley, of the War Street Journal Editorial Report, was joined by the rest of crew, on Fox News, to swank about being invited and disinvited to speak across the nation’s left-liberal campuses. The rest, Bret Stephens, Mary Kissel, Mary O’Grady, all expressed disinvitation envy.

Following Allan Bloom’s  impressive Closing of the American Mind: How Higher Education Has Failed Democracy and Impoverished the Souls of Today’s Students (1987), neoconservatives have been quite good at addressing multicultural political correctness in the modern academy, the replacement of the Western canon with bogus disciplines—political constructs, really—devoted to relativism, anti-racism, anti-sexism and anti-elitism studies. They were good at pointing out that “current works promoting multiculturalism written by women and minorities had replaced the classics of Western civilization written by the DWEMs, Dead White European Males,” to quote Phyllis Schlafly, in “Advice To College Students: Don’t Major in English.

On freedom of speech, neocon establishment circuit speakers limp along as well (although you won’t hear them introduce the deciding variable: private property. Where? On whose property do you wish to speak?)

For the rest, neocons seldom  challenge students on matters racial (except to blame Democrats and left-liberals for the plight of blacks), on foreign policy (some liberals actually like American military interventionism as much as the neocons), on Islam (OK, except for a few bad Abduls) or on immigration (a net positive).

Jason Riley should try never having been invited in the first place to speak to those campus “conservatives.”

I guess he could argue the marginalized Old Right is just not as smart as he and his neocon buddies. Paul Gottfried’s learned scholarship on American conservatism exposes the neocons as not very smart at all.

Donald Trump has certainly run rings around them.

Now That He Won, Loser Neocons Have An Ultimatum For TRUMP

Donald Trump, Foreign Policy, Media, Nationhood, Neoconservatism, Propaganda, Republicans

In Indiana, Donald Trump effectively clinched the Republican nomination based on his America First platform. Naturally, the OUTGOING neoconservative establishmentarians have an ultimatum for him.

Well, of course.

To exulting whoops from Foxette Gretchen Carlson, the foxy war-for-the-world Pete Hegseth said it was time for Trump to stop his nonsense, quit denouncing Bush II and his Good War on Iraq, and start blaming ONLY Barack Obama for its failure.

Have the losers forgotten that “Trump Called Bush A Liar & Won South Carolina (Nevada, too)”?

The rest of the gang, Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, Megyn Kelly, etc., have been fulminating—suggesting Kumbaya moments and VP candidates to Trump; candidates and a unity the base has rejected for a reason.

Apparently, now that Donald Trump has won the nomination, it’s time for him to capitulate to the neoconservatives.

It’s so obvious.

So that’s what the above characters mean when they mumble about bringing the putrefied Republican Party together again.

WARNING: If Trump heeds his hosts at Fox News, he’ll lose The Country, a country he can capture.

Veteran CNN Panelist ‘Thinks’ Trump Candidacy Focused On ‘Cultural Issues’

Conservatism, Donald Trump, Foreign Policy, Media, Republicans

“I used to watch CNN back when it was a news network,” mocked comedian Larry Wilmore. So right. It’s hard to sit through a session with a procession of vacuous panelists, plonked along long desks, conducting dual-perspective screaming matches.

One of them, Amanda Carpenter, squeaked out that now that Donald Trump is the GOP nominee, the shift of the debate will be to new, oddball social/cultural issues, different from the old abortion, gay marriage preoccupations.

No one will miss the latter obsessions, including the potty problem in North Carolina. But what on earth is Carpenter talking about?

Is building a wall on the Southern border a “cultural rage” thing?

Is negotiating beneficial trade deals a social issue?

Is charging NATO members 100% of the costs of defending them a social issue? (That plan, too, is lacking. The US should withdraw from all forever-binding treaties and sign short-term individual deals as needed. The Japanese, for instance, hate the US military presence in Okinawa; they don’t think it’s good for them. Ditto Europeans about American military presence there; they prefer Muslim subversives. So are Americans for America First sick of trundling around the world aimlessly, oft destructively.)

Swearing Sombreros

Conservatism, Donald Trump, Education, Etiquette, Family, IMMIGRATION, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim

Conservatives are so like liberals in their parenting philosophy. They see a small kid in a sombrero swearing at Donald Trump’s supporters—and they shout exploitation. Poor little vipers are being exploited by their parents.

Crap. And hand me a brown bag.

Feral kids are foul, be they liberal, conservative, free-range kids or swearing sods in Sombreros. A good hiding in public would cure all. And I haven’t even commented on the great citizens these crappy kids will grow up to make. What an intake.

Kids making America great:

The kids, wearing sombreros and ironically holding signs reading “No hate,” screamed “F*ck you!” repeatedly at the passing motorists.

One of the children in the center of the action could be seen wearing a Bernie Sanders sticker.

Hillary Clinton campaign signs could also be seen in the crowd.

One sign reads “F*ck You Puto.”

“Puto” means “male prostitute” in Spanish.