Some Trump Bons Mots* From Burlington

Donald Trump

Donald Trump Rally, in Burlington’s Flynn Center, Vermont:

Post your own choice of *clever sayings from the Burlington rally, to Facebook or Barely a Blog.

UPDATE II: No Men Left In Europe To Defend The Women (Cut-Throat Immigrants)

Crime, Europe, Gender, IMMIGRATION, Islam, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Political Correctness

Today, there is nothing on Der Spiegel Online about the en masse rapes-by-Muslim, reported across Germany, from Cologne to Hamburg to Stuttgart (the paper leads with a story on gender inequality in corporate Germany). BBC News does still do news, offering this headline on the front page of the website: “Cologne sex attacks require police rethink.” I wonder what is being reconsidered? Promiscuous Asylum and immigration policies? Perish the thought.

Let’s see what we have here: Girly German men in power complain of a “lack of resources,” point to “a completely new dimension of crime,” apparently hitherto not encountered in Germany (before mass importation of rape-by-Muslim).

Oh yeah, and one of the girls, Ralf Jaeger, interior minister for North Rhine-Westphalia, said that “right-wing poisoning of the climate of our society” is “at least as awful as the acts of those assaulting the women.”

I don’t know about you, but I would rather be subjected to a “right-wing” harangue than to rape.

And I thought Germans were smarter that Americans. Lots of American women would be carrying concealed. I would.

The whole West has been sissified.

UPDATE I (1/7): Facebook discussion of the importation of cut-throat immigrants.

UPDATE II (1/10):

UPDADE III: Merkel’s a disgrace. Germany’s chancellor for life—she’s been in power since November 2005—has set a high bar for the deportation of migrants who had no natural right to be in Germany in the first place:

Obama’s Eyes Were Dry When Nixing DHS Program That Could’ve Saved 14 Lives

Barack Obama, Family, GUNS, Homeland Security, Islam, Jihad, Terrorism

Barack Obama is so crooked, so twisted. “If we can save even one child we should,” he wept, as he teleprompted his way through an anti-gun law that’ll see doctors recruited to report on their patients and the Social Security administration into flagging individuals whom bureaucrats think need disarming.

This is the same twisted so-and-so whose Department of State and Homeland Security apparatus nixed a program that would have likely prevented the San Bernardino massacre and saved 14 lives.

Obama shut down the investigation into an Islamic sect suspected of infiltrating US mosques, one of which was attended by the Farouks. Whistle-blower Philip Haney—a heroic, soft-spoken, demure, retired employee of the Department of Homeland Security—said he and his program were hot on the heels of these Muslim murderers when they were shut down by DHS, “at the request of the Department of State and DHS’ own Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Division.”


Life-loving, weepy Obama was equally resolute and steely when his administration purged all honest scholarship related to Islam and Jihad, like that of Robert Spencer and Daniel Pipes, from counterterrorism’s training protocols. Obama has neutered counterterrorism; they’re trained to see only sweetness and light in Islam.

No tears from POTUS for victims of treason.


UPDATE III: Heroic Homesteader Ammon Bundy Stands With Rancher Hammond, Against Feds

Criminal Injustice, Federalism, Government, Media, Natural Law, Private Property

The Fox News Channel, dishing out statism for Republicans, has finally caught up with last year’s news, forever a defining issue for freedom lovers: The standoff between Feds and farmers brewing in Burns, Oregon, and reported in this space on 12.30.15.

In a seminal column, “Why The Land Belongs To Bundy,” you met Ammon Bundy, fighting for his homesteader rights, against the Federales of Nevada, in 2014. Now Rancher Bundy, son of Cliven Bundy, has come to stand in support of Dwight Hammond, rancher under siege in Oregon.

Via State Broadcaster FNC:

Armed protesters occupying a federal wildlife refuge in Oregon—including three sons of a Nevada rancher who battled with the government in 2014—warned Sunday that any use of force by law enforcement agencies would be “putting lives at risk.”

Hours into the occupation by activists and militiamen a spokesman for the group told reporters that there has been no contact with the FBI or other government law enforcement since the occupation began Saturday night.

“They should be constitutional,” said spokesman Ammon Bundy, referring to the government. He is a son of Cliven Bundy, a Nevada rancher who clashed with the feds two years ago.

Ammon Bundy said if the government did use force to retake the Malheur National Wildlife refuge “they would be putting lives at risk.”

Earlier, the protesters vowed to occupy the refuge for “as long as it takes,” as state and federal officials on Sunday sought to defuse the situation.

The protestors have said they stormed the federal land in a remote area near Burns, some 280 miles east of Portland, to protest the prosecution of a father and son facing jail time on an arson charge for burning 130 acres of land. Prosecutors said the fire was set to hide poaching, but the ranchers, who face five years in prison, and the protesters supporting them say it was set to stop invasive plants. …
… The 73-year-old rancher and his 46-year-old son claim they lit the fires in 2001 and 2006 to reduce the growth of invasive plants and protect their property from wildfires. The two were convicted of the arsons three years ago and served time — the father three months, the son one year. But a judge ruled their terms were too short under federal law and ordered them back to prison for about four years each.

The decision has generated controversy in a remote part of the state.

MUST READ: “Why The Land Belongs To Bundy.”

UPDATED I (1/3/016): In a massive land grab under the Antiquities Act, Barack Obama will be putting hundreds of Oregonian ranchers out of business. Hear it in their own words.

UPDATE II (1/4): Once these farmers, whose homesteader rights are as authentic and naturally valid as those of the Native Americans whose rights (robbed) the Left champions (as do I)—how will the bloody liberals eat their organic grass-fed local meat? I buy it. I support local farmers’ grass-fed grazing. It’s an American frontier, founding profession, noble.

“Left Demands Media Start Calling Bundy Group ‘Terrorists.”

“Statement by Oregon Farm Bureau President Barry Bushue on sentencing of Steve and Dwight Hammond to five years in federal prison.”

UPDATE III: Everything you wanted to know about Ted Cruz and were too bored to ask: