Who Employs More Unvettet Egyptians? TSA Or Sharm el-Sheikh International Airport?

Homeland Security, Middle East, Terrorism

BREAKING: A CNN security or aviation analyst said something true, for once. The US is hypocritical to point fingers at Egyptian security at Sharm el Sheikh International Airport, from where a Russian Metrojet took off, and then crashed, last Saturday, killing 25 kids (The Adult Lives Don’t Matter). The (state-managed) security at America’s airport is a catastrophe waiting to happen.

Of course, CNN’s expert failed to finger the government home-grown terrorism (& cretinism) program known as the Transportation Security Administrator (TSA), which is probably as dangerous as anything the Egyptians operate and certainly employs as many unvetted Egyptians.

Adult Lives Matter: On Kids And Communism

Communism, Education, Family, Morality, Pop-Culture

Of the 224 people on board, 17 were children: Each time TV anchors report on the tragic crash of the Russian metro jet airbus, in the Sinai desert near El Arish (once in Israel’s control), they detail the number of kids dead, as they cluck and shake their noggins.

Why? Is the death of a kid more of a loss than the death of an adult? No.

The hallmark of an infantile and, I’d argue, immoral society is the deification of The Child. Not for nothing did the communist slave societies place kids in control of their parents. This is how you invert the moral order, also the aim of Communism’s leaders.

The feral kids took to killing their elders like the proverbial ducks to water. Read the Black Book of Communism: CRIMES, TERROR, REPRESSION.

There was no angst involved where kids killed their Confucian-minded, strict elders. For kids are naturally liberal. They want nothing more than more privileges, more license and lenience; fewer chores, work and demands for obedience. Every parent knows and has experienced this first hand.

This is why a moral society is a hierarchical, ordered society in which adults guide children until they are able to govern themselves.

By the way, have you noticed the rise in the phenomenon of kids killing their parents (the ultimate sin, so specified in the Ten Commandments)? The trend coincides with parental permissiveness and the trend to prostrate one’s adult self before the kids.

Where Are The Celebrities To Protest Idaho Rancher’s Death-By-Cop?

Celebrity, Criminal Injustice, Justice, Law, Military, Morality, Private Property, Racism, The State

Nobody will march for the right to life of 62-year-old Idaho rancher Jack Yantis. Certainly not Hollywood director Quentin Tarantino.

Cop brutality is an endemic problem, but so is the immoral, meddlesome and mindless nature of celebrity in America. Do you suppose Tarantino, marching with Black Lives Matter or some proxy thereof, would protest the murder by cop, Sunday Nov. 1, of Mr. Yantis?

The Idaho rancher was shot dead by cops when he appeared on the scene of a car crash adjacent to his farm, involving one of his bulls. The cops were about to put the animal down. You know that the obedient (white) rural community of Adams County, Idaho, will accept the loss of one of theirs and move on.

Decentralizing and Deregulating Republican Politics

Conservatism, Elections, Media, Politics, Regulation, Republicans

Even a hint of the dreaded GOP establishment creeping back into their midst has some in the Republican campaigns screaming for an exorcist.

Via Breitbart:

Several 2016 GOP presidential campaigns are now revolting, not just against the Republican National Committee (RNC) controlling the debate process, but against controversial GOP establishment lawyer Ben Ginsberg’s efforts to insert himself into the process.
Aides to four top campaigns—those of billionaire Donald Trump, former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, and Ohio Gov. John Kasich—have all confirmed they will not sign onto a letter organized by Ginsberg after the GOP presidential campaigns all broke from the RNC on Sunday night.

For some candidates it’s all for show: Kasich is establishment. Ditto Christie. Others are for real. But it’s all good. Any challenge to the existing political order is good. The Republican campaigns have begun divesting the Republican National Committee (RNC) of its overweening powers. Why should a central command apparatus control the political process? When it comes to libertarian candidates, we know how the RNC has behaved. The campaigns are also firing a media organ that, together with party apparatchiks, has generally been a bad-faith broker between the public, on the one hand, and any Republican, libertarian or constitutionally minded political candidate.

At this point, in this magnificent upheaval in American party politics, Fox News fans should take a moment to consider why it is that most of the network’s anchors were almost as livid as the liberal media over the ongoing revolt among the ranks of the candidates. The reason is that Fox News is mainstream media. Fox even set the tone of the debates, with a performance almost as odious as that of CNBC. Come to think of it, only little Andy Cooper of CNN did his journalistic due diligence as debate moderator, this year.