UPDATED (11/21/021): Prosecutorial Duties To Seek Justice Flouted In The Kyle Rittenhouse Trial

Argument, Crime, Criminal Injustice, Justice, Law, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, Propaganda, Race, Republicans

Prosecutorial power to bring charges against a person is an awesome power, stress Paul Craig Roberts and Lawrence M. Stratton in The Tyranny of Good Intentions. Backing him, the prosecutor has the might of the state, and must never “override the rights of the defendant in order to gain a conviction.”

Unlike the defense attorney, whose job it is to defend the accused, regardless of guilt, the prosecutor’s job is to jail only those who are actually guilty. It is not unethical for a defense attorney to get a guilty client off—if the prosecutor can’t meet his burden of proof, it’s not the defense’s fault. But it is unethical for the prosecutor to prosecute someone he does not firmly believe is guilty.

Prosecutorial duties are dual. While acting as the plaintiff, the prosecutor must also take pains to protect the defendant’s rights.

This duty was clearly flouted in the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse, in which the prosecutor engaged not in a search for truth, but in full-on character assassination of the 18-year-old young man.

The hive media was along for the ride, as is evident from one in many such error-riddled reports in the once-august Newsweek. (They are all like this. Reporter here isn’t even corrected for spelling; she spells Judge Bruce Schroeder’s name two different ways in one sentence!)

The latest news:

Kyle Rittenhouse’s lawyers on Wednesday asked the judge for the second time in a week to declare a mistrial, this time arguing the defense received an inferior copy of a key video from prosecutors.

Defense attorney Corey Chirafisi told Judge Bruce Schroeder his team would have approached the case differently had it received the higher-quality video earlier. He said his newest motion for a mistrial would be made “without prejudice,” meaning prosecutors could try Rittenhouse again if the judge grants the mistrial.

Whereas Democrats are forever speaking up in defense of the armed militia of the Democratic Party, BLM thugs and rioters; Republican politicians for Kyle Rittenhouse where nowhere to be found. They do not give a dried camel’s hump to meet Dems on their combative terms on every front: cultural, legal, political.

It is clear that the adults had let young Kyle Rittennhouse down. They failed to explain to Kyle that he now lived in a country no longer free, and no longer based in ordered liberty. They forgot to tell Kyle that America was now systemically and institutionally anti-white. “Don’t do it, white boy.”

Whatever happens, one thing is clear: When Kyle went to Kenosha, “A Folk Hero was Born.”

Young Kyle went to Kenosha, Wisconsin, because he was never confused. He attempted to do the job politicians and police have refused to do. As the city’s mayor and the state’s governor watched Kenosha burn, Kyle confronted the enemies of the commonweal. Unlike the flaccid men of the media and in corridors of power, the 17-year-old rose to the challenge, firing only when he was prone and was being pounded by the feral fiends.

Now, let us all pray.

UPDATE (11/21/021):

* REMEMBER THE RIOTS of The Summer of Love, 2020? It turns out that politicians and the police who either stood down in Kenosha (and beyond) or knelt like ninnies need not have let THE COUNTRY BURN.

REPORTING FROM KENOSHA post verdict, NOV. 19, 2021, (I thought double-barreled surnames were a feminist affectation. Oh, I guess he is a feminist) points out that,

Three hours after 12 jurors found Kyle Rittenhouse not guilty on all charges, the front steps of the courthouse in Kenosha are nearly clear of demonstrators. The scores of Rittenhouse supporters and detractors who were there after the verdict are almost entirely gone.

The crowds were likely cleared by the culprits who, only a year prior, allowed the place to burn down.

UPDATED III (11/15/021): WATCH: Republicans’ Main Focus: Showing Off How Black-Focused They Are (Kyle Rittenhouse, Republicans?)

COVID-19, Crime, Criminal Injustice, Law, Race, Racism, Republicans

“Republicans find it impossible to mention white suffering without dragging in the ‘black experience.'”—ilana

Republicans’ Main Focus: Showing Off How Black-Focused They Are

For the longest time, the American People—an inchoate, or formless concept, really—have endured great wrongs. Examples of these wrongs are en masse legal and illegal immigration, open-borders, the kind of multilateral trade deals that immiserate and impoverish, and now, vaccine mandates: take the hemlock or lose your job.

Ubiquitous black-on-white crime inflicted by a coddled criminal class, native born and imported energetically, is high on the list of state and corporate crimes against the citizenry.

Whether he postures on TV or on the Hill—the arguments advanced by the typical Republican front man against these defining depredations are, however, empty.

It is essential to alert the voter to this void. The “objections” put forth by Republicans in defense of their constituency are all theater, farce, to be precise.

These empty arguments are mirrored, for example, in my exposing, in a February 2019 column, the fact that, “Every time a manifestly racist, anti-white event goes down, which is frequently, conservative media and politicians can be relied on to call it ‘identity politics.’ ‘The left is playing identity politics,’ they intone. “They are dividing us,” they lament.

However, “Whatever is convulsing the country,” I explained, “it’s not identity politics, but purely anti-white politics.

So, identify the bogus argument—and you will have exposed the frauds who want you to send them to live off the fleshpots in Rome-on-the-Potomac. (Actually, it has been pointed out perspicaciously to me by Tom Piatak that “the comparison to Rome [is unfair].” And that [A]fter all, Rome built two great civilizations and is a site of enormous cultural significance.”)

Although not exclusive to him, my example today comes from Fox News’s Jesse Watters. When speaking loudly OVER his guest, Jesse Watters made the usual Republican straw argument against black crime. You hear it from Hannity and the rest all the time:

Democrats “only care when a white person takes a black life. If a black person takes a black life, they don’t even care at all.”

Likewise, it can be said that Republican don’t much care when a black person takes a white life.

Seldom mentioned in Republican argumentation is the REAL HATE CRIME IN THE ROOM: black-on-white crime which is invariably not reported, underreported, or if reported, masked as something other than what it really is, which is systemic, white hot hatred of whites.

Republicans can’t protect or stick up for besieged whites and are forever searching their pea brains for ways to show off their Abe Lincoln pedigree.

Having originated the popular meme “Democrats are the real racists” back in 2014, I’ll argue that the line, “Democrats don’t care that blacks are killing blacks,” is a species of the “Democrats are the real racists” fatuity.

In this way, by showing how black-focused and caring they are—Republicans hang on to respectability and on to the good graces of Democrats by the hairs of their chinny chin-chins. The empty ‘arguments’ of Republican frontmen are a way to stay in the political game.

The latest in this genre comes courtesy of Johnny-Come-Lately conservative J. D. Vance, who had shunned Trump, but found religion on the president’s populism, when it became politically expedient:

“I don’t care if we are talking about a little black girl in 1965, or a little white girl in 2021, telling a little girl that she is evil because of her skin color, is disgusting and vile.”

These words Vance spoke at a conference of self-anointed leaders of national conservatism, many of whom discovered national conservatism belatedly and opportunistically.

And my objection to what Vance said is, you ask? It is very plainly this: It is not 1965. And the victims of white-hot hatred are white, not black.

For Republicans, however, it is impossible to mention white suffering without dragging in the “black experience.”

This is a vintage Republican habit: Using weasel words to preen politically and sound fair and impartial.

UPDATE I (11/15/021): There’s my point again: White child Kyle Rittenhouse doesn’t cut it as a cause absent the moral padding of the “black experience”:

Republican Dana Loesch thus proves incapable of defending white Kyle on FoxNews, without inserting mention of the “black businesses” that were being burned in Kenosha in BLM riots on that day. The substance of Ms. Loesch’s tweet is what she echoed on Fox News to Jesse Watters, 11/15/021:

Justice for the black business owners whose businesses were burned to the ground by people like white convicted pedophile and racist Joesph Rosenbaum screaming slurs on camera or white domestic abuser Anthony Huber, or white Antifa member Grosskruetz brandishing a handgun?

UPDATE II (11/16/021): Where are Republican politicians for Kyle Rittenhouse? Democrats speak up all the time for the armed militia of the Democratic Party, BLM. Why are yellow-bellied Republicans silent about a folk hero?


And what are Republicans doing about surveillance of parents by Merrick Garland? Fox News’ Jesse Watters asked Senator Josh Hawley. “We’ll question Merrick Garland,” Hawley answers. Stop him, don’t question him. There must be ways to stop an officer of the law from laying the legal infrastructure down (creation of “threat tags”) in order to commit constitutional infractions against citizens, using their taxpayer dollars. Ya think?

UPDATE (11/16/021): NEW Video: Take Your Medicine, Little Man, Or Lose Your Meal Ticket

COVID-19, Globalism, Healthcare, Individual Rights, Labor, Political Philosophy, Propaganda, Pseudoscience, Science, THE ELITES, The State

Working Brits have more COVID liberty than Americans – really! On vax mandates, Pfizer’s ‘new’ pill, and the latest on ‘charmless’ Greta Thunberg

America, wake up! The British, from whom we seceded for freedom’s sake, don’t have vaccine mandates. These particular individual rights are more protected in the UK than in the US.

This week’s Hard Truth with David Vance and yours truly teases out the difference between British and American vaccine-mandate tyranny: The US loses. And, it’s not even close!

The World Health Organization has redefined what vaccines are whilst Pfizer produces a Pill less effective than Ivermectin, costs vastly more, yet works in the same way as a protease inhibitor!

Finally, global warming activist Greta Thunberg goes death metal! To this poor, singularly charmless girl we say, “Growl on Greta!”

Watch: “Take Your Medicine, Little Man, Or Lose Your Meal Ticket


Listen via the Hard Truth podcast to “Take Your Medicine, Little Man, Or Lose Your Meal Ticket.

UPDATE (11/16/021): Lose your meal ticket and your freedom of movement:

The Left is Hitlerian! Austria has placed the unvaccinated under house arrest. The Austrian government now deserves to be reminded of its past: Anschluss, its collaboration with Hitler and its virulent, deadly Anti-Semitism.

Math Ability: Is It The Kids Or The Method Of Teaching Them?

America, Conservatism, Education, Human Accomplishment, Intelligence, Kids, Race, Science

To continue the math-related conversation begun in “U.S. Kids Can’t Read, Write Or Do Math, But Are No. 1 In Critical Race Theory,” here are more warnings from The Economist:

The writer says that, “Conservatives typically campaign for classical math: a focus on algorithms (a set of rules to be followed), memorizing (of times tables and algorithmic processes) and teacher-led instruction. Pupils in these classrooms focus on the basics, exploring concepts after obtaining traditional skills …”

“…Progressives,” he argues, “typically favor a conceptual approach to math based on problem-solving and gaining number-sense, with less emphasis on algorithms and memorizing.”

Irrespective, the achievement situation on the ground is as follows:

In 2018, American 15-year-olds ranked 25th in the OECD, a club of mostly rich countries. American adults ranked fourth-from-last in numeracy when compared with other rich countries. As many as 30% of American adults are comfortable only with simple maths: basic arithmetic, counting, sorting and similar tasks. American employers are desperate for science, technology, engineering and mathematics skills: nuclear engineers, software developers and machinists are in short supply. And while pupils’ maths scores are bad enough now, they could be getting worse. On the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), a national exam, 13-year-old pupils’ scores dropped five points in 2020 compared with their peers’ in 2012. The status quo does not add up. But teachers and academics cannot agree on where to go next.

This is not purely about “the conceptual approach to math,” versus an emphasis on “algorithms and memorizing,” as the writer frames it.

However important, more than the methods of teaching math, American failures are about the kind of kids America has and the philosophy undergirding their education—a highly variegated population educated under the philosophy of egalitarianism. Not everyone can learn math, yet this is the premise of American education.

Yes, “highly ranked mathematical nations” such as Singapore, China and Japan have the  best math in the world and are NOT teaching by progressive methodology.

But the East Asian nations are relatively homogeneous and have kids with the good potential (IQ). Although important, the statistically significant variance is to be found, I would wager, in the kind of population, more than in the method of teaching, however important.

I hate to say it, but as far as raw human capital goes, America is fast becoming a bit of a shithole.

MORE: “America’s maths wars:How teaching multiplication tables became another victim of the political divide.”

The Wussification Of The West: Will We Ban Shakespeare For Othello And Shylock?
U.S. Kids Can’t Read, Write Or Do Math, But Are No. 1 In Critical Race Theory

*Image credit