Monthly Archives: April 2016

The Week’s Tweets (4/24/016): INTEL Trumps, NY Win, Brexits Boo BHO, More Potty Talk

Crime, Donald Trump, Labor, Outsourcing, Political Correctness, Race, South-Africa

TESTOSTERONE, Going, Going, Almost Gone

Democrats, Donald Trump, Feminism, Gender, Hillary Clinton, Republicans

“TESTOSTERONE, Going, Going, Almost Gone” IS THE CURRENT column, now on WND. An excerpt:

There are only two men in the 2016 presidential race: Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

Like or dislike her, there’s no questioning Hillary’s manly bona fides. Mrs. Clinton is as tough as she’s philosophically misguided.

At the first Democratic debate, on October 14, 2015, Bernie Sanders, Martin O’Malley and Lincoln Chafee shuffled meekly to their respective podiums.

Only Jim Webb and Mrs. Clinton strode onto that stage like soldiers.

Unless her handlers coach her on acting femininely, you’ll never catch Hillary blubbering about Bill and Chelsea coming first in her life.

She doesn’t!

They don’t (come first)!

No, siree. For Hillary, it’s ambition before family.

Still, when Hillary expects it to pay political dividends, she fights like a girl, claws drawn.

Her April 19 victory in the New York primary, April 19, could hardly be bettered. But it’s unlikely to soften Mrs. Clinton’s sharpshooting. She and rival Bernie Sanders have been locked in a cycle of sorts, where Sanders will try mightily to stand up to Hillary, and she’ll swat him down like a fly.

Incredibly, Sanders is too petrified to lay the ruination of Libya at Hillary’s sturdy feet. And he has only to recount the ambient horrors of Hillary’s foreign policy—the vote for “the disastrous war in Iraq,” for one—and Mrs. Clinton’s Amazon Warriors at CNN and elsewhere crow, “Is Bernie Sanders taking the low road?”

It’s a little late in the game, but April saw Bernie try his utmost to expose Mrs. Clinton’s record for all to see. His thundering, “Hillary Clinton isn’t qualified to be president,” however, soon gave way to a whimper, a squeak, a “she started it”; “I would have preferred an issue-oriented campaign.” Mumble-mumble. “Where’s my mommy?”

Sanders finally settled on, “I question her judgment, not experience.” The senator was soon bowing-and-scraping again because a surrogate attached the words “corporate Democratic whores” to Hillary’s incremental approach to socializing the medical means of production. (Yes, Sanders’ Fabian fondness for the state, economic planning and centralization exceeds Hillary’s.)

Sanders’ resistance in the face of ruthless machine politics mounted on behalf of Clinton by Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz has been flaccid. At the same time, the senator has been fierce in his defense of Hillary’s email security breaches as secretary of state. He famously fought off Hillary’s critics, neutering himself with this zinger:

“The American people are sick and tired [of] hearing about your damn emails.”

Compared to battle-axe Clinton, Sanders is a mouse, not a man.

Early in March, The Mouse scolded The Man for interrupting him. Said the timid Sanders, “Excuse me, I’m talking.” Right away, the gynocentric national media erupted in a “debate” that revolved around a preposterous proposition:

Was poor Bernie sexist?

Of course, Methuselah jumps to attention whenever Hillary reprimands him for his failure to stand by President Barack Obama on gun control.

And who can forget when, in August of 2015, socialist-in-Seattle Sanders skedaddled as a couple of girl protesters got in his face and grabbed his mic?

Don’t let Hillary’s “wife, mom, grandma” routine fool you. That’s her Twitter handle; that’s not her.

You sense that if she had her way, Hillary would ditch the familial shtick. But Hill’s a smart cookie; she goes through the “wife, mom, grandma” motions because she must.

Unlike mucho Hillary, some other “men” racing for the White House have successfully “transitioned,” as Caitlyn Jenner would say. …

… READ THE REST. “TESTOSTERONE, Going, Going, Almost Gone” IS THE CURRENT column, now on WND.

UPDATED (4/22):

Private Property Solves THE POTTY Problem

Gender, Individualism Vs. Collectivism, libertarianism, Private Property

First, one would hope that even creepy Ted Cruz would, like Donald Trump, open his home to Caitlyn Jenner, “reality-TV star and gold-medal-winning Olympian who competed as Bruce Jenner.”

Trump was right to rely on libertarian sensibilities when he said, on “The Today Show,” that in his Trump Tower, “Caitlyn Jenner would be free to use any bathroom she wanted.”

Trump Tower belongs to Trump.

Of course, the North Carolina bathroom law, that “bans people from using bathrooms that don’t match the sex indicated on their birth certificate,” demonstrates why government should not own any property and should certainly not have a say as to how private property is managed.

It ought to be up to private property proprietors to decide what kind of bathrooms they wish to offer at their establishments.

Myself, I’d avoid establishments that don’t offer strict, separate, “ladies” and “gents” loos. I don’t think it’s safe. Women-only bathrooms have worked quite well for women. You never have to think, “It’s late at night, I hope there’s no scary or creepy looking man in there and I am not allowed to carry.”

Scenes from “Dressed To Kill”:

If RNC Rules Are So True To Voters, Why Keep Tweaking Them Against Popular Will?

Natural Law, Politics, Regulation, Republicans

Fox Business has just reported that the Republican National Committee has decided against “tweaking” their arbitrary rules, as is their wont when they don’t get their candidate. The atmosphere is too politically combustive. In other words, The Party knows The People are hip to the kind of thing the RNC did with the Romney initiated Rule 40(b), in 2012, to make Ron Paul vanish.

Incredibly, the yarn the lyin’ media has spun is that the complaints against the Party bureaucracy are a figment of Donald Trump’s imagination. Unlike The People, these shysters can’t tell the difference between man-made rules and natural law. They seldom question The Rules.

If RNC Rules are so immutably fair, so small-r-republican, so true to the voters—why do they need constant tweaking in a direction away from popular will? And why, when a decision not to tweak them comes down, does Chairman Reince Priebus advertise the hell out of his decision not to rock the boat and usurp the voters?