Monthly Archives: December 2016

UPDATED: The Curious Case Of America’s Waning Whites

Environmentalism & Animal Rights, IMMIGRATION, Race, The West

THE NEW COLUMN, “The Curious Case Of America’s Waning Whites,” is now on The Daily Caller. Fake News confuses cause and effect. Speeding up diversity likely contributes to a decline in the white population. An excerpt:

An “aging white population [is] speeding [up] diversity,” blared a headline on The Hill.

Once again, a Fake News outlet has confused cause and effect, giving readers the impression that the two trends—whites dying-out and minorities thriving—are spontaneous and strictly parallel.

The reverse is likely true. Corrected, The Hill headline should read:

Could speeding up diversity contribute to a decline in the white population?

We learn that “there are growing signs that the rate of change is increasing.” Well of course. America welcomes well over 1 million, mostly non-white, immigrants a year.

If white lives mattered at all to the liberal establishment, an inquiry would ensue: Is it possibility that an enormous influx of legal and illegal migrants over decades is playing a role in the decline of America’s founding population? (A similar, sad fate was visited on their predecessors, the Amerindians.)

On the one hand, we have the drastic decline of America’s white population; on the other, a massive inpouring of minority immigrants, since 1965. A correlation between the two makes sense. A large, well-controlled national survey, conducted by Harvard political scientist Robert Putnam, found that diversity immiserates and that the historic population is most affected. Perhaps protracted misery (associated with loss of community) hastens death.

The logic posits a zero-sum game. The native population has been swamped over time. Resources are scarce—especially when allocated by a wastrel, white-hating Administrative State. In hating on whites, civil society’s institutions are as culpable.

Is it not highly plausible, then, that immigration social engineering, compounded by state policies that privilege non-white newcomers, could contribute to a population decline in white America?

Picture the following scene, set somewhere in Trump country, say West Virginia:

A pale patriarch must help his bright son choose a career.

What about pursuing the law?

That’s inadvisable (unless you become an immigration attorney). Law schools routinely reject working-class white males, in favor of students who can show they’ve overcome the right kind of hardship. Berkeley and Texas, for instance, already make unusual hardships and life experience a crucial consideration in admissions. “Unusual hardship” is a racial cue card for things like having been shot, or quitting a gang. As commentator Steve Sailer once noted wryly, “The kind of hardships” that’ll be given extra credit are “largely peculiar to preferred minorities.” A Syrian refugee is bound to have a trump card in American universities, if Trump doesn’t deliver on his promise.

What about a degree in engineering? Oh, no, you can’t pursue that …

Read the rest. The complete column is “The Curious Case Of America’s Waning Whites.” Read it on The Daily Caller.




UPDATED (12/13): Trevor Noah Applies The South African Experience To The US

Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Political Correctness, Pop-Culture, Propaganda, Race, Racism, South-Africa

“Rioting and looting: That’s what happens when there is protest, a lot of the times,” asserts the unfunny, South African, Trevor Noah, to Tomi Lahren. He is the imported host of The Daily Show. (After all, there are not enough left-liberal, black, talented comedians in the US.) She a young, pretty, enormously popular, rather humdrum, internet broadcaster. Nothing Lahren says is particularly original or controversial. Conservatives have been mouthing the “diversity of thought, not color” line for over 40 years.

And Noah: Rioting and looting happen in South Africa* all the time. When they happen here in the West on a regular basis; we worry about the rule of law and the future of ordered liberty.

Noah is not exactly fast on his feet, but then the right response to, “Why are you so angry,” a question he posed to Lahren, should have been: “There is nothing wrong with righteous anger.” Anger shaming is a common liberal tactic. See “TESTOSTERONE, Going, Going, Almost Gone …”

Does this tedious Noah add anything original to the storyline of eternally oppressed blacks? Import a talent such as the late Christopher Hitchens. Not this idiot.


*See:When America Becomes South Africa”

UPDATE (12/13): Obama joins Noah.

Why The Globalists In Washington Hate Russia

Foreign Policy, Neoconservatism, Russia

The pious Yankee mindset is to force “our values” on others through war or other belligerence. The Russians don’t share our values. They must be cowed into submission. Writing in Chronicles Magazine, Denis Petrov captures the essence of Washington’s Russophobia. Why Washington’s? Because looking for a brawl with the Russian Bear (also battling Islam) works for Washington and its “expert” and think-tank industry. It goes against the interests of the American people:

Consider Russia’s laws against “gay propaganda”: There are no “gay pride” marches in Moscow. Russia has resisted the expansion of NATO and the extension of E.U. influence to Ukraine. Putin has asserted Russian national interests, defending Moscow’s independent foreign-policy course. In short, Russia is a retrograde, “homophobic,” nationalistic roadblock on the way to the globalist millennium. No wonder Hillary Clinton has compared Putin to Hitler: In her eyes, it all makes perfect sense. Putin and Russia symbolize all that the globalist mind despises. The globalists’ visceral hostility to Russia is not merely a hangover from the Cold War or an excuse for the perpetuation of a vast U.S. military-industrial-security complex—though hostility is stoked by those things as well. Russia and Putin are manifestations of what neocon and neoliberal globalists see as atavistic resistance to global progress; the world revolution demands that obstacles be removed from its path.

UPDATED: Trump Rattles Demopublican Foreign-Policy Establishment. GOOD.

China, Donald Trump, Foreign Policy

That’s why we elected him. To overthrow the Establishment that has taken America to one war after another, with zero gains for anyone but that Establishment. A phone call with Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen has rattled the Cabal. Kudos.

VIA The Hill:

[The] conversation that breaks decades of U.S. protocol and risks a clash with China.

Trump’s transition team confirmed late Friday that the president-elect had spoken by phone on Friday with Taiwan’s president, the first conversation between a U.S. president or president-elect with Taiwan’s leader since 1979, when the two countries severed diplomatic ties.

Trump later tweeted that Tsai initiated the conversation.

The Taiwanese leader “offered her congratulations” to Trump and the two leaders “noted the close economic, political, and security ties exists between Taiwan and the United States,” according to a statement from Trump’s team.

Tsai’s office said in its on statement that the pair spoke for about 10 minutes and also discussed the regional issues.

“During the call President Tsai and President-elect Trump, besides having an intimate and relaxed conversation, also shared their views and concepts on future important policy points,” a translation of the statement read. “In particular, to promote the domestic economy and strengthen national defense, allowing the people better lives and a guarantee of security. The two briefly exchanged opinions on the situation in the Asia region.”

The White House was not given advance notice about the call, according to an administration official.

The phone call will almost certainly infuriate Beijing, which sees Taiwan as a breakaway province. …