Category Archives: Anti-Semitism

South Africa Heads For Another Racial Census

Anti-Semitism, Democracy, Race, Racism, South-Africa

Writes our brilliant Afrikaner friend (and I never use the word “brilliant” in vain), Dan Roodt: “South Africa is today an insane society, modeled upon an Ayn Rand nightmare where the looters govern and the producers, entrepreneurs and taxpayers are constantly harassed for handing over more of their wealth. Out of a total population of 46 million people, 12 million South Africans now receive so-called government ‘grants.’ They and their dependents – who amount to probably more than 20 million people or half the population – survive on these government handouts. They do not work, yet receive childcare allowances, pensions, free housing, water, electricity, healthcare and schooling.” …

“South Africa is headed for another racial census, a.k.a. an ‘election’ on 22 April – with the predictable outcome of returning another ANC government to power. Given that South African blacks represent 80% of the population, there is absolutely no way in which the ANC could lose.” …

“Instead of dissipating over time amid the constant din of South African liberals who believe that the country has ‘finally transcended race’ or is on its way to doing so, race and identity remain at the core of South African politics. No less a man than Harvard political scientist Samual Huntington once observed that South Africa was one of those countries condemned to a ‘conflict of civilizations,’ with a formerly white-dominated Western country currently being Africanised by the demographically dominant black population and its Afrocentric leadership.” …

The complete column is “South Africa heads for another racial census.” Read the rest of it on PRAAG, where my column occasionally appears as well.

South Africa Heads For Another Racial Census

Anti-Semitism, Democracy, Race, Racism, South-Africa

Writes our brilliant Afrikaner friend (and I never use the word “brilliant” in vain), Dan Roodt: “South Africa is today an insane society, modeled upon an Ayn Rand nightmare where the looters govern and the producers, entrepreneurs and taxpayers are constantly harassed for handing over more of their wealth. Out of a total population of 46 million people, 12 million South Africans now receive so-called government ‘grants.’ They and their dependents – who amount to probably more than 20 million people or half the population – survive on these government handouts. They do not work, yet receive childcare allowances, pensions, free housing, water, electricity, healthcare and schooling.” …

“South Africa is headed for another racial census, a.k.a. an ‘election’ on 22 April – with the predictable outcome of returning another ANC government to power. Given that South African blacks represent 80% of the population, there is absolutely no way in which the ANC could lose.” …

“Instead of dissipating over time amid the constant din of South African liberals who believe that the country has ‘finally transcended race’ or is on its way to doing so, race and identity remain at the core of South African politics. No less a man than Harvard political scientist Samual Huntington once observed that South Africa was one of those countries condemned to a ‘conflict of civilizations,’ with a formerly white-dominated Western country currently being Africanised by the demographically dominant black population and its Afrocentric leadership.” …

The complete column is “South Africa heads for another racial census.” Read the rest of it on PRAAG, where my column occasionally appears as well.

Palestinians: Eternal Troublemakers, To Arabs Too

Anti-Semitism, Israel, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Jihad, Palestinian Authority

The excerpt is from my new WND column, Palestinians: Eternal Troublemakers, To Arabs Too.”

“To liberals, a designation that encompasses most contemporary ‘conservatives,’ aggression signals oppression. The Palestinian plight is the fault of reckless leaders, Palestinian and Israeli.”

The liberal West honestly believes that bad leaders are what shackle backward peoples.

“Be it in Africa or Arabia, liberals labor under the romantic delusion that the effects of millennia of development-resistant, fatalistic, superstitious and cruel cultures can be cured by an infusion of foreign aid, and by the removal of the Mugabes and Haniyas of the respective regions.” …

The complete column is Palestinians: Eternal Troublemakers – To Arabs, Too.”

Jews To The Ovens!

Anti-Semitism, IMMIGRATION, Islam, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Jihad

A pinko awakens to the reality of importing savagery by mass immigration (via

The text:

“This morning I watched a frightening episode in the public life of America. It was a demonstration by, say, 200 Muslim immigrants in Fort Lauderdale against the Israeli air strikes over Gaza. Now, the first amendment protects such demos, and I would not for a moment want to curb them. But I ask each of you to pay attention to the details of what was being shouted. Especially by the young women screaming, ‘Jews to the ovens.’ No jihad in America, huh? Do we want such immigrants in our country?”

The images:


And this from a 2004 column of mine, “Muslim Immigration Time Bomb Ignored by American Jews”:

“A gathering danger threatens the Jews of America—to whom George Washington promised peace and goodwill in a 1790 address to a synagogue congregation in Newport, Rhode Island.” …

“In Canada, Muslims now greatly outnumber Jews. What remains of a European Jewry devastated by the Holocaust comes under daily assaults and threats, mostly from the 20-million strong Muslim community.”

“American Jewry is next. Second only to another immigrant constituency—Latinos—the relatively new (roughly 30-year-old) Muslim community is the most anti-Semitic community in the U.S.”

“But its exponential growth through immigration has failed to alarm Jewish leaders. Listening to them, you would think that the chief dangers to Jewish continuity are marauding Mormons (their sin is converting dead Jews) or Mel Gibson, whose movie The Passion of the Christ, they predicted, would unleash “pogroms in Pittsburgh.'”