Category Archives: Communism

UPDATE III (5/11): NEW COLUMN: Earth To Conservatives: The Problem Is ‘Systemic Anti-Whiteness,’ Not Marxism, Not ID Politics

Argument, Communism, Conservatism, Critical Race Theory, Logic, Political Correctness, Race, Racism, Reason, Republicans, South-Africa

NEW COLUMN is, “Earth To Conservatives: The Problem Is ‘Systemic Anti-Whiteness,’ Not Marxism, Not ID Politics.” It’s currently on The Unz Review, WND.COM, CNSNews,
and American Greatness.

An excerpt:

Institutionalized, systemic anti-whiteness, yoked to white hot, hatred of whites: That is the creed that is fast becoming entrenched across state and civil society in the U.S.

Chiseled down, these are also the building blocks of Critical Race Theory, a specious, subintelligent concoction, originated by subpar intellectuals.

The Critical Race project now pervades private and political life.

A further twist of the screw (or the shrew) was delivered recently by Vice President Kamala Harris, who insists on yammering about white America’s historic racism.

In practice, whites are being singled out for a punishing, institutionalized program of reeducation, subjugation and continued intimidation.

Dangerous in isolation, the entrenchment of anti-white animus is indisputable. It is made worse in combination with the conservative cognoscenti’s inability to come out with it. Too many conservatives euphemize our anti-white culture.

In particular, they will typically deflect from any anti-white outrage du jour by dubbing it identity politics: “Boohoo. Democrats are dividing us via identity politics.” This is an obfuscation.

Here’s why: Blacks are not being pitted against Hispanics. Hispanics are not being sicced on Asians, and Ameri-Indians aren’t being urged to attack the groups just mentioned. Rather, they’re all piling on honky. Hence, anti-white politics or animus. The multicultural multitudes are gunning for whites and their putative privilege.

The tarring of whites is now close to becoming a curricular requirement in education (primary, secondary, tertiary), and from entertainment to technology, anti-white racial “redress” is the all-important object of industry.

When they are not lamenting Democrat-driven, divisive “identity politics”; conservatives will wax to you about Marxism and communism. The anti-white theoretical kudzu enervating every aspect of life is, apparently, just a manifestation of the radical Left’s Marxism. Or, so you are told. This further downplays the anti-white project of the purveyors of Critical Race policy prescriptions.

Put it this way: If your first response to “Kill the Farmer, Kill the Boer,” chanted by South Africa’s murderous Julius Malema, is, “Marxism, identity politics”—you are going to come short in the survival department. …

READ THE REST… NEW COLUMN is “Earth To Conservatives: The Problem Is ‘Systemic Anti-Whiteness,’ Not Marxism, Not ID Politics.” It’s currently on The Unz Review, WND.COM, CNSNews, and American Greatness.

UPDATES I (5/7): Genocide Watch Wokes Up

Jack Kerwick Got It, In 2012:

Anti-whiteness warnings:

Google voids searches?

The Regime:

UPDATE II (5/8): An impressive reader, who first wrote after my appearance on Michelle Malkin’s Sovereign Nation:

From: eric
Sent: Saturday, May 8, 2021 6:05 AM

Dear Comrades & Friends,

[HERE] is the LINK to [the courageous] CNSNews for an exceptional linguistically accurate yet frightening article by Misses Ilana Mercer. This intelligent courageous lady, who originally came from South Africa, goes straight to the jugular vein for the truth of the matter: she clearly states that pigmentation, skin colour does matter, because it is about hating, murdering and reducing Whites and their European culture and traditions to nothing but a zero factor in the history of mankind. Also, inherently her criticism of the wrong terminology used by The Right reveals nothing but deliberate ignorance, by this I mean they suffer from the psychological disorder known as Confabulation, pseudo-intellectualism and, I will say, cowardice on the part of its doyens, … Those who say skin colour or race does not enter the equation should not avoid the internal LINK in Misses Mercer’s article “Kill The Farmer, Kill The Boer” by Mister Loyiso Sidimba.
God Bless You All & The Brave Ilana, Eric

You Need A New Paradigm To Understand American Institutional Rot

Affirmative Action, America, Communism, Democracy, Democrats, Political Philosophy, Race, Republicans, Socialism, South-Africa

American institutional rot has gone well beyond the neat labels of progressivism, or socialism, or communism. The ideology of progressivism, for example, certainly the debate over it—this is a First World luxury.

Besides, “Western democracies are third-way political and economic systems. They are already heavily socialized. Once Western societies go from third way to third world, debate over communism will cease, for communism will have arrived.” (From, “Wake Up. Systemic Anti-Whiteness Is Deadly. Witness South Africa,” October 15, 2020.)

I’d argue that the reality into which America’s deformed social reformers have thrusts us is better understood by reading the tale of South Africa, through the prism of Into the Cannibal’s Post: Lessons For America From Post-Apartheid South Africa, where American reformers were destructively instrumental, too.

Turning Point USA’s Bread-And-Circuses Conservatism

Celebrity, Communism, Conservatism, Intelligence, Kids, Political Economy, Political Philosophy, Republicans, Socialism

Faced with urban unrest, government that will never be limited again, institutionalized antiwhite hatred (it’s not identity politics, Candace Owens, it’s anti-white politics) and the attendant endemic violence, not to mention financial collapse—Turning Point USA has only a “bread and circuses” conservatism to offer conservative kids attending a Student Action Summit.

With respect to TPUSA vaporizing about socialism constantly, the kids should consider this warning  (from “Wake Up. Systemic Anti-Whiteness Is Deadly. Witness South Africa,” October 15, 2020):

“Dissecting and decrying communism is an ideological luxury, the province of relatively wealthy, stable, developed democracies.”—ILANA Mercer

When your society is overrun by barbarians, socialism will be the last thing you’ll be sitting down to bargain for with your captives.

UPDATED: NEW COLUMN: Wake-Up. Systemic Anti-Whiteness Is Deadly. Witness South Africa

Argument, Capitalism, Communism, Race, Racism, Republicans, South-Africa, The West


Wake-Up. Systemic Anti-Whiteness Is Deadly. Witness South Africa.”

The column is made all the more urgent given the race riots stateside, ongoing with impunity, and those in Senekal, South Africa, over the lynching of farmer Brendan Horner, one among many thousands.


How is it possible to debate Critical Race Theory yet fail to mention its salient characteristic—that it is exclusively and ethnocidally anti-white?

One Federalist piece, “Critical Race Theory Is A Classic Communist Divide-And-Conquer Tactic,” brings it back to communism. Quite how this adds up is unclear, but the author decries a way of thinking that exploits the amorphous “tragedy of racial divisions in America.” In essence, some bad people with a communistic manual and mindset aren’t interested in healing us.

Really? Did communism, an equal-opportunity oppressor, revolve around the exclusive blackening of whites?

Western democracies are third way political and economic systems. They are already heavily socialized. Once Western societies go from third way to third world, debate over communism will cease, for communism will have arrived.

In other words, dissecting and decrying Communism is an ideological luxury, the province of relatively wealthy, stable, developed democracies.

America is indeed racially divided. Blacks, for the most, hate whites for a variety of unjust reasons, not least the incessant, institutionalized, propagandizing by other progressive whites. Deal with this truth! Communism is but an intellectual crutch.

By deferring to communism and ducking anti-white animus, the ever-quaking commentariat cloaks itself in the raiment of respectable argument.

Then there is that Uriah Heep like obsequiousness. Going by the aforementioned Federalist writer, Beltway conservatives refuse to even take credit for the “oppressive” culture for which Europeans are being berated. Ludicrously, they universalize the creed, the Protestant Ethic.

Recall the “Smithsonian display on whiteness” that condemned as “white” all elements of a civilized society, including politeness, hard work, self-reliance, logic, planning, delayed gratification, and family cohesion?

“None of those are ‘white’ values,” says the author cited , as she criticizes Critical Race Theory for framing them as white.

Imagine being so apologetic as to wash your hands of a really cool thing you invented, evolved or were born into: Western civilization.

Almost all these values are most pronounced in the European culture. One might even pin them down to Western Europe, because the sanctity of a man’s word, the handshake, culminating in the legally binding contract—these are some of the cultural and religious values that allowed capitalism to take off particularly well in the Anglosphere. Arguably, these are not part of the East European ethos.

Podcaster Dave Rubin also won’t say “anti-white.” Critical Race Theory is … wait for it, “racist.” Racist? Is Critical Race Theory anti-black, anti-Hispanic, anti-Asian, anti-Amerindian?

Even City Journal writer Christopher Rufo, a formidable warrior against institutionalized Critical Race Theory, still can’t bring himself to say it. …

… READ the complete column, “Wake-Up. Systemic Anti-Whiteness Is Deadly. Witness South Africa,” at

UPDATE: Killer lines from the American Renaissance version of the column:

Not finished article, but I most like this poignant line:

By deferring to communism and identity politics, and ducking anti-white animus, the ever-quaking conservatives cloak themselves in the raiment of respectable argument.—ilana

On the Unz Review, where the article is unabridged, animalogic drills down well on the communism-Critical Race Theory comparison:

Good article Ilana. Linking critical race theory (CRT) to communism is not based on facts (communism is totally based on materialist philosophy, not the anti-empiricist, anti-science, & a priori nonsense of CRT). Nor is it useful: it clouds the CRT issue & sends it off down a cul-de-sac.
Its also vital to not deflect from the fundamental truth that CRT is in its essence anti-white racism