Category Archives: Constitution

GOP Debate: America-First Alliance Emerges, Neoconservatives Neutralized

Constitution, Elections, Foreign Policy, Islam, Terrorism

“GOP Debate: America-First Alliance Emerges” is the latest column, now on WND. An excerpt:

… On the foreign policy front, an alliance emerged that saw Trump, Paul and Cruz unite to advance an America First foreign policy, and to volubly oppose the foreign policy forays of Rubio, aka Genghis Bush aka Dick Cheney aka Jeb Bush aka John Kasich aka Carly Fiorina.

Thus when Chris Christie – who also shares the ideological cockpit with the neoconservatives – vowed to down Russian planes if they crossed a no fly zone he’d establish in Syria, Paul was quick to interject: “There’s your candidate to start World War III.”

“If we want to defeat terrorism, the boots on the ground need to be Arab boots on the ground,” insisted Sen. Paul splendidly. Then he went and spoiled it all by saying something stupid like, “If we ban Muslim immigration, the terrorists will have won.”

“The terrorists win if Americans don’t do as the politicians say” is reverse psychology and cliché rolled into one. The prez also keeps saying, “Dare do x, y or z on matters Muslim, and you guaranteed that ISIS wins.” Or, “ISIS wants you to do x, y, and z.”

First, how do these asses know what ISIS wants? Or, are Barack Obama and Sen. Paul simply ass-uming they know? It is more likely the two politicians are using reverse psychology to get Americans to comply with their own wishes.

In any event, if ISIS wants you, America, to do what in your estimation is best for you–perhaps ISIS is right and the president is wrong. Perhaps ISIS is right and Rand Paul is wrong.

So, Sen. Paul, we’ll take that long moratorium on Muslim immigration. It’s a winner for Americans. If ISIS approves, too, so be it. ISIS is happy; we are happy; everybody is happy; we all win. …

Read the complete column. “GOP Debate: America-First Alliance Emerges” is now on WND.

Why Does Paul Ryan Conflate Bill Of Rights With Refugee Bill Of Goods?!

Constitution, Homeland Security, IMMIGRATION, Law, Reason, Republicans, UN

Paul Ryan is no Ted Cruz. Ryan’s illogical statements already grate. On Fox News, the other day, Paul Ryan disavowed a religious test in accepting refugees. We believe in religious freedom, he said, hence a preference for Christians over Muslims is “not who we are.” (I dissect the “not who we are” cudgel in tomorrow’s WND column.)

Wait a sec, Mr. Ryan, the so-called right to immigrate here irrespective of religion is not the same thing as the right of religious freedom. From the fact that Americans have a constitutional right to religious freedom, it doesn’t flow that refugees from all faiths must be welcome.

Don’t panic. As it is, the US privileges Muslims: “2,098 Syrian Muslim refugees were allowed into America, but only 53 Christians.”

As reported by, demographic change in the US is entirely the product of legal admissions–”it is a formal policy of the federal government adopted by Congress.” Thus,

Another major source of Middle Eastern immigration into the United States is done through our nation’s refugee program. Every year the United Stated admits 70,000 asylees and refugees. Arabic is the most common language spoken by refugees, and 91.4 percent of refugees from the Middle East are on food stamps.

In the same Fox News exchange, it transpired that Ryan loves our refugee laws—they are important legislation, he said on that occasion. But why? Like most positive law, US refugee law is written by and for special interests, starting with one of the most corrupt UN agencies, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). Besides who approved these refugee laws? Likely fewer than 535 law makers legislating on behalf of 323 million people who have to live with the law’s consequences.

UPDATED: On Refugee Reparations & Paul Ryan’s Weasel Words

Barack Obama, Bush, Constitution, Critique, Democracy, Hillary Clinton, Homeland Security, IMMIGRATION, Law, libertarianism

Bush, Cheney, Clinton and Obama started the wars that eventually caused entire Middle-Eastern populations to be on the move. Personally, I think these American politicians and their respective cabals (Samantha Power and the Rices, Condi and Susan) should pay reparations, out of their personal fortunes, to Iraqi, Syrian and Afghani refugees. No qualifying test required.

Libertarian justice aside, Laura Ingraham has been ahead of Ann Coulter in evolving away from establishment Republicans and their weasel words, as was noted in this space, in July of 2014. Now Ingraham is doing her listeners a service by alerting them to how “Paul Ryan is using the language of the Left to advocate a new Republican way forward”:

“By opposing a ‘religious test’ for refugees, the new House Speaker Paul Ryan is ‘using the language of the left,’ ‘the language of Obama.'”

“Nobody is talking about a religious test,” counters Ingraham, “we are talking about a test of leadership, for the American people to finally see their leaders—Obama and the Republicans—standing up for the American people.”

Not quite. A religious test is inherent in refugee legislation, as religious persecution is grounds for a request for asylum. However, and by the sound of it, Americans are sick and tired of laws passed in contravention of their rights and interests.

More materially, there is nothing in the thousands of bills dreamed up by representatives, annually, that remotely approximates the will of a self-governing people and their exclusive interests. I mean, poor, working-class whites are dying in inordinate numbers in the US. Who do these local refugees turn to for redress? The left-liberal establishment (GOP included), which finds the exotic more sympathetic?

UPDATE: As Christians die across the Muslim world, America’s leaders feel the urgency of importing more Muslims:

Jeff Sessions (R-AL), “chairmen of the Commerce, Justice, and Science Appropriations and Immigration and the National Interest subcommittees respectively, issued the following statement, 11/17. It’s a little soft, but better than most:

… Under our nation’s current policy, the President simply brings in as many refugees as he wants. Refugees are entitled to access all major welfare programs, and they can also draw benefits directly from the Medicare and Social Security disability and retirement trust funds – taking those funds straight from the pockets of American retirees who paid into these troubled funds all of their lives.

Our immigration and refugee policies must serve the interests of our nation and protect the security of the American people. After admitting 1.5 million migrants from Muslim countries on lifetime visas since 9/11, it is time to assist in relocating Muslim migrants within their home region rather than relocating large numbers to the United States. It simply cannot be our policy to encourage a mass migration of entire populations from their homelands, a strategy that will only further destabilize the region and bring threats of terrorism deep inside our shores.” …

UPDATED: Continuum Of Propaganda: Yale, U Of Missouri & YOUR Child’s School

Constitution, Education, Founding Fathers, Government, Political Correctness, Political Philosophy, Propaganda, Religion

Parents with a traditionalist, conservative or libertarian mindset please pause to carefully consider the following: If your kids are in the country’s primary, secondary and tertiary educational gulag, however well they are doing, they are being brainwashed.

The specter of frightened white men, on the nation’s campuses, resigning in fear of a mob rising in rage against … hurtful words and gestures—all constitutionally protected speech—is an organic extension of the entire American educational ethos, down to YOUR child’s school. What these affluent kids are rioting for—to silence and purge dissent and dissidents—they were taught in varying degrees in secondary, even primary schools.

You cannot counter it by yourself; you’re too busy being productive, living a good life. Pedagogues rely on your life being too chaotic to familiarize yourself with, for instance, the politicized process of textbook and course material selection that ensures your child never ever comes away believing in the correctness of the philosophy that animated the republic’s Founding Fathers, or in the originalist intention of the US Constitution. (Don’t be gulled: Kids will learn about theories of constitutional interpretation. But they’ll also come away with the distinct belief that originalism is a quaint thing reserved for kooks.)

But in order to counter the Sovietized nature of the schooling system, a parent cannot be remiss—he must be aware of it, know he is powerless to counter its complex, systemic, enervating nature alone, and access suitable resources to supplement a child’s education.

For example: Homeschool Courses by historian Tom Woods. Or this writer’s economics and other columns, always richly sourced, to be found in the Articles Archive. (Friends of liberty, please write in, here and at Facebook, with your suggestions of scholarly material. I have opened this blog post for your Comment.)

Having a child in the public schools system comes with the responsibility to know your child is being programmed and to be prepared to deprogram or unshackle him.

Consider: The University of Missouri is one of the nation’s top-tier R1 institutions. Yale needs no introduction. There is nothing unique in Mizzou’s militant mob, now joined by Yale’s equally odious protests, as these losers unite against hurtful words and unpleasant ideas. The horrifying thing is that the histrionics at Yale are the winners of tomorrow; the people who’ll man (or woman) the human resources department of America’s companies, to enforce conformity.

Fact: Yale and Mizzou students are oblivious to the cherished American tenets of freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, freedom of religion; diversity of thought. Why? When Allan Bloom wrote the Closing of the American Mind: How Higher Education Has Failed Democracy and Impoverished the Souls of Today’s Students, in 1987, he addressed what he knew: the modern university.

But the rot didn’t happen there and it didn’t unfold overnight. The making of our mindless, philosophically and ethically bereft millennials happened over time.

The seeds of the bizarre contagion spreading across American campuses were sown in your kids’ schools.

UPDATE (11/14): Following the Paris attacks of 11/13, B. Hussein Obama blah-blahed about America’s flaccid affinity for liberty, equality, fraternity, the French national motto. Thanks to our public school system, your kids are none-the-wiser about the fact that America’s founding principles of life, liberty and property are the philosophical opposite of the French Revolution.

Did not the Jacobins eliminate, butcher, massacre the clergy class, to name but one kinda significant difference? Our Founders revered institutions of faith and their role in a self-governing, moral society