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“This just in: The Secret Service backed by the District of Columbia Police Department is battling thousands of protesters outside President Barack Obama’s 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue ‘palace,’ prompting the socialist ‘leader to leave the building. Officers fired teargas at up to 10,000 demonstrators angered by Obama’s November … decree that expanded his powers. ‘The people want the downfall of the regime,’ the demonstrators chant. ‘Our marches are against tyranny and the constitutional … decree, and we won’t retract our position until our demands are met.'”
The excerpt was from “Walk Like an Egyptian,” the current column. Read more about “the competing realities presented” by an apoplectic press with “a stars-and-stripes bias,” and my hope that Americans act more like Egyptians.
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The Republican’s “counter bid” in the farce known as the fiscal cliff entails a proposed $800bn in new taxes, derived from closing “special-interest loopholes and deductions,” as well as an alleged (no doubt token) reduction in rates for all. The treachery was to be expected.
Obama, for his part, is showing the Republicans the middle finger, insisting on $1.6 trillion in new taxes, against a delayed promise of a measly “$400 billion in spending cuts to come later. Obama also demanded $50 billion in new stimulus.”
AND, the Dear Leader took the opportunity to grab new powers. Obama is demanding “executive authorization to override the debt ceiling at any time and by any amount he desires.” This, surely, is a formality. If he runs short of money, Dear Leader will turn to The Ben Bernanke to make The Money. (See “Quantitative Easing Explained.”)
Ralph Nader thinks the Killer Drone is even worse than Genghis Bush.
Whereas we in the US lionize our top dogs, mistaking the political overlords for benefactors, Egyptians have no delusions about their “sons of 60 dogs,” an apt Egyptian expression for their political masters.
So after removing one “son of 60 dogs” (President Mohamed Husni Mubarak), they elected another (Mohamed Morsy), this time democratically. These admirably rebellious people are now revolting against Morsy for issuing a “decree, late on Thursday.”
it marks an effort by Morsi to consolidate his influence after he successfully sidelined Mubarak-era generals in August. It defends from judicial review decisions taken by Morsi until a new parliament is elected in a vote expected early next year.
It also shields the Islamist-dominated assembly writing Egypt’s new constitution from a raft of legal challenges that have threatened the body with dissolution, and offers the same protection to the Islamist-controlled upper house of parliament.
Egypt’s highest judicial authority, the Supreme Judicial Council, said the decree was an “unprecedented attack” on the independence of the judiciary.
In American “democracy” such decrees are known as executive orders. For example, Obama passed an immigration law by extra-constitutional directive shortly before the election.
Americans didn’t riot. They never do. (Besides, rioting about free-for-all Third World immigration is racist.)