Category Archives: Crime

Joel Pollak Knows Diddlysquat About South Africa, Old & New

Crime, Democracy, IMMIGRATION, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, South-Africa

Some pipsqueak, Joel Pollak, has written a deeply silly, short, insubstantial piece about South Africa. “Blue State Blues: My Immigrant Father’s Warning—’When Illegality Becomes the Law'” is sufficiently shallow, ahistoric and counterfactual to elicit emotions at, without taxing critical thinking. Pollak, who should know better as he is from South Africa, is an example of the convergence of American liberalism and conservatism. Conservatism in the US is leftism by any other name, when it comes to most things, but especially South Africa.

More people are murdered in a week under Democracy than were murdered by the National Party over 40 years of rule. Read Dan Rood’s response.

Joel Pollak Knows Squat About South Africa, Old & New
By Dan Roodt

Joel Pollak’s article is just way off the mark in every respect. What Obama’s executive decree on immigration has got to do with South Africa is a complete mystery. If anything, Obama’s actions are a lot closer to what Pollak’s parents did, trashing a country that had nurtured and educated them in favour of the unknown and siding with radical liberals and communists seeking the overthrow of the legal government of South Africa.

The number of people who “disappeared” during forty years of Afrikaner rule from 1948 to 1994 may be counted on one hand and those who were victims of police brutality like Steve Biko were immortalized by the hysterical liberal media. Those same media ignored the car bombs on the streets or in restaurants planted by terrorists sponsored by the ex-Soviet Union, East Germany and the equally crazy Sweden.

Terrorism is still an international crime. Terrorism and disinformation brought South Africa to its knees. One of the first things that the new revolutionary government did in 1994 was to abolish all forms of border control, letting our country be swamped by illegal immigrants. Our legal system which used to be far better and more efficient than in most Western countries, scrupulously maintained by well-trained and professional jurists, has been perverted by an anti-white constitution and activist liberal judges who abolished the death penalty and introduced same-sex marriage against the will of all the people, white and black.

The same liberal screamers in the media who excoriated police action against terrorists and communist revolutionaries in South Africa are now completely silent about the 700 people who die annually in police custody or the 15% of police who have criminal records. Not to forget the 77 homicides taking place every day. Since the advent of so-called “democracy” in South Africa – which is little more than mob rule – over 500 000 people have been murdered, between 15 and 20 million women have been raped and our major cities have become the equivalent of Detroit.

South Africa used to be a pillar of Western civilization. Betrayed by the likes of Mr. Joel Pollak and his parents, it has now become a kind of science-fiction dystopia where up to 500 people are murdered annually for body parts to be used in black magic potions, while you order your “medicine” from your witchdoctor on a mobile phone. There are Ferguson-style riots and protests almost every day, routinely ignored by the liberal MSM as they consider rioting a normal function of “democracy.”

This very afternoon there were blackouts all over the country as our once proud electrical utility, Eskom, ruined by corruption, mismanagement, theft and race preferences (“affirmative action”), is struggling to keep the grid running.

As Ilana Mercer warns in her prescient book “Into The Cannibal’s Pot”, the USA is at risk of following in South Africa’s footsteps. A minority of ultraliberals and communists will assemble voting cattle from across your borders, whip them up with racial and ethnic resentment against traditional white Americans, and then rule forever while pillaging your country.

The recipe has already been applied in South Africa and the utter devastation is there for all to see.


DAN ROODT, Ph.D., is a noted Afrikaner activist, author, literary critic and director of PRAAG (which features my weekly column). He is the author of the polemical essay, “The Scourge of the ANC”.

Black Caesar, Black AG

Conflict, Crime, Law, Race, Racism

Other than interfering with the decision of Missouri Governor Jay Nixon to declare a state of emergency in Ferguson, on the eve of the grand jury’s decision in the matter of Michael Brown, as well as instructing local law enforcement authorities in “proper” policing, not to mention inserting himself qua long-suffering black man into the narrative of oppression—the attorney general of black America, Eric Holder, delivered these not-so veiled introductions, Friday:

* To Police: “It is vital to engage in planning and preparation, from evaluating protocols and training to choosing the appropriate equipment and uniforms.” (How about adding garlands around the neck, Hawaii-style?)

* Guess whose side the AG is on: The “demonstrations and protests … have sought to bring attention to real and significant underlying issues involving police practices, implicit bias, and pervasive community distrust.”

* Listen-up, you “nation of cowards,” hurry up and change your errant ways: “… demonstrations like these have the potential to spark a sustained and positive national dialogue, to provide momentum to a necessary conversation, and to bring about critical reform.”

* “… progress will not come easily, and long-simmering tensions will not be cooled overnight. These struggles go to the heart of who we are, and who we aspire to be [an Obama oft-repeated cliché], both as a nation and as a people—and it is clear that we have a great deal of important work to do.”

True to type, Holder has taken sides.


The Hateful Eric Holder

Barack Obama, Capitalism, Crime, Race, Racism

While he’s a legal positivist, a militarist, and loves Lincoln for every unpardonable crime Honest Abe ever committed—Mark Levin offers good commentary on a good many issues. Unlike the rest on radio, he’s smart. Today he nailed Eric Holder, who had rushed to Ferguson, Missouri, to racialize the shooting of Michael Brown, but who has said nothing on the murder of a string of white girls by, allegedly, one Jesse Matthew, a black man. Likewise, Obama is mum about “cops and soldiers coming under attack,” but wouldn’t shut up about his personal affinity for Trayvon Martin.

Admirable too is Levin’s ongoing offensive against establishment Republicans, Chris Cristie of late, and the “Chamber of Crony Capitalism,” whose business it is to collude with government to obtain corporate welfare and subsidies (amnesty) and undermine free-market capitalism. “They use the nomenclature of liberty,” says Levin, to bamboozle.

More on Mark:

“Secession, Not Convention, Offers Salvation”

“Conned About Marriage, Constitution And ‘States’ Rights'”

“Levin Claims Liberty’s Language”

“Natural Law Vs. The War Powers Resolution”

There’s Always A Way To Blame Honky

Ann Coulter, Crime, Justice, Race, Racism, Sport

To paraphrase the old nursery rhyme, When she’s good she’s very very good. (But when she’s bad, she’s horrid!.) Ann Coulter on the chain of blame at the NFL:

… once the MSM figured out how to blame a white guy for a black athlete punching his fiancee … the only news was about Ray Rice and – the true villain – NFL Commissioner Roger Goddell …

There’s always a way to blame honky.