Category Archives: Elections

Pravda Pities the US, And With Good Reason

Barack Obama, Elections, Intellectualism, Intelligence, Political Philosophy, Russia, Socialism, Taxation

Writing against Barack Obama in Pravda, Xavier Lerma offered his assessment of Obama and the people that reelected him. To capture the gist of Mr. Lerma’s (somewhat unartful but truthful) article, here’s a riff on an old joke: These days, if you send your son to Moscow he will return an anti-Communist; send him to Washington and he will return a Communist. (Your daughter will probably lean left wherever she goes. “Sisters love Uncle Sam.”)

Doff of the hat to Lou Dobbs and The Examiner for the Lerma link:.

….Recently, Obama has been re-elected for a 2nd term by an illiterate society and he is ready to continue his lies of less taxes while he raises them. He gives speeches of peace and love in the world while he promotes wars as he did in Egypt, Libya and Syria. He plans his next war is with Iran as he fires or demotes his generals who get in the way. …
…O’bomber even keeps the war going along the Mexican border with projects like “fast and furious” and there is still no sign of ending it. He is a Communist without question promoting the Communist Manifesto without calling it so. How shrewd he is in America. His cult of personality mesmerizes those who cannot go beyond their ignorance. They will continue to follow him like those fools who still praise Lenin and Stalin in Russia. Obama’s fools and Stalin’s fools share the same drink of illusion.

The Examiner provides an example (one among tens of millions) of the Idiocracy that elected Obama. He is Oscar-winning actor Jamie Foxx, who said this “on a previously recorded broadcast of the Soul Train Awards on Black Entertainment Television (BET) Sunday:

‘Give an honor to God and our lord and savior Barack Obama. Barack Obama.’”

Republican Attack Dogs Go For Mitt Romney, Again

Elections, Ethics, Etiquette, Gender, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Political Economy, Politics, Race, Republicans

A good gauge of Republican treachery is the manner in which these drag queens of politics (no offense to drag queens) have beaten up on Mitt Romney whenever he spoke the truth.

They still do.

Romeny’s latest manifestly true words were these, via the New York Times:

In explaining his overwhelming electoral college defeat last week, Romney said Obama followed what he called the “old playbook” of seeking votes from specific interest groups, “especially the African-American community, the Hispanic community and young people,” the New York Times said. “In each case they were very generous in what they gave to those groups,” he added, according to the paper.
The question of how to appeal to the nation’s changing demographics is sensitive for Republicans, especially because Romney lost the non-white vote so badly to Obama, the nation’s first African American president.

Republican Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, Fat Man Newt Gingrich, New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez (deemed another GOP rising star), MSNBC token conservative, and “Morning Joe” co-host, Joe Scarborough: All these deeply stupid Republicans can’t quite say why Mitt Romney’s analysis of the role of the give-me constituency in his electoral loss is incorrect. All they can do is malign the man because their jobs as electable parasites hinge on maligning Mitt Romney.

Establishment Republicans make me sick: lead me to the vomitorium, please.

Joining the cobra head that rose to spit at Romney was Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker. But leading the pack in puke factor was Obama’s New BFF (Best Friend Forever), New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R). No one beats that bit of human waste when it comes to political back stabbing.

As the Republican doctrine has it, it is impermissible to observe that America is riven by race and gender.

White Millennials Are Not Complete Morons

Barack Obama, Democracy, Democrats, Elections, Multiculturalism, Race, Republicans

Scroll down to the “Vote by Age and Race” breakdown, on CNN. Buried in the exit poll analysis was this tidbit:

Whites aged 18-29 years backed Mitt Romney by 51 percent to 44 percent, giving the Republican candidate an 11 percent edge. (And remember that, “Ultimately, elections are about perception—the way in which the people perceive the political planks of the two parties. The American people perceive the Democratic Party as the party of entitlements. They think of the Republican Party as the party of austerity.” To the extent they cast a vote for the latter, to that extent they are against the moocher mentality.)

No longer able to ignore the differing racial voting patterns that emerged in the 2012 election, USA Today seconded the above fact in the analysis titled, “A nation moving further apart.”

“Among younger voters, African Americans and Hispanics slipped slightly in their support [for BHO]; the significant erosion was among whites under 30. In 2008, they had backed Obama by 10 points. This time, they support [sic] Romney by eight.”

The sense of loss is etched allover these fresh faces.

Oops: The most celebrated, centrally planned, multicultural mobocracy has failed. You win some you lose some, right? What’s a country between friends, hey? I hope the gamble was worth it.

My, my, and how individuals like Dick Morris muddied matters.

UPDATE II: The D-Bomb Has Dropped

Democrats, Elections, IMMIGRATION, Private Property, Republicans, The State, The West, Welfare

The current column, now on RT, is “The D-Bomb Has Dropped.” Here’s an excerpt:

“…People with higher incomes constitute a minority, an economically dominant minority (to paraphrase Amy Chua). People with low incomes are in the majority, a politically dominant majority.

The rich are politically impoverished; the poor politically rich. The rich dominate the economy, the poor dominate the polity.

When elections roll around, the politically powerful exact their revenge against the economically powerful.

What kind of a right gives one man control over another man’s life? In a democracy, the right to vote does just that.

As for demographics; they have become destiny. They were not necessarily so. Demographics have been the excuse central planners have advanced to persevere with immigration policies that destroy civil society and shore up the welfare state.

The now-waning West became great not because it outbred the rest of the world. The West was once great because of its human capital—innovation, exploration, science, philosophy; because of superior ideas, and the willingness to defend such a civilization, not because it was more populated than the rest of the world.

America doesn’t need more people; it needs better people.

Making nice with constituencies that vote repeatedly and habitually for the candidate who promises them more stuff is tantamount to sleeping with the enemy. The only voters who could be swayed by the promise of the free market are the Democratic Party’s Asian supporters, since they enjoy higher incomes and stabler families than the party’s Hispanic and black devotees.

Ultimately, elections are about perception—the way in which the people perceive the political planks of the two parties. …”

Read the rest of “The D-Bomb Has Dropped,” on RT.

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UPDATED I: Facebook THREAD: In reality, voting Republican does not shrink the state. On the contrary; Republicans are a reliable engine of government growth. But with the importation of constituencies that want stuff, the two parties are competing to satisfy that demand. Importing third-world dependents has only helped grow the welfare state.

UPDATE II: I needed a laugh. A friend needed one. We all need one. Here is Patrick J. Buchanan in one of his finest moments.